The Role of Private Wireless Networks in the Energy Industry

The energy and utility sectors occupy a unique position in the global landscape, serving as the bedrock of national infrastructures while demanding unparalleled levels of communication reliability, security, and uptime. These industries, encompassing everything from electricity and gas distribution to renewable energy generation, are characterized by critical requirements that necessitate robust communication networks. Amidst this backdrop, the deployment of private wireless networks has emerged as an essential element, reshaping how energy operations are conducted and monitored.

Navigating the Landscape of Energy Communication

Unlike many other industries, energy and utility companies have long cultivated sophisticated network infrastructure and internal expertise. With a historical focus on low latency demands and stringent reliability requirements, these sectors have often demanded 99.9999% uptime (up to six or seven nines of reliability).

Their networks can endure life cycles of 20-30 years, covering large geographical areas and even entire nations. These networks are designed to be resilient, ensuring operational continuity even in the face of adverse conditions.

The multifaceted nature of these industries, coupled with the necessity for real-time communication, has prompted the development of proprietary network infrastructures tailored to control and monitor assets, sites, and employees. Energy and utility companies are acutely aware of the need for low latency, making voice and data communication systems crucial. These networks are designed with an emphasis on redundancy, security, and resilience, with cybersecurity concerns taking center stage.

The Era of Convergence: Private Networks for Energy and Utilities

In recent years, a confluence of factors has led to the convergence of wireless networks and the energy and utility sectors. This convergence is marked by two critical shifts:

  1. Standardization of Wireless Technologies: With the widespread adoption of 4G and 5G cellular technologies, wireless networks have become more accessible beyond traditional mobile network operators (MNOs). Energy and utility companies are increasingly inclined to establish their own private networks, giving them greater control and ownership over their communication infrastructure.
  2. Transformation of Energy Assets: The energy landscape is undergoing a transformative shift driven by decentralization, data-driven operations, and interconnectedness. This transformation necessitates enhanced connectivity to enable real-time monitoring, control, and data collection across distributed assets.

The Value of Private Networks for Energy and Utilities

The growing demand for private networks in the energy and utility sectors is driven by a series of overarching changes, each elevating the need for enhanced connectivity, control, and information flow:

  • Infrastructure Modernization: Modernizing aging infrastructure with private networks facilitates real-time data collection, control, and flexibility. This allows for efficient asset management, automation, and streamlined repair and restoration processes, reducing downtime and enhancing resource allocation.
  • Employee Safety and Productivity: In hazardous environments, private networks significantly improve the safety of utility workers. They offer robust voice and video communication capabilities, ensuring seamless communication even in remote or challenging locations. Access to enterprise applications further enhances productivity by providing critical on-site information.
  • Climate Change and Decarbonization: The transition towards sustainable energy practices and the reduction of carbon emissions demands agile energy infrastructure. Private networks play a crucial role in supporting new methods of energy generation and storage, often in remote areas, by providing essential connectivity for real-time monitoring and control. This leads to optimized energy production and grid management, contributing to more sustainable operations.
  • Cybersecurity: Private networks come with enhanced security features and customization options. Energy and utility companies can implement stringent cybersecurity measures, ensuring the integrity of their critical operations and safeguarding sensitive data.
  • Adverse Weather and Disasters: With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, private networks bolster observation capabilities, network resilience, and critical communication systems. During disasters, these networks enable quicker response times, efficient coordination of resources, and improved situational awareness, ultimately minimizing the impact of adverse events.
  • Cost-Efficiency: In the long run, private networks can prove cost-effective for energy and utility companies. They allow for precise resource allocation and streamlined processes, reducing operational costs and improving overall efficiency.

The Importance of Network Planning in the Energy Sector

In the energy sector, where uninterrupted operations are crucial, private wireless networks have emerged as essential communication lifelines. However, their true potential lies in tailored network design, a cornerstone of their efficacy.

Designing Networks for Energy Excellence

Customized network design holds immense value for the energy sector, delivering benefits that align with its distinct needs:

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Customized network design in the energy sector allows for precise resource allocation, optimizing spectrum utilization and hardware placement. This strategic approach enhances cost-effectiveness and ensures efficient energy operations.
  • High reliability: Tailored network design considers challenging terrains and remote locations typical of energy facilities. Careful infrastructure planning, including access point and repeater placement, guarantees high reliability of the network functionality, even in remote areas.
  • Efficient Issue Resolution: Customized network design expedites issue identification by strategically placing monitoring and diagnostic tools throughout the network. This proactive approach minimizes downtime, preserving energy operations’ efficiency.
  • Enhanced Operational Performance: Tailored design optimizes network performance, ensuring consistent, high-quality connectivity. This reliability is vital for real-time energy management systems, enabling seamless monitoring and control of critical infrastructure.

iBwave: Elevating Energy Network Design

iBwave’s innovative solutions enhance energy network design by offering a range of capabilities:

Unmatched Prediction Accuracy: iBwave ensures the highest prediction accuracy, a cornerstone of reliable energy communication. You can use either iBwave Private Networks for designing Private LTE, 5G, and Wi-Fi together or our legacy best-in-class software, iBwave Design, for more complex venues and advanced features.

