The Importance of Private 5G for Enterprises: Unlocking the Future of Connectivity

In the fast-paced digital era, technology continues to shape the way businesses operate and communicate. Among the revolutionary innovations, Private 5G stands out as a game-changer, offering unprecedented opportunities for enterprises. This fifth-generation cellular network has the potential to transform industries, increase productivity, unleash a wave of new applications and services, and do so in a cost-effective manner. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of why Private 5G is of paramount importance for enterprises.

Why Should Enterprises Deploy Private 5G? 

Faster Speeds and Low Latency for Real-time Applications

At the heart of Private 5G lies its remarkable speed and ultra-low latency. Compared to its predecessor, 4G LTE, Private 5G can deliver data at astounding rates, reaching up to 100 times faster speeds. This instant connectivity allows businesses to transmit and process large volumes of data in real-time. The low latency ensures near-instantaneous response times, crucial for critical applications, such as remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, and real-time industrial automation.

Enhanced Capacity and Efficiency for Improved Productivity

With the growing demand for data and the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, network capacity becomes a vital concern for enterprises. Private 5G offers enhanced network capacity, enabling a massive number of devices to connect simultaneously. This capacity boost translates to better performance and a more reliable network, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and productivity in various industries.

IoT and Industry 4.0 Revolution: Optimizing Operations

The combination of 5G and the IoT has the potential to unlock the full potential of Industry 4.0. Smart factories, connected supply chains, and IoT-driven logistics are just a few examples of how enterprises can leverage 5G’s capabilities. The seamless connectivity and real-time data processing of 5G empower industries to optimize operations, reduce downtime, and achieve unparalleled levels of automation. 

Innovative Use Cases: Delivering Cutting-edge Services

Private 5G opens doors to a plethora of innovative use cases that were previously inconceivable. From augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications to immersive customer experiences, Private 5G enables businesses to deliver cutting-edge services. For example, retailers can offer interactive AR shopping experiences, and healthcare providers can conduct remote medical consultations with superior quality and real-time interactions.

Edge Computing Advancements: Reducing Latency and Improving Security

5G facilitates the widespread adoption of edge computing, bringing data processing closer to the point of generation. By reducing the distance data needs to travel, enterprises can experience even lower latency and improved security. Edge computing also reduces the burden on centralized cloud servers, making data processing more efficient and cost-effective.

Enhanced Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Data

Data security is a top concern for enterprises in today’s digital landscape. Private 5G introduces new security features that help protect sensitive data and safeguard against cyber threats. With the advent of network slicing, businesses can create dedicated virtual networks, each with its security and privacy settings, tailored to the specific needs of different applications or user groups.


While implementing new technologies may seem expensive at first, Private 5G brings long-term cost-effectiveness to enterprises. Its high capacity and efficiency enable businesses to handle more data and applications on the same network infrastructure, reducing the need for costly expansions. Moreover, 5G’s low latency and improved reliability can lead to reduced downtime, minimizing financial losses due to network outages or disruptions.

When to Use Multiple Technologies 

While Private 5G offers an array of benefits, there may be situations where using multiple technologies becomes advantageous. For example, some enterprises may have legacy systems in place that are not compatible with 5G. In such cases, integrating multiple technologies allows for a gradual migration and avoids disruptive transitions. Additionally, certain applications may require specific connectivity options that are better served by other wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or LoRa. A thoughtful approach to network design and integration can ensure seamless coexistence and synergy among different technologies, optimizing overall performance and efficiency.

Why Should Enterprises Design 5G/LTE Private Networks? 

Designing Private 5G and LTE networks is paramount for enterprises seeking enhanced connectivity, real-time applications, and heightened security. A well-planned network architecture ensures optimized performance, avoiding over-designing or under-designing the network, and ultimately leading to time and cost savings.

