How to Design Private Networks for Manufacturing

Private networks are part of critical infrastructure improvements in manufacturing. Private 4G/5G networks provide reliable connectivity to overcome coverage challenges in manufacturing facilities, like construction that often includes metal, concrete, screening, and pipework. Private networks for manufacturing provide secure and reliable communication between machines, allowing for automation and efficient data transfer.

By using private networks in manufacturing operations, industrial organizations can also benefit from improved performance and reduced costs. Security features, such as authentication and encryption, are key components of private networks, enabling secure communication and limiting the risk of cyber-attacks.

Additionally, with private networks, organizations can optimize their network infrastructure and customize it to their specific needs. Private networks also provide better control over network performance, allowing for higher data speeds and better coverage.

Manufacturing requires a sophisticated network infrastructure. This infrastructure often includes integration with operational technology like IoT and automation systems, as well as more conventional IT and telecommunication needs.

Manufacturing assets are also becoming more connected, data-driven and interconnected across broad supply chains. As the industry transforms there is an increased need for high-capacity and low-latency reliable connectivityAccurate private networks in manufacturing can help enterprises avoid the extremely high costs of downtime and provide complete control of data assets.

Radio Frequency (RF) engineers and operations must work together to create the optimal private wireless network to guarantee the highest level of performance possible.

Designing a private wireless network in manufacturing environments requires careful consideration of the environment, power requirements, signal propagation characteristics, antenna placement, security measures, and other factors. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of all the components that make up a wireless system.

Often multiple technologies will be used in combination, with a variety of integration or gateway approaches needed to combine technologies like Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), 4G, 5G, or Wi-F-6/6E. iBwave offers certification programs for designing in-building wireless network projects, site surveys, and the fundamentals of testing. This article will provide an overview of the process needed to design private