Versatile Network Integration: iBwave seamlessly caters to Private LTE, 5G, and Wi-Fi networks, addressing multifaceted connectivity needs in the energy industry.

Tailored Indoor/Outdoor Design for Energy Excellence: Our outdoor network planning solution, iBwave Reach, seamlessly integrates with iBwave Design to streamline campus network design, optimizing coverage for larger facilities with indoor and outdoor operational spaces that both require seamless connectivity. It leverages macro data for effective coverage planning, ensuring that all your sites are properly covered to maintain 100% uptime and operational reliability.

Seamless and Accurate On-Site Surveying: iBwave Mobile Survey, paired with the Epiq PRiSM scanner, allows you to survey and validate LTE, 5G, or Private Networks with precision and efficiency, saving you both time and costs. Unlike traditional scanners, the iBwave survey solution is lightweight, weighing under 6 ounces, and is very easy to use. There’s no need to lug around heavy, cumbersome equipment that’s difficult to operate. Just easy and cost-effective surveying.

If you want to go one step further, use iBwave Mobile Planner to start the network design on-site, using automatic access point placement to validate candidate locations as you go.

By leveraging iBwave’s solutions, energy companies elevate accuracy, streamline operations, and establish robust private networks aligned with industry-specific needs.


Deploying private wireless networks within the energy sector is imperative for ensuring reliable and secure communication vital to operational success. These networks offer unprecedented control, low latency, and resilience, tailored to the industry’s unique demands. Network planning and design play a pivotal role, optimizing resource allocation, ensuring uninterrupted functionality, expediting issue resolution, and enhancing overall operational performance. By combining private networks’ potential with meticulous design, the energy sector fortifies its foundation, guaranteeing efficient, secure, and uninterrupted communication vital for powering the future.

If you want to learn more about private networks for Utilities and Energy Companies, read our full eBook!

Check out our blog for more tips and topics about wireless networks and their planning!

How to Design Wireless Network for Stadiums: Key Insights and Strategies

Designing wireless networks for stadiums (and for mass events in general) presents unique challenges and opportunities. As network traffic surges during events, it’s essential to ensure that users experience seamless connectivity. This blog will delve into the critical aspects of stadium network design, exploring the intricacies of cell deployment, throughput optimization, and practical strategies for effective network planning.

Key Challenges in Stadium Network Design

Stadiums pose significant challenges for network designers, including dense user populations, fluctuating traffic patterns, and complex architectural layouts. These factors require innovative approaches to ensure reliable connectivity and optimal performance during events.

  1. Dense User Populations:
    Stadiums attract large crowds, leading to high concentrations of users that strain network capacity. Designing networks capable of handling simultaneous connections from thousands of users is essential for maintaining seamless connectivity.
  2. Fluctuating Traffic Patterns:
    Network demand in stadiums varies widely, from intermittent spikes during peak moments to sustained high usage throughout events. Predicting and managing these fluctuations is crucial to prevent network congestion and ensure consistent service quality.
  3. Complex Architectural Layouts:
    Stadiums’ structural designs, with reinforced concrete, steel frameworks, and expansive seating arrangements, pose challenges for signal propagation and coverage uniformity. Effective network planning must address these architectural nuances to provide comprehensive coverage across all areas.
  4. Transition Zones, VIP Zones, and Fan Zones near the Stadium:
    There is a need to integrate RF coverage for those in common RF design to avoid mutual interference and align radio network capacity.
  5. Weak Sector Isolation (RF) / Weak RF Isolation:
    Physical nature of RF propagation àReflections, Diffraction, Diffusive Scattering as well as direct out-of-main lobe emissions of RF energy limit sectorization options and achievable Arena/Stadium capacity. Unwanted RF energy is spilling over on other cells. The effect is always observed for any existing antenna, but intensity can be controlled and assessed.  

