Unleashing the Power of Cell on Wheels (CoW): Revolution in Private Networks for Events and Beyond 

In the dynamic landscape of private networks, a revolutionary solution is transforming the way we approach connectivity challenges—Cell on Wheels (CoW). This mobile infrastructure, highlighted in a recent webinar by iBwave and Amazon Web Services (AWS), goes beyond the conventional, offering a versatile and adaptable approach to private networks. As we delve into the intricacies of CoW, we unravel the potential it holds for events and various industries. 

CoW and Private Networks 

At its core, CoW is a mobile network infrastructure designed to provide seamless connectivity in diverse settings. Unlike traditional fixed networks, CoWs introduce a dynamic element, enabling mobility and flexibility in deploying private networks. This not only addresses the demands of large-scale events but also opens avenues for connectivity in rural areas, agriculture, and beyond. 

The Power of Cell on Wheels 

George Oakes, representing AWS, emphasized in the webinar the pivotal role of CoW in event connectivity. However, the significance extends far beyond events. CoW ensures that the network is precisely where it’s needed, overcoming challenges of capacity and coverage. This mobility provides control over wireless infrastructure, ensuring security, reliability, and adaptability for mission-critical applications. 

Versatile Applications of Cell on Wheels: Beyond Event Connectivity 

While CoW is renowned for its role in event connectivity, its applications are diverse and impactful. Nazim Choudhury from iBwave highlighted in the webinar how CoW can be a game-changer for various industries. Beyond events, CoWs excel in rural areas, supporting agriculture, emergency response situations, and temporary work sites. The adaptability of CoWs makes them a versatile solution for addressing connectivity needs in different settings. 

Scaling for Operational Needs 

Scalability is a crucial aspect, and George Oakes highlighted in the webinar the significance of understanding the business use case and working backward to determine the solution’s design. The ability to scale an event with just a few access points and then quickly add or remove them based on operational needs provides flexibility and cost-effectiveness. 

Design Prowess Facilitating CoW Deployments 

Crucial to the success of CoW deployments is network design. These capabilities play a pivotal role in tailoring private networks to specific business needs. Nazim Choudhury from iBwave highlighted how iBwave solutions ensure that private networks are not only tailored to current requirements but are also future-proofed for scalability and adaptability. This design precision is particularly valuable in the context of events, where the demands for reliable and scalable connectivity are heightened. 

Learn more about the iBwave solutions for designing and planning private networks here!

AWS Deployments: Ensuring Seamless Integration 

AWS, with its cloud-based services, plays a pivotal role in deploying CoWs seamlessly. The ability to scale an event with just a few access points and quickly adapt to operational needs provides flexibility and cost-effectiveness. AWS’s approach to validating and monitoring private networks ensures that operators have the right information to make informed decisions about their network’s status. 

Learn more about the AWS Private Network offering here!


In conclusion, the Cell on Wheels revolution, intricately connected with private networks, transcends the limitations of traditional connectivity solutions. By focusing on the dynamic capabilities of CoWs and their adaptability to diverse settings, the webinar provides a glimpse into a future where connectivity is not confined by location or infrastructure. As we embrace the CoW revolution, we unlock new possibilities for connectivity, transforming the way we perceive and implement private networks. 

Join the revolution and explore the transformative power of Cell on Wheels in private networks. Watch the webinar recording for in-depth insights into the future of connectivity. 

Enhancing Logistics and Transportation Management with Private 5G Networks

The global nature of modern trade exerts immense pressure on logistics and transportation industries. More goods than ever before must move from production via air, land, and sea to central distribution centers and, ultimately, to businesses and consumers. This presents substantial challenges for logistics and transportation companies, which must track, organize, and manage goods as they move through large facilities and complex warehouses.

But the introduction of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices into these environments can make it easier to move product.

By deploying networked devices such as sensors, cameras, and remotely controlled drones throughout a warehouse, airport, railyard, and shipyard, logistics and transportation operations can:

Enhance operational efficiency

Improve personnel safety

Simplify the tracking and management of goods

But networked IoT devices need continuous connectivity to deliver value. While operators can deploy a mix of networking technologies to provide the coverage and connectivity they need, private, wireless 5G networks are proving to be more viable. An efficiently designed 5G network offers the most cost-efficient way for transportation and logistics companies to optimize operations by leveraging a variety of IoT technologies.

IoT Devices Optimize Monitoring and Management, Increase Security

With IoT devices, logistics and transportation companies can significantly enhance operations, process, and move goods faster, and improve their bottom line.

For example, tracking and tracing of goods can be improved by deploying networked sensors and cameras throughout a facility and in containers and vehicles carrying the goods. This tracking enables partial or full automation and management of the movement and placement of goods anywhere.