In this pursuit, iBwave stands out as a game-changing solution. With unparalleled prediction accuracy and a seamless, user-friendly experience, iBwave empowers businesses to effortlessly design private 5G, LTE, and Wi-Fi networks together, offering a complete and reliable solution. Embrace the power of iBwave to unlock the full potential of private 5G and LTE, driving digital transformation with confidence and efficiency while optimizing costs. Read more about our solution for designing private networks here


In conclusion, Private 5G stands as a pivotal enabler of innovation and efficiency for enterprises, revolutionizing how businesses operate and communicate. Its exceptional speed, low latency, and robust security make it a game-changer, supporting a wide array of applications and use-cases that drive digital transformation. However, enterprises should also recognize the value of integrating multiple network technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Private LTE, or even satellite connectivity, to create versatile and resilient hybrid networks. By harnessing the power of Private 5G while judiciously incorporating other wireless solutions where appropriate, enterprises can build a future-proof connectivity infrastructure that unlocks endless possibilities for growth and success in the ever-evolving business landscape. 

To learn more about 5G and the key use cases, read our eBook on Integrating & Operating 5G Use Cases And Managing Multiple Network Technologies

How to Design Private Networks for Manufacturing

Private networks are part of critical infrastructure improvements in manufacturing. Private 4G/5G networks provide reliable connectivity to overcome coverage challenges in manufacturing facilities, like construction that often includes metal, concrete, screening, and pipework. Private networks for manufacturing provide secure and reliable communication between machines, allowing for automation and efficient data transfer.

By using private networks in manufacturing operations, industrial organizations can also benefit from improved performance and reduced costs. Security features, such as authentication and encryption, are key components of private networks, enabling secure communication and limiting the risk of cyber-attacks.

Additionally, with private networks, organizations can optimize their network infrastructure and customize it to their specific needs. Private networks also provide better control over network performance, allowing for higher data speeds and better coverage.

Manufacturing requires a sophisticated network infrastructure. This infrastructure often includes integration with operational technology like IoT and automation systems, as well as more conventional IT and telecommunication needs.

Manufacturing assets are also becoming more connected, data-driven and interconnected across broad supply chains. As the industry transforms there is an increased need for high-capacity and low-latency reliable connectivityAccurate private networks in manufacturing can help enterprises avoid the extremely high costs of downtime and provide complete control of data assets.

Radio Frequency (RF) engineers and operations must work together to create the optimal private wireless network to guarantee the highest level of performance possible.

Designing a private wireless network in manufacturing environments requires careful consideration of the environment, power requirements, signal propagation characteristics, antenna placement, security measures, and other factors. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of all the components that make up a wireless system.

Often multiple technologies will be used in combination, with a variety of integration or gateway approaches needed to combine technologies like Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), 4G, 5G, or Wi-F-6/6E. iBwave offers certification programs for designing in-building wireless network projects, site surveys, and the fundamentals of testing. This article will provide an overview of the process needed to design private networks for use in manufacturing environments.

Determining Requirements

The first step in designing a private wireless network for manufacturing is to determine what type of system is required. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, different types of systems may be necessary.

It is essential to understand what types of devices will be connected to ensure that there are no compatibility issues when choosing hardware or software solutions.

You also must make sure that the designed network provides the required KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) regarding signal strength, throughput and latency for all of those devices.

Devices and applications may include:

Proximity & Stop functions for worker safety.

Automation systems to control industrial production machinery.

Process monitoring

Automatic Guided Vehicles

Robotics for assembly and welding

Asset tracking and positioning

Human/Machine Interfaces

Video Surveillance

Site-wide communications networks

Additionally, it is important to understand current regulations regarding frequency, usage, and licensing (signal leakage, EMF) before beginning any network design or installation process.

Site layout

Once these initial steps have been completed, it is time to begin designing the physical layout of the network itself. iBwave’s Network design solutions allow you to upload floor plans or photos of site locations to design your network and automatically calculate coverage.

iBwave’s software allows you to model antenna placement to optimize coverage and performance while minimizing interference from other radio signals or environmental elements such as infrastructure in the building itself.


Power requirements must also be considered when deciding on an antenna placement strategy. Some installations may require additional power sources due to their distance from existing outlets or wiring limitations.


Security is also an important consideration. Comprehensive security protocols must be implemented to protect sensitive proprietary information within the network as well as prevent malicious actors from gaining unauthorized access.

