iBwave Cocktail at MWC! (Day 3)

The Day 3 blog post is focusing on last night’s iBwave cocktail, the highlight of the week! Well, for us, at least. We began by distributing iBwave hats to all of the catering staff who wore them the whole night as they tended the bar and passed out hors d’oeuvres. Thanks to our super catering company, Prats Fatjo for the friendly and professional service.

At 4pm people started rolling in and soon enough, the stand was packed! 120 people came by, making it MWC‘s biggest in-building social event. Check out the video below to get a feel for the atmosphere:

Thanks to all who attended! Here are a few photos from the event:

Mobile World Congress Mania! (Day 2)

 Day 2! The day begins with the Canada Connect breakfast and regional sessions on the 22nd floor of Inbisa Tower (across the street from the Fira Gran Via), where guests are treated to a spectacular view of  Barcelona in the morning sun.

The Connect with Canada breakfast focuses on ICT and is an opportunity to meet with Trade Commissioners from around the world in order for Canadian companies to gain support globally.

Day 2 proves to be a busy day at the iBwave booth!

Midmorning, TV3 stops by the booth to interview Juan Felipe and get a demo of iBwave Design Lite.

As the day goes on, many existing customers and prospects stop by. The big buzz is around iBwave Design Lite, our new entry-level planning and design tool, which is set to be released in April.

The day wraps up with cocktails and good conversation at the Mentum booth. As Mentum recently got acquired by Info Vista, we’d like to congratulate them and wish them the best of success!

To get a real feel for the ambiance at Mentum’s cocktail, check out this video:

Tonight is the iBwave Cocktail!! Join us at our booth in Hall 6 at Stand 6B94 from 4pm to 6pm drinks, food and a chance to network with the in-buiding ecosystem.

Meet the iBwave MWC Team!

Meet the iBwave team at Mobile World Congress:

  • Mario Bouchard, President and CEO
  • Juan Felipe Gonzalez, VP Global Sales
  • Nathalie Robitaille, VP Marketing
  • Peter Thalmeir, Director Sales Engineering EMEA
  • Tom Story, Director Sales EMEA
  • Jalal Berrahou, Manager Sales Engineering EMEA
  • Scott Pereira, Director Sales Engineering Americas
  • Bob Froger, Sales Manager Europe
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