The Role of Private Wireless Networks in the Energy Industry

The energy and utility sectors occupy a unique position in the global landscape, serving as the bedrock of national infrastructures while demanding unparalleled levels of communication reliability, security, and uptime. These industries, encompassing everything from electricity and gas distribution to renewable energy generation, are characterized by critical requirements that necessitate robust communication networks. Amidst this backdrop, the deployment of private wireless networks has emerged as an essential element, reshaping how energy operations are conducted and monitored.

Navigating the Landscape of Energy Communication

Unlike many other industries, energy and utility companies have long cultivated sophisticated network infrastructure and internal expertise. With a historical focus on low latency demands and stringent reliability requirements, these sectors have often demanded 99.9999% uptime (up to six or seven nines of reliability).

Their networks can endure life cycles of 20-30 years, covering large geographical areas and even entire nations. These networks are designed to be resilient, ensuring operational continuity even in the face of adverse conditions.

The multifaceted nature of these industries, coupled with the necessity for real-time communication, has prompted the development of proprietary network infrastructures tailored to control and monitor assets, sites, and employees. Energy and utility companies are acutely aware of the need for low latency, making voice and data communication systems crucial. These networks are designed with an emphasis on redundancy, security, and resilience, with cybersecurity concerns taking center stage.

The Era of Convergence: Private Networks for Energy and Utilities

In recent years, a confluence of factors has led to the convergence of wireless networks and the energy and utility sectors. This convergence is marked by two critical shifts:

  1. Standardization of Wireless Technologies: With the widespread adoption of 4G and 5G cellular technologies, wireless networks have become more accessible beyond traditional mobile network operators (MNOs). Energy and utility companies are increasingly inclined to establish their own private networks, giving them greater control and ownership over their communication infrastructure.
  2. Transformation of Energy Assets: The energy landscape is undergoing a transformative shift driven by decentralization, data-driven operations, and interconnectedness. This transformation necessitates enhanced connectivity to enable real-time monitoring, control, and data collection across distributed assets.

The Value of Private Networks for Energy and Utilities

The growing demand for private networks in the energy and utility sectors is driven by a series of overarching changes, each elevating the need for enhanced connectivity, control, and information flow:

  • Infrastructure Modernization: Modernizing aging infrastructure with private networks facilitates real-time data collection, control, and flexibility. This allows for efficient asset management, automation, and streamlined repair and restoration processes, reducing downtime and enhancing resource allocation.
  • Employee Safety and Productivity: In hazardous environments, private networks significantly improve the safety of utility workers. They offer robust voice and video communication capabilities, ensuring seamless communication even in remote or challenging locations. Access to enterprise applications further enhances productivity by providing critical on-site information.
  • Climate Change and Decarbonization: The transition towards sustainable energy practices and the reduction of carbon emissions demands agile energy infrastructure. Private networks play a crucial role in supporting new methods of energy generation and storage, often in remote areas, by providing essential connectivity for real-time monitoring and control. This leads to optimized energy production and grid management, contributing to more sustainable operations.
  • Cybersecurity: Private networks come with enhanced security features and customization options. Energy and utility companies can implement stringent cybersecurity measures, ensuring the integrity of their critical operations and safeguarding sensitive data.
  • Adverse Weather and Disasters: With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, private networks bolster observation capabilities, network resilience, and critical communication systems. During disasters, these networks enable quicker response times, efficient coordination of resources, and improved situational awareness, ultimately minimizing the impact of adverse events.
  • Cost-Efficiency: In the long run, private networks can prove cost-effective for energy and utility companies. They allow for precise resource allocation and streamlined processes, reducing operational costs and improving overall efficiency.

The Importance of Network Planning in the Energy Sector

In the energy sector, where uninterrupted operations are crucial, private wireless networks have emerged as essential communication lifelines. However, their true potential lies in tailored network design, a cornerstone of their efficacy.