Robust security requires careful selection and configuration of encryption protocols as well as authentication mechanisms based on user roles within each organization’s internal IT structure.

By combining these elements into one cohesive plan, engineers can create robust and secure private cellular networks that meet industry standards while providing maximum performance.

Design Considerations for Private Networks for Manufacturing

When designing a private cellular network for manufacturing, there are several key considerations to consider.


First, engineers and IT professionals must consider the available spectrum, the frequency band that the network will be operating on. A wide range of frequencies are available for use with private networks, for example for 5G in the sub 6GHz (FR1) and mmWave (FR2) band. It’s important to select the ones which are suitable for the particular application.


The second consideration when designing a private cellular network is the frequency of operation.

Depending on the application, different frequencies may be more suitable than others. Frequency selection should consider factors such as signal strength and interference characteristics to provide optimal performance.


Finally, another important design consideration is location.

Radio transmitters must be positioned appropriately to guarantee maximum coverage area while minimizing interference from other networks or signals in the area. Proper placement of antennas can also help reduce noise levels and improve overall signal quality.

iBwave software uses advanced 3D modeling to predict coverage and advanced capacity simulations for radio transmitters to determine the ideal locations in your designs.

Challenges in Designing Private Networks for Manufacturing

When designing a private cellular network for manufacturing, there are challenges that come with creating a reliable connection.

Connectivity, coverage, and security are all key aspects of any wireless network and need to be considered when planning out the system design.


Connectivity is the most important aspect of any wireless network. In industrial settings, poor connectivity leads to data loss, disruption of services, and lost productivity.

Engineers must make sure that networks can provide the required bandwidth and latency to support the desired applications. They should also consider factors such as interference from other networks. Physical obstacles such as buildings, machinery, and the terrain between the small cells or antennas and the end-devices should be modeled in the software for accurate network design and reliable connectivity.


Coverage is another critical factor in providing network reliability. To provide adequate coverage, engineers must consider factors such as transmitter power levels, antenna placement, and frequency selection.

Additionally, they should consider what type of radio waves will be used for transmission. Line-of-sight or non-line-of-sight propagation methods can have a significant impact on overall coverage area.


Finally, security is essential for any private wireless network for manufacturing purposes.

Access control measures (such as authentication protocols) should be in place to protect against unauthorized access to confidential data or resources. Encryption technologies (such as TLS/SSL) should also be employed to prevent eavesdropping on communication links; and firewalls should be implemented at each access point.

Additionally, physical security measures (such as camera surveillance) may be necessary depending on the environment in which the system will operate.

The Design Process

The design process for a private cellular network for manufacturing can be divided into three distinct phases: spectrum selection, frequency planning, and infrastructure deployment.

Spectrum Selection

The first step in designing a private cellular network is to select the right spectrum. The application requirements, signal strength, and interference characteristics of available frequencies should be considered when selecting the spectrum.

The selected spectrum must provide enough bandwidth for the desired application and should also anticipate future expansion plans. Regulatory requirements also need to be adhered to for the chosen frequency range.

The next step is to consider the antenna type and size required for the chosen spectrum. The antenna size and shape should be in line with the range, performance, and power requirements of the system. Antennas should be optimized to meet the needs of the application and reduce interference.

iBwave software can be used to design and plan the number of antennas and the location of each antenna to ensure proper coverage and signal strength in all areas.

Frequency Planning

Once the spectrum has been selected, engineers must then plan the frequency of operation to maximize signal quality and minimize interference from other networks.

Frequency planning involves selecting an appropriate combination of transmitter power levels, antenna placement, and channel spacing that will provide adequate coverage while minimizing noise levels.

Additionally, measures such as directional antennas or additional repeaters may be necessary to provide reliable coverage over larger areas or through obstructions such as walls or hillsides.

Engineers must also analyze the environment to assess potential sources of interference and develop strategies to reduce or mitigate them. Mitigation might involve limiting the transmission power of nearby base stations, using directional antennas, or adding filters or shielding to reduce interference.

By making sure that the system is properly configured and optimized, engineers can ensure that the network will be reliable and provide quality service to its users.

