What happens when using MIMO and Beamforming? A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This was a sentence that I heard upward of 500 times when I first started in this business as student intern for a regional mobile wireless carrier. Back then, carriers were transitioning from analog to digital mobile wireless. Aside […]
Earlier this year, Consultix, a leading vendor of portable CW test equipment, collected CW survey data at 28 GHz in an office environment, and shared the data with iBwave. We have post processed the data and used it as benchmark to compare with our default propagation model at 28 GHz, and also to calibrate the model. This blog entry summarizes our findings.
If RF Signals Were An Opera Picture yourself in an open space – a meadow if you will – on a quiet sunny day. In front of you, 30 meters away, is a full opera. They are singing the Canadian national anthem. Their singing is crisp and clear, just as it should be when you’re […]