Designing Networks for Energy Excellence

Customized network design holds immense value for the energy sector, delivering benefits that align with its distinct needs:

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Customized network design in the energy sector allows for precise resource allocation, optimizing spectrum utilization and hardware placement. This strategic approach enhances cost-effectiveness and ensures efficient energy operations.
  • High reliability: Tailored network design considers challenging terrains and remote locations typical of energy facilities. Careful infrastructure planning, including access point and repeater placement, guarantees high reliability of the network functionality, even in remote areas.
  • Efficient Issue Resolution: Customized network design expedites issue identification by strategically placing monitoring and diagnostic tools throughout the network. This proactive approach minimizes downtime, preserving energy operations’ efficiency.
  • Enhanced Operational Performance: Tailored design optimizes network performance, ensuring consistent, high-quality connectivity. This reliability is vital for real-time energy management systems, enabling seamless monitoring and control of critical infrastructure.

iBwave: Elevating Energy Network Design

iBwave’s innovative solutions enhance energy network design by offering a range of capabilities:

Unmatched Prediction Accuracy: iBwave ensures the highest prediction accuracy, a cornerstone of reliable energy communication. You can use either iBwave Private Networks for designing Private LTE, 5G, and Wi-Fi together or our legacy best-in-class software, iBwave Design, for more complex venues and advanced features.

Versatile Network Integration: iBwave seamlessly caters to Private LTE, 5G, and Wi-Fi networks, addressing multifaceted connectivity needs in the energy industry.

Tailored Indoor/Outdoor Design for Energy Excellence: Our outdoor network planning solution, iBwave Reach, seamlessly integrates with iBwave Design to streamline campus network design, optimizing coverage for larger facilities with indoor and outdoor operational spaces that both require seamless connectivity. It leverages macro data for effective coverage planning, ensuring that all your sites are properly covered to maintain 100% uptime and operational reliability.

Seamless and Accurate On-Site Surveying: iBwave Mobile Survey, paired with the Epiq PRiSM scanner, allows you to survey and validate LTE, 5G, or Private Networks with precision and efficiency, saving you both time and costs. Unlike traditional scanners, the iBwave survey solution is lightweight, weighing under 6 ounces, and is very easy to use. There’s no need to lug around heavy, cumbersome equipment that’s difficult to operate. Just easy and cost-effective surveying.

If you want to go one step further, use iBwave Mobile Planner to start the network design on-site, using automatic access point placement to validate candidate locations as you go.

By leveraging iBwave’s solutions, energy companies elevate accuracy, streamline operations, and establish robust private networks aligned with industry-specific needs.


Deploying private wireless networks within the energy sector is imperative for ensuring reliable and secure communication vital to operational success. These networks offer unprecedented control, low latency, and resilience, tailored to the industry’s unique demands. Network planning and design play a pivotal role, optimizing resource allocation, ensuring uninterrupted functionality, expediting issue resolution, and enhancing overall operational performance. By combining private networks’ potential with meticulous design, the energy sector fortifies its foundation, guaranteeing efficient, secure, and uninterrupted communication vital for powering the future.

If you want to learn more about private networks for Utilities and Energy Companies, read our full eBook!

Check out our blog for more tips and topics about wireless networks and their planning!

How to Streamline Building Modeling in Network Design

In the realm of wireless network design, where time is often of the essence, building modeling emerges as one of the most time-consuming aspects of the process. This blog post is dedicated to unraveling the critical role of building modeling, emphasizing the imperative for increased speed, simplicity, and precision. We’ll also delve into the challenges frequently associated with conventional modeling methods and navigate through the potential consequences of minor modeling errors, which can snowball into substantial costs and delays. Additionally, we’ll unveil a new feature—iBwave’s Stencil Library—that not only simplifies but also accelerates building modeling, ultimately curtailing project expenditures 

The Crucial Role of Building Modeling in Network Design 

Building modeling forms the foundation of every wireless network design project. It involves creating detailed representations of indoor and outdoor spaces, including walls, doors, windows, objects, and structural elements. These models serve as the canvas upon which wireless network designs are created and optimized. 

Why Accurate Building Modeling Matters 

  1. Network Performance: Meticulous building models ensure seamless alignment between your network design and the physical environment. Any discrepancies can result in an inaccurate network design, leading to a slew of issues, including poor network performance and signal complications. 
  1. Cost Efficiency: Inaccuracies in building modeling often spawn the necessity for additional optimization and network survey and testing endeavors, driving project costs higher. Furthermore, delays in project timelines can amplify expenses. 