Infrastructure Deployment

The final phase of designing a private cellular network involves deploying the necessary infrastructure components such as base stations, small cells, access points (AP’s), and transceivers. It is important that these components are properly installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications to provide optimal performance and reliability.

Additionally, proper maintenance should also be carried out regularly to maintain optimal performance over time.

Finally, measures such as access control systems, encryption technologies, firewalls, and physical security devices may also need to be implemented depending on the environment and application requirements.


Designing a private network for manufacturing is a complex and challenging process, but one that can lead to greater efficiency, reliability, and security. Proper spectrum selection and frequency planning is essential to guarantee the desired performance and coverage levels are met. Additionally, infrastructure deployment needs to be carefully planned to maximize signal quality and reduce noise levels.

Overall, RF engineers and IT professionals need to have a comprehensive understanding of the available technologies and their associated challenges to successfully design a private cellular network for manufacturing.

A successful private cellular network for manufacturing requires a thorough and disciplined approach that combines a deep knowledge of RF engineering, IT expertise, and a clear understanding of the system’s requirements.

iBwave’s solutions help to simplify and improve the private network design process. With the right planning and resources, it is possible to create a secure, reliable efficient network that meets the needs of the manufacturing environment.

To learn more about design considerations in private networks for manufacturing, watch our on-demand webinar:

How mmWave Technology Will Transform Private Networks

Nearly all private 5G cellular network deployments to date have been in low-band frequencies, less than 1 Ghz, or mid-band frequencies, between 1 and 6 Ghz. There have been very few deployments of high-band frequencies above 20 Ghz, which are also known as millimeter wave technology, or mmWave.

That’s despite the fact that, in many ways, mmWave technology is a higher capacity extension of 5G.

MmWave technology offers more advantages for specific use cases where extremely high bandwidth and low latency are critical.

For example, mmWave could be used by autonomous vehicle fleets to transmit real-time updates on their location and status to each other. This could help improve safety and reduce the risk of collisions. Additionally, high-band mmWave frequencies could also be used in industrial settings to enable faster, more reliable communication between robots and sensors. This could help to improve the efficiency of production lines and allows for the creation of smarter factories.

More Private 5G mmWave Technology Deployments

However, there is a shift happening in the market.

More private 5G mmWave deployments are taking place, owing to several factors:

Improvements in technology and expertise are making deployment easier

The extremely high bandwidth and low latency of mmWave is becoming more relevant as more data-intensive and latency-sensitive applications emerge

mmWave Technology Deployment Challenges

However, mmWave poses numerous technical challenges for network deployment, with significant upfront costs, even over standard 5G. As such, design considerations are even more crucial for enterprises looking at private mmWave network deployments.

To help address these challenges, the FCC allocated spectrum in the 24.25-30 GHz range to enable new 5G and mmWave services in the US. This allocation of mid-band spectrum allows for wider coverage areas and lower latency than mmWave spectrum, which is typically limited to short-range, line-of-sight deployments. This spectrum greatly improved the availability and affordability of mmWave services, allowing for a broader range of use cases, including for private networks.

Enterprises must fully address the complexity of a network environment and the technical challenges it may present to a mmWave network to ensure ROI on these investments.

Self-Contained and Highly Intensive Environments Are Best Candidates for mmWave

Data-intensive use cases, particularly in open industrial settings, are some of the best candidates for private 5G mmWave networks.

This is because these use cases have the high-bandwidth and low-latency requirements necessary to justify a mmWave network. Large industrial settings provide the ideal functional environment in which to deploy it.

The industrial setting also provides the necessary physical infrastructure for a private mmWave network. The large area, along with the metal and concrete structures, provide the self-contained environment that is necessary for a successful deployment. The physical environment provides a reliable, robust mmWave signal that can be maintained even in the face of interference from other wireless signals. The large area allows for a highly intensive network that can provide faster speeds and lower latency than other types of wireless networks.

The environment also needs to be self-contained and highly intensive to maximize the benefits of mmWave networking. mmWave requires the environment to be free of external interference sources, such as other radio signals, which can interfere with the mmWave signal.

The environment also needs to be dense enough for the 5G signal to be able to propagate between multiple nodes. This density makes sure that the 5G signal can reach its full potential and provide the best possible experience for users.