Typical OUTLOOK for RF Design on a football stadium:

Weak RF isolation shrinks Higher Order Modulation Footprints during a game. Of course, weak RF isolation also exists in the UL direction. Focused work with antenna positions and patterns can help minimize the degradation of 256 QAM footprints (under load) in case of a higher number of cells deployed.

Successfully addressing these challenges requires a deep understanding of stadium dynamics and the implementation of advanced network planning strategies. By leveraging advanced solutions and strategic deployment, network designers can create robust networks[DS1]  against interference and high load that meet the demanding connectivity needs of modern stadiums.

Understanding Throughput and Cell Deployment

When designing a stadium’s cellular network, one of the primary considerations is throughput—the rate at which data is successfully transmitted. It’s commonly assumed that increasing the number of cells will automatically enhance throughput. However, real-world scenarios often show that this approach can lead to diminishing returns and significant cost implications.

For example, transitioning from an 18-cell to a 24-cell design might not yield the expected increase in throughput. An 18-cell configuration could deliver 400 kilobits per second (one layer of LTE 20 MHz taken here as a reference for comparison), while the 24-cell design might exhibit performance degradation. This unexpected (from the first look) outcome emphasizes the importance of finding the optimal balance in cell deployment.

iBwave can help visualize that the total capacity of the radio interface is saturated and maximum for the specific range of deployed cells (PCIs). This optimum range can be assessed through modeling and predictions. For example, below, the RF capacity achieved with 18 cells is equal to the case of 24 cells under the same antenna type and traffic demand (LTE-A 1800, 20 MHz considered).

Planners need to identify the point where the network achieves maximum efficiency without unnecessary hardware investment and increased licensing costs.

This insight underscores the need for careful planning and simulation using tools like iBwave to predict how different cell configurations will perform under varying traffic conditions. By doing so, network designers can ensure that their deployments are both effective and cost-efficient, aligning with the specific needs and constraints of stadium environments. Focused work in iBwave with antenna positions and patterns can help minimize the degradation of 256 QAM footprints (under load) in case of a higher number of cells deployed.

The Practical Curve and Real-World Applications

In stadium network design, the practical curve derived from simulations using tools like iBwave plays a crucial role in optimizing performance. This curve illustrates the relationship between the number of cells deployed and network throughput. It serves as a guide to determine the optimal cell configuration that balances coverage and capacity without overinvesting in infrastructure.

For example, when considering a deployment of 24 cells, it’s essential to evaluate whether this exceeds the optimal point. Over-deployment can lead to challenges such as limited Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), which may compromise network performance rather than enhance it. This highlights the importance of leveraging simulation tools to forecast how different cell configurations will perform under actual usage conditions.

Over-dimensioning for the Stadiums can limit achievable CQI/SNIR values, and corresponding capacity loss cannot be further compensated with SW features as general spectrum efficiency would appear to be limited

iBwave includes capacity-related calculations as part of RF planning, which allows control of the effect of PDSCH SNIR degradation. Indeed, it shall be properly taken into account for particular Propagation scenarios of the Stadium and its Architecture.

Real-world validation of the practical curve involves comparing various network designs across different stadiums. By doing so, network planners can ensure that their chosen deployment strategy not only meets performance expectations but also aligns with budgetary and operational constraints. This approach underscores the necessity of making informed decisions based on empirical data rather than theoretical assumptions.

Traffic Models and User Distribution

In stadiums, the traffic profile is typically heavy, with users transmitting substantial amounts of data. By setting up a comprehensive traffic model in advanced network planning tools such as iBwave, network planners can simulate various scenarios, such as file downloads, phone calls, and emails, to understand how the network will perform under peak conditions.

The effect of people’s relocations between upper and lower tribunes of the Stadium:

Interestingly, the user distribution within the stadium significantly affects network performance. Areas with fewer users, such as corners, often show higher average throughput due to less congestion. Additionally, dynamic scenarios, like users moving from upper to lower tribunes at the end of a game, can be modeled to predict changes in network performance.

Case Study: Hockey Arena

Hockey arenas present unique challenges due to their dense architecture and reflective surfaces. In such environments, planning requires innovative approaches, like using narrow antennas to create synthetic footprints that balance the load across different tribunes. This strategy ensures that both upper and lower tribunes receive adequate coverage and that SNR is maintained at optimal levels.

Two designs for a hockey arena, one with eight cells and another with ten cells, illustrate the importance of architecture in determining the optimal number of cells. Despite the potential for higher capacity with more cells, the design with eight cells might be preferable due to better overall SNR and reduced degradation areas.