The Challenges of Traditional Building Modeling 

Conventional building modeling can evolve into a time-consuming and intricate endeavor, replete with obstacles: 

  • Time Consumption: Crafting each facet of a floorplan manually is a laborious process that can consume a substantial chunk of project timelines. 
  • Repetitive Tasks: Modeling intricate elements such as doors, windows, or industry-specific objects (such as racks in warehousing, machines in manufacturing, or trucks in logistics) often requires repetitive work, which is prone to errors and can extend project timelines. 
  • Bottlenecks in Network Design: Building modeling frequently metamorphoses into a bottleneck in the design process, impeding project progression and causing deployment delays. 

Small Modeling Errors = Big Costs 

Small modeling errors may initially appear inconsequential, but they can snowball into substantial repercussions: 

  • Incorrect Floor Plan Scaling and Alignment: Minute miscalculations in floor plan scaling and alignment can lead to disparities between the designed network and the actual physical space, precipitating costly optimization endeavors. 
  • Incorrect Materials: Erroneous selection of materials can disrupt signal propagation, resulting in unforeseen signal attenuation and augmented costs. 
  • Flat vs. Incline Surfaces: Neglecting the accurate modeling of inclined surfaces can perturb signal paths and coverage, potentially generating dead zones or coverage gaps. 

Watch our full webinar about how Small Modeling Errors Can Lead to Big Costs here

How to Simplify and Accelerate Building Modeling in Network Design 

To surmount these hurdles and forestall costly errors, consider these strategies: 

  1. Digital Tools: Employ advanced digital modeling software tailored for building design. These tools streamline intricate modeling tasks and diminish the need for manual labor. 
  1. User-Defined Templates: Forge reusable templates or stencils for frequently used elements like furniture, racks, doors, or windows. These templates substantially expedite the modeling process by facilitating the reuse of common components. 
  1. Collaboration: Opt for modeling software that fosters team collaboration, enabling seamless sharing and modification of models to foster efficient teamwork. 
  1. Training and Education: Invest in the training and education of your team. A team well-versed in contemporary modeling techniques and technologies can significantly augment modeling efficiency. 

Simplifying and Accelerating Building Modeling with the new Stencil Library 

iBwave’s Stencil Library is a new feature meticulously designed to address the challenges of building modeling. It offers user-defined templates or stencils for frequently used markups, images, 3D objects, and materials, ultimately simplifying the modeling process and accelerating project workflows. 

How Does Stencil Library Benefit Users? 

With Stencil Library, network designers gain access to an array of benefits: 

  1. Efficiency: Say goodbye to time-consuming, repetitive tasks in building modeling. Stencil Library allows you to quickly create stencils for single objects, multiple selections, and complex 3D elements, making modeling a breeze. 
  1. Versatility: Whether you’re designing an office space, a large factory, or a sprawling warehouse, Stencil Library has you covered. You can model everything from walls, doors, and windows to intricate machinery, vehicles, planes, and more. 
  1. Customization: Stencils are not just templates; they’re adaptable to your specific needs. You can scale, modify, and share stencils with ease, enhancing collaboration within your team. 

Watch our Stencil Library demo, where we’ll showcase how this innovative feature simplifies and accelerates the modeling process, empowering you to create precise models with ease! 

You can also read our press release to learn more about this feature! 

5G vs. Multiple Network Technologies: Enterprise Connectivity Dilemma 

In the ever-evolving landscape of connectivity solutions, enterprises face a pivotal decision – whether to embrace the promise of 5G or deploy a blend of multiple network technologies. While the allure of a 5G-centric future is undeniable, practical considerations and real-world complexities necessitate a more nuanced approach. This article delves into the key factors that influence the choice between deploying 5G and integrating multiple network technologies, exploring use cases, considerations, and future trends. 

The Complex Reality of Enterprise Connectivity 

The widespread anticipation surrounding 5G’s transformative potential is undeniable. However, the practical reality is far more intricate. Enterprises operate within a realm where a myriad of connectivity solutions coexist, each catering to unique demands. Wi-Fi, IoT-dedicated systems, Bluetooth, and others are evolving alongside 5G, presenting a diverse ecosystem of options. 

The notion of a 5G “monoculture” is compelling, but it clashes with a host of commercial, technical, and regulatory constraints. These constraints encompass legacy systems that perform well, lack of suitable 5G devices for IoT, frequency band limitations, higher costs, certification requirements, skill shortages, geopolitical restrictions, and more. These realities necessitate a thorough evaluation of when to deploy 5G and when to blend it with other technologies. 