The integration of connected autonomous vehicles that move goods and large containers independently can greatly increase efficiency. This integration diminishes the necessity for human involvement in routine processes and lowers the likelihood of errors.

To improve safety, operators can introduce wearable devices for all personnel and sensors that track the movement of autonomous vehicles. By monitoring the location of people and autonomous equipment, accidents can be avoided or responded to as quickly as possible.

The tracking of goods moving within and through facilities can also be improved using networked drones. These drones are capable of actively surveilling various areas on demand and instantly transmitting video feeds to control centers.

In emergency situations such as fires, accidents, or injuries, the same drones can precisely identify the incident’s location and deliver real-time video feeds to first responders, enabling swift and effective emergency responses.

The use of tracking devices and cameras throughout a facility can also enhance physical security. Real-time monitoring makes it easier to identify and respond to thefts or break-ins quickly, minimizing the associated losses.

Logistics and Transportation Present Challenging IoT Deployment Environments

But there are substantial challenges involved in deploying IoT devices effectively in the hectic and dynamic environments logistics and transportation companies operate.

IoT devices, drones, and cameras are all bandwidth-intensive machines that place significant data demands on networks. For the real-time tracking essential to IoT efficiency, these high-bandwidth devices demand highly reliable networks that maintain consistent coverage across a facility. Transmitting the substantial data generated by these devices requires networks with substantial throughput capacity to handle simultaneous data from multiple devices.

Wired, Wi-Fi, and LTE Networks Lack Key Enablers

To tackle these challenges, logistics and transportation companies can deploy a variety of network technologies.

Wired networks have historically been the first choice for many enterprises across most verticals, including logistics and transportation. They offer a tried and proven option and provide reliable and powerful connections.

However, wired networks are fixed once installed, requiring expensive rip-and-replace processes to adjust network coverage for even minor changes in operations. And many of today’s wireless network technologies can now compete or exceed the bandwidth and reliability of wired networks, while also providing significant flexibility.

While Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi 6/6E might suffice for security in homes and offices, they lack the enterprise-grade security essential for logistics and transportation networks. Guaranteeing the integrity of sensitive operational data and safeguarding sprawling distribution yards and warehouses requires heightened security and reliability. Compromised cameras or security drones in these areas can jeopardize safety and lead to the loss of goods.

And while LTE networks boast enterprise-grade security and remarkable flexibility, they lack the blend of extremely high bandwidth, throughput, and low latency essential for real-time monitoring and management of numerous connected IoT devices.

Private Wireless 5G Networks Can Optimize Operations

Given the nature of logistics and transportation operations, private wireless 5G networks are the ideal choice for any IoT deployment requirement.

The next generation of wireless technology offers orders of magnitude greater performance over LTE. It provides the substantial bandwidth and critical low latency needed to enable huge data throughput from all connected devices. Built-in enterprise-grade security guarantees that data and operations are protected. And highly flexible deployment options enable network designers to cover the full complexity of their operating environment.

iBwave Supports Cost-Effective Private Wireless 5G Deployment

Effective network design is crucial to efficient network deployment in any logistics and transportation environment. Network designers must be able to effectively model the full range of possible sources of interference to get an accurate picture of projected network strength throughout a facility. Designers need advanced and comprehensive survey and design tools to do this and accurately design coverage in complex environments. Without those tools, there’s a significant risk of either overdesigning or under designing the network, which can lead to unnecessary costs or unreliable networks.

iBwave Private Networks LTE/5G delivers the simplest and most reliable solution for planning, designing, and delivering private, high-performance networks for transportation and logistics operations.

Large environment modeling enables network designers to capture the full picture of a site. 5G/HetNet densification enables designers to consider both outdoor and indoor coverage with one tool, leveraging existing design asset files without costly file migrations. Advanced and powerful features guarantee the precise functionality of the designed network. These features include the Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine, Prediction Calibration, Inclined Surface Modeling, Attenuation by Frequency, and more. Additionally, cloud connectivity and seamless integration with iBwave Mobile Survey ensure that iBwave can effectively address both current and future private network requirements for transportation and logistics operations.

Improving Energy and Utilities Operations and Management with Private 5G Utilities and Energy Wireless Networks

Operations in the energy and utilities sector must monitor and manage sensors and equipment across large geographic areas. This tracking makes these operations a prime candidate for using Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices that enable remote monitoring and management.

With IIoT devices, energy companies and public utilities can:

Improve operational efficiency

Enhance flexibility and responsiveness

Reduce costs

Secure operations, both physically and digitally

But IIoT devices generate large amounts of data that must be accessible by field technicians and central operations teams in real time to be of use in energy wireless networks. Therefore, reliable and consistent network connectivity is needed to deliver critical data to all users at all times.