As technologies like IoT and AI become more commonplace in these settings, mmWave will become increasingly more relevant because of the key advantages it delivers over 4G/LTE.

Use Cases for mmWave Technology

In general, mmWave technology is a viable option in self-contained environments where:

Line-of-sight and obstructions can be controlled

The principal concern is under design

There is no functional limit on how much bandwidth is needed or how low latency needs to be

In many cases, mmWave deployment is not necessary to enable a given use case. However, mmWave can often better address the specific pain points of particular use cases, making it a better option.

Empowering AI and IoT

For example, mmWave’s greatest strengths are its ability to support an arbitrary number of sensors or devices, and throughput essentially an arbitrary amount of data with minimal latency. This makes it extremely well-suited for AI and IoT use cases that need high throughput and low latency to make maximum use of these technologies.

MMWave’s superior performance also enables more complex applications, such as autonomous vehicles, which rely on a high degree of connectivity and responsiveness. It can also be leveraged to enable dynamic, intelligent networks that can learn and respond to changing situations and environments. MMWave can provide more secure connections, reducing the risk of data breaches and other malicious activities. MMWave is a superior option for many applications, especially those that require high throughput, low latency, and secure connections.

Enabling Real-Time Security Monitoring

However, mmWave presents difficult design considerations. Its signal is low-range and is easily blocked by any kind of obstruction. This is why controllable environments are of such importance in mmWave deployments. In highly dynamic settings, the high throughput of mmWave can become extremely difficult, if not impossible, to maintain consistently.

Security cameras are another excellent example of where mmWave can shine. As the cameras are static, obstructions are rarely, if ever, a concern. And mmWave can easily stream high-quality video with low enough latency for real-time monitoring and analysis — a crucial factor in security.

MMWave is also ideal for short-range bandwidth applications, such as backhaul for access points, where operators need to send large amounts of data quickly and reliably. MMWave is able to transmit data faster than sub-6 GHz frequencies and can facilitate a more consistent and reliable connection to access points. Furthermore, the small wavelength size of mmWave allows for the use of smaller antennas, which can then be made even more discreet, particularly useful when deploying access points in public places.

iBwave Simplifies Design and Deployment

While it’s important to identify the right use case when considering deployment of a private mmWave network, enterprises also need to ensure their network design lets them take advantage of mmWave’s strengths.

iBwave’s survey and design software is optimized to address the complexity of mmWave network design and presents easy-to-use and easy-to-understand interfaces that simplify the design process. Network designers can easily and efficiently design accurate networks, avoiding the risk of both overdesign and under design.

With iBwave Private Networks, designers can:

Model venues in advanced 3D with AutoCAD import

Design from a database of vendor-modeled network components, including Small Cells, Aps, cables, controllers, routers, and more

Calibrate prediction with survey results

Run key project reports

iBwave Private Networks delivers the simplest and most reliable solution for planning, designing, and delivering private, high-performance, mmWave networks.

Advanced and powerful features such as the Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine, Prediction Calibration, Inclined Surface Modeling, and Attenuation by Frequency ensure the network you design functions exactly as intended.

The Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine allows users to quickly design, simulate and visualize the complete coverage of a mmWave network and provide users with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

With Prediction Calibration, users have the ability to compare the simulation results to survey results, allowing them to ensure their design is accurate and reliable.

The Inclined Surface Modeling feature ensures that the propagation of the signal is accurate for surfaces that are not perfectly flat.

Attenuation by Frequency allows users to simulate the frequency-dependent signal attenuation, ensuring the accuracy of the predictions.

Plus, cloud-connectivity and seamless integration with iBwave Mobile Survey ensures that iBwave can meet all your mmWave network needs, present and future.

Overall, the features of iBwave make it the perfect tool for designing and deploying mmWave networks. The powerful simulation capabilities, seamless integration with iB and cloud-connectivity make it an invaluable asset for all mmWave network designers.

For more information, take a look at the full product breakdown of iBwave Private Networks.

And for more insights into the growing demand for private 5G networks, download our latest e-book: Top Trends in Private Networks for 2023.

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