Suitable Scenarios for Enterprise 5G Deployments

Deploying 5G can be suitable for the following applications:

  1. High-Speed Connectivity Applications: In scenarios where ultra-fast data speeds and low latency are critical, like industrial automation, real-time analytics, and immersive AR/VR applications.
  2. Massive IoT Deployments: When deploying a massive number of IoT devices that require 5G’s enhanced capacity and support for a high density of connections.
  3. Mission-Critical Applications: For applications demanding robust and reliable connectivity, such as remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, and emergency response systems.
  4. Unreachable Locations: When extending wired connectivity is impractical, 5G can provide a cost-effective solution to connect remote or underserved areas.
  5. Future-Proofing: Choosing 5G as a long-term investment to accommodate future applications and services that demand higher data rates and network capabilities.
  6. Enhancing Campus-Wide Coverage: Deploying 5G across a large campus or facility to provide comprehensive coverage for various use cases and devices.
  7. Next-Generation Entertainment: For entertainment venues seeking to provide high-quality streaming, gaming, and interactive experiences to visitors.

Keep in mind to conduct a thorough assessment of specific use cases and technical requirements before opting for a 5G-only deployment. To learn more, read our article about the importance of Deploying Private 5G for Enterprises!

Key Use-Case Scenarios for Multiple Networks 

The integration of multiple network technologies offers a strategic advantage in various scenarios: 

  1. Separate Networks for Specific Environments: Enterprises may opt for separate networks indoors and outdoors or for on-site and off-site roaming. This separation caters to distinct connectivity needs within different environments. 
  2. Device-Led Network Integration: Certain devices are inherently tied to specific networks. A worker on a production line, for instance, may use Wi-Fi for a connected tool while wearing a 5G-connected headset for guidance. This scenario emphasizes the need to integrate networks based on device capabilities. 
  3. Migration Strategy: Transitioning from legacy networks to new infrastructures is a gradual process. Enterprises may need to run old and new networks in parallel to ensure smooth migration without disrupting operations. 
  4. Backup and Resilience: Multi-network integration enhances resilience against cyber threats, software bugs, and emergencies. Critical systems can switch between networks in the event of failures, ensuring continuity of operations. 
  5. Backhaul and Gateway Scenarios: Employing one wireless technology for backhaul to another’s access points optimizes cost and performance. Satellite backhauls, mmWave radios, and Wi-Fi meshes illustrate this strategy. 
  6. Bonded and Hybrid Networks: Combining diverse 4G/5G radios, public and private networks, and other technologies offers increased coverage, throughput, and efficiency. This approach is particularly relevant for applications like vehicle fleets, public safety agencies, and large campuses. 
  7. Shared Infrastructure and Tools: Enterprises can share physical infrastructure, network design tools, operations centers, and security platforms across multiple networks, fostering efficiency and collaboration. 

Source: Disruptive Analysis 

The Real-World Example: Airports 

To illustrate the practical application of these concepts, consider an airport. Airports extensively use wireless networks for passenger Wi-Fi, service vehicles, air-traffic control, and more. While these networks largely operate independently, specific scenarios demand integration. 

For instance, a private 5G network can serve service vehicles on the ramp, while public 4G/5G covers broader areas. Wi-Fi might bridge indoor and outdoor networks for seamless coverage. This example underscores the complexity of integrating networks based on diverse use cases. 

Examples of Wireless Network Combinations 

Consider the microcosm of an airport, where diverse networks serve different purposes. From passenger Wi-Fi to air-traffic control, each network often stands alone. Yet, scenarios arise where blending two platforms is vital, leaving room for expansion. 

Prominent network combinations include: 

In the current landscape, common combinations include: 

Private 4G + Private 5G: Many sites begin with LTE for private networks, often transitioning to 5G for advanced use cases. Others adapt from early “non-standalone” 5G networks, combining the technologies for enhanced capabilities. For instance, manufacturing plants blend private 4G for equipment monitoring with private 5G for real-time operations. 

Private 5G + Public 4G/5G: Common for users traversing localized and wide-area networks. Field workers in utilities travel between private sites and public networks, using dual-SIM devices for seamless connectivity. Airports use private networks for better indoor coverage while bridging to public networks for broader access. 