To date, a mix of wired, Wi-Fi, and LTE networking solutions have been deployed to provide the connectivity required. But high-bandwidth, low-latency 5G is proving to be a more optimal solution. Effective deployment of efficiently designed private wireless 5G networks will optimize the use of IIoT devices at sprawling, complex facilities and remote sites.

Coverage and Capacity Needed for IIoT in Utilities and Energy Wireless Networks

Operations in the energy and utilities sector are often either public utilities themselves or supply power to public utilities. Slowdowns, delays, and disruptions can be very costly both for the bottom line and reputation.

The remote and complex nature of most facilities makes on-site observation, management, and maintenance difficult. This difficulty is further compounded by the size of many energy operations, which can have a vast array of assets, systems, moving equipment, and personnel on-site.

IIoT devices can provide access to a continuous stream of critical operational data that can be used for efficient oversight and management of all field assets, systems, equipment, and personnel.

Energy companies and utilities can make more informed decisions about production, maintenance, and upgrades with access to real-time data from a variety of sensors at well heads, gas mains, and power grids.

They can also track personnel with cameras and wearable devices to maintain safety and security. And they can minimize the duration and impact on operations by responding to any disruption anywhere in their system more quickly and effectively.

But effective deployment of IIoT devices at any facility can be difficult. For one thing, IIoT devices demand significant bandwidth.

One of the greatest advantages of IoT — real-time monitoring — requires an extremely low-latency, comprehensively designed network with no dead zones or areas of poor connectivity.

The large and variable energy and utilities environments make deploying the optimal network complicated.

Current Network Technologies Are Not Optimal

Various network technology options, such as wired solutions, Wi-Fi, and LTE, offer IIoT connectivity. However, each option lacks critical capabilities or introduces notable complexities for energy and utilities applications.

Wired Solutions Are Inflexible and Expensive

Wired solutions were historically the default network technology, offering stability, reliability, and superior throughput compared to wireless alternatives. However, they come with high costs and technical complexities, especially in intricate settings like energy or utilities facilities.

More importantly, wired solutions lack flexibility, often demanding costly rip-and-replace efforts when network requirements evolve or operations need to scale to match market demands.

Wi-Fi Lacks Enterprise-Grade Security

Wi-Fi solutions, on the other hand, are highly flexible and easy to deploy. But Wi-Fi operates on an unsecured band. While modern Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi 6/6E offer built-in security to help circumvent this, they don’t offer the built-in, industrial-grade network and data security necessary to secure digital operations for IIoT. These capabilities are crucial in protecting networks and data traffic for a public-facing industry that’s always at risk from cyberthreats.

Private LTE Is Not Optimal for Utilities and Energy Wireless Networks

Private LTE networks offer flexibility, enterprise-grade security, decent throughput, and relatively low latency. However, they might not be the best fit for demanding and data-intensive energy and utilities environments when compared to 5G. 5G provides significantly broader coverage, higher bandwidth, and markedly lower latency — all essential elements for successful IIoT deployments.

5G Is the Most Effective Enabler of IIoT for Utilities and Energy Wireless Networks

Thanks to the enhanced coverage and capacity of 5G, utilities and energy wireless networks can effortlessly integrate bandwidth-intensive and latency-sensitive IIoT sensors, devices, systems, and applications in multiple locations.

The high flexibility of deployment options empowers private 5G utilities and energy wireless networks to effectively cover expansive and intricate environments encompassing multiple buildings, a variety of equipment, and numerous sensors.

The higher bandwidth and low latency provided by 5G can support the movement and delivery of the enormous quantities of data that’s generated at all IIoT connection points. And 5G can provide access and continuous connectivity for more sensors, devices, and users simultaneously.

All of this guarantees that energy and utilities operators can leverage all the benefits IIoT offers to enable efficient and effective management of all operations.

iBwave Enables Cost-Effective Deployment of Private Wireless 5G

A private 5G utilities and energy wireless network won’t be able to overcome the obstacles inherent to network deployment in the energy sector without a precise and comprehensive desig. Networks will either be overdesigned with unnecessarily higher costs, or under-designed and unreliable.

iBwave Private Networks delivers the simplest and most reliable solution for planning, designing, and delivering private, high-performance 5G networks.

Large environment modeling enables network designers to capture the full picture of even a large and complicated site. 5G/HetNet densification enables designers to consider both outdoor and indoor coverage with one tool, leveraging existing design asset files without costly file migrations. Advanced and powerful features like the Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine, Prediction Calibration, Inclined Surface Modeling, and Attenuation by Frequency guarantee the precise functionality of the designed network. Additionally, cloud connectivity and seamless integration with iBwave Mobile Survey and iBwave Reach assure that iBwave effectively caters to all private network requirements for energy operations, present and future, ensuring scalable networks.

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