In the animations below, we show and compare under dynamically changing PDSCH load (load of data channel) 2 RF design versions for the Hockey Arena.  PDSCH channel being taken in worst case manner —> users of neighboring sectors get the same time-frequency resource, so we consider the worst case which is acceptable for the comparison.  Even in a situation when XLS calculation shows the need for 10 sectors,  the attempted 10 sectors design is losing on the quality of SNR distribution.

8 Sectors:

10 Sectors:

Load changed from  5-50%
SNR vs PDSCH Load 5-50%

Case Study: Football Stadium

Football stadiums present unique challenges for designing cellular networks due to variable user densities and fluctuating traffic patterns. Optimizing antenna placements and network configurations is crucial to ensure consistent coverage and throughput across different sections of the stadium.

User distribution within football stadiums significantly impacts network performance. Areas with higher concentrations of spectators, such as seating sections near entrances or concessions, often experience higher network demand. Precise traffic modeling is essential to predict and manage these variations effectively.

Advanced simulation tools enable planners to simulate peak event scenarios and optimize network configurations accordingly. By modeling different usage scenarios, planners can fine-tune antenna placements and adjust network parameters to meet the demands of large crowds during games and events.

EMF Calculation and Safety Considerations

Ensuring spectator safety is paramount, and this includes calculating Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. By modeling the stadium in detail, network planners can identify areas with potentially high RF energy density, ensuring compliance with safety regulations. This analysis is crucial for maintaining a safe environment, especially in areas like catwalks where maintenance personnel might be exposed to higher RF levels.

Bridging Indoor and Outdoor Stadium Coverage

Effective stadium network design also involves bridging the gap between indoor and outdoor coverage. Using tools like iBwave Reach, planners can import digital terrain data and simulate the penetration of outdoor signals into the stadium. This helps in identifying interference and ensuring seamless coverage transitions between indoor and outdoor environments.

Enhancing Stadium Network Design with iBwave

iBwave is instrumental in optimizing stadium network designs by providing advanced simulation capabilities. Network planners leverage iBwave Design to accurately predict network performance under various scenarios, including peak traffic conditions and dynamic user distributions. By simulating signal propagation and analyzing coverage gaps, iBwave ensures that stadium networks are robust and reliable, meeting the stringent demands of modern venues.

Moreover, iBwave’s predictive accuracy allows planners to fine-tune antenna placements and adjust network configurations proactively. This capability not only enhances network efficiency but also helps in optimizing investments by aligning infrastructure deployment with actual usage patterns. As stadiums continue to evolve in complexity and connectivity requirements, iBwave remains a pivotal tool for achieving superior network performance and user satisfaction.


In conclusion, optimizing a cellular network for a stadium involves a delicate balance between increasing throughput, managing costs, and ensuring user satisfaction. By leveraging advanced modeling tools and understanding the practical curve, network planners can design efficient and effective networks that meet the demands of high-traffic events. Whether it’s a football stadium or a hockey arena, the principles of careful planning, dynamic modeling, and continuous optimization remain vital to delivering a superior user experience.

To learn more about stadium network design, please watch our on-demand webinar with Ralf Burkard and our special guest, Victor Pyachev, from STF Gruppe!

Check out our blog for more tips and topics about wireless networks and their planning!



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    Surveying Industrial and Logistical Private LTE & 5G Networks: All You Need to Know

    Private LTE and 5G networks have become indispensable for industries seeking to enhance operational efficiency, safety, and connectivity across diverse environments. These networks offer tailored solutions that ensure reliability, security, and high performance, providing dedicated, high-speed communication channels specifically designed to meet industrial needs. This blog explores critical aspects of surveying these networks, including their benefits, challenges, diverse use cases, and effective surveying techniques, sourced from recent insights and advancements in the field. 

    Benefits of Deploying Private Networks 

    Deploying private LTE and 5G networks offers substantial advantages tailored to industrial requirements: 

    • Enhanced Security: Private networks employ robust encryption and authentication protocols, ensuring secure transmission of sensitive data crucial in industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. 
    • Reliability: With dedicated bandwidth and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees, private networks deliver consistent connectivity essential for real-time applications like remote monitoring and control systems. 
    • Customized Performance: Industries can prioritize critical applications with stringent latency requirements, optimizing operational processes and responsiveness to dynamic demands. 
    • Scalability: Designed for scalability, these networks support future growth and technological advancements without compromising performance, making them ideal for long-term industrial deployments. 

    Why Survey Private LTE & 5G Networks? 