Private 5G + Wi-Fi: Vital hybrid combination with various technical approaches. Private 4G/5G backhauls enhance outdoor Wi-Fi access points. In-building Wi-Fi bridges to outdoor private 5G, for instance, connecting warehouse operations. Entertainment venues utilize Wi-Fi for visitors and private 5G for critical functions like payment terminals. 

Private 4G/5G + PMR: Industrial sectors adapt legacy private-radio systems with private 4G/5G for smoother transitions. Airports deploy private 4G/5G networks for ground staff while relying on older radios for baggage handlers. Utility field workers use private radios for maintenance and private 5G at newer facilities. 

Various hybrid wireless scenarios emerge: 

Countless other permutations exist, like private 5G with satellite or Wi-Fi combined with Bluetooth Low Energy for smart buildings. Yet, network complexity extends beyond technology integration, encompassing security, device management, and more. Commercial and HR considerations underline the need for astute integrator and service provider choices. 
Private 5G + Satellite: Industries in remote areas benefit from this blend, such as shipping companies or oil/mining exploration ventures. 

Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Low Energy: Smart buildings leverage Wi-Fi for well-powered equipment and Bluetooth Low Energy for battery-operated sensors. 

Private Cellular + LoRa: Large enterprise sites can integrate high data-rate users with low-power/low-volume IoT endpoints, enhancing connectivity and efficiency. 

Source: Disruptive Analysis 

Navigating Future Trends 

As we peer into the future, several trends will shape the landscape of network technologies: 

Private 5G’s Evolution: Private 5G networks will mature further, transitioning from trial deployments to production networks. Cloud-based network-as-a-service models will simplify deployments. 

Use-Case Stacking: Businesses will expand 5G usage within existing industry verticals, extending initial deployments to accommodate additional applications or coverage areas. 

5G Evolution and New Features: 5G will continue to evolve with new features and releases. Releases 17 and 18 will introduce precise positioning, ultra-low latency, and low-power IoT connectivity, expanding 5G’s capabilities. 

Innovation Across Technologies: Wi-Fi will advance with spectrum expansion and new features. Satellite networking will gain prominence, linked to 5G through non-terrestrial networks. Specialist service providers and system integrators will play a crucial role in delivering 5G solutions. 

Glimpses of 6G: Early discussions about 6G are underway, but its commercial viability for enterprises is distant. 5G’s impact will remain dominant until around 2030, with early trials and testbeds exploring future use cases. 

Designing 5G and Multi-Technology Networks 

The process of designing and integrating multiple networks, including the seamless incorporation of 5G, is a complex undertaking that demands meticulous planning and execution. Design considerations encompass coverage, capacity, network architecture, device compatibility, and more. The challenge lies in harmonizing diverse technologies into a cohesive framework that optimizes performance and meets operational needs. This intricate process calls for expert guidance and innovative tools to ensure successful implementation. 

Here, iBwave takes center stage, offering a comprehensive suite of wireless network design solutions. Whether it’s optimizing private 5G deployment, integrating Wi-Fi with 5G for seamless coverage, or incorporating satellite connectivity into the network mix, iBwave provides the tools and expertise needed to design multi-technology networks with precision. By leveraging iBwave’s advanced capabilities, businesses can confidently navigate the complexities of 5G and multi-network integration. iBwave’s seamless survey and design solutions enable enterprises to weave together the threads of connectivity, ensuring reliability, efficiency, and a future-ready network infrastructure that paves the way for innovation and success.  

You can leverage the capabilities of iBwave Private Networks for designing Private LTE, 5G and Wi-Fi seamlessly in one solution. You can also use our flagship solution iBwave Design for designing wireless networks for any type of inbuilding environment and network or iBwave Reach if you’re interested in designing indoor/outdoor campus networks. Whatever your network needs are, iBwave has you covered. Learn more about our solutions here


In the intricate world of enterprise connectivity, the decision to deploy 5G or integrate multiple network technologies is far from straightforward. Balancing technical feasibility, financial considerations, legacy systems, and future-proofing requires a holistic perspective. As the technological landscape continues to evolve, enterprises must carefully assess use cases, select integrators wisely, and adapt to the dynamic interplay between 5G and other wireless solutions. By embracing a flexible and strategic approach, businesses can navigate the complexities and carve a path toward a connected future that maximizes efficiency and innovation. 

If you want to learn about 5G use cases and integrate multiple network technologies, read our eBook

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