    Surveying private LTE and 5G networks is pivotal for optimizing deployment and ensuring ongoing performance excellence: 

    • Identifying Coverage Gaps: Comprehensive site surveys pinpoint areas with inadequate signal coverage, crucial for seamless connectivity across operational zones within industrial facilities. 
    • Analyzing Network Performance: Detailed surveys measure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as signal strength, throughput, and latency, enabling precise network optimization and proactive maintenance. 
    • Mitigating Interference: Early detection of potential interference sources allows preemptive measures to mitigate issues that could compromise network reliability and performance. 

    Challenges in Surveying Private LTE & 5G Networks 

    Surveying private LTE and 5G networks in industrial settings presents specific challenges that require tailored solutions: 

    • Complex Environments: Variations in building materials, machinery, and operational dynamics necessitate customized survey approaches to accurately predict network coverage and performance outcomes. 
    • Signal Propagation: Factors such as signal attenuation due to physical barriers and electromagnetic interference demand meticulous planning and analysis during network design to ensure optimal performance across all operational areas. 
    • Cumbersome Traditional Solutions: Traditional network survey solutions are often complex, heavy, and expensive, making the process complicated and costly for field technicians and RF engineers.  

    Various Use Cases for Industrial and Logistical Private LTE & 5G Networks 

    Private LTE and 5G networks cater to diverse industrial and logistical applications, integrating advanced surveying capabilities to meet specific sectoral needs: 

    • Mining Operations: Surveys in mining operations extend coverage to remote environments, enhancing safety and productivity. Challenges such as harsh environmental conditions, terrain variations, and limited infrastructure require specialized surveying techniques to ensure comprehensive network coverage. 
    • Manufacturing Plants: In manufacturing environments, private LTE and 5G networks facilitate automation, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, and quality control processes. Surveys ensure robust connectivity for seamless integration of IoT devices and smart manufacturing solutions. Accurate surveys identify potential coverage gaps and interference sources, crucial for maintaining continuous and efficient operations. 
    • Warehouses: Warehouses rely on network connectivity for inventory management and logistics operations. Surveys in warehouses focus on optimizing coverage and capacity to support real-time tracking, inventory control, and supply chain management. 
    • Hospitals: In healthcare facilities, robust networks are vital for supporting critical healthcare applications and patient care. Surveys in hospitals prioritize coverage, reliability, and data security to ensure seamless communication between medical devices and systems. 

    How to Survey Private Networks Effectively 

    Effective surveying of private LTE and 5G networks requires strategic planning and utilization of advanced tools: 

    • Comprehensive Data Collection: Thorough site surveys capture critical KPIs such as signal strength, carrier information, and frequency details essential for optimizing network performance and ensuring seamless connectivity across industrial environments. 
    • Advanced Survey Tools: Integration with GPS facilitates accurate mapping and supports continuous and stop-and-go survey modes. Detailed reporting capabilities from Survey Tools enable informed decision-making in the field for network design and deployment, ensuring optimal performance. 

    How iBwave Helps with Network Surveys

    iBwave offers advanced solutions tailored for efficient surveying of private LTE and 5G networks: 

    • Integration Capabilities: iBwave integrates seamlessly with the Epiq PRiSM scanner and various third-party data collection tools, enhancing survey accuracy and efficiency. This integration provides comprehensive insights into network performance across diverse industrial environments. 
    • Ease of Use and Cost Effectiveness: iBwave Mobile Survey with the Epiq PRiSM scanner provides the simplest and most cost-effective way to survey wireless networks. With its user-friendly interface and scanner weighing only 6 ounces, this compact and affordable solution makes wireless surveying a breeze.  
    • Streamlined Data Collection: iBwave Mobile Survey solution automates data collection processes and eliminates post-processing hurdles, ensuring real-time analysis and accurate coverage mapping crucial for precise network planning and optimization. 
    • Reporting and Analysis: iBwave generates detailed reports on network performance metrics, facilitating informed decision-making in network design and deployment. These capabilities support continuous improvement and future scalability in wireless communication technologies. 


    Surveying industrial private LTE and 5G networks is instrumental in enhancing connectivity, operational efficiency, and innovation across various sectors. By leveraging the benefits, understanding the challenges, and implementing effective surveying techniques with advanced tools like iBwave Mobile Survey, industries can optimize network deployment and harness the full potential of these transformative technologies. 

    Watch our on-demand webinar on Surveying Private LTE & 5G Networks, where we explore industrial and logistical use cases with our customer George Stefanick from Active Expert to learn more!

    Check out our blog for more tips and topics to learn more about wireless networks and their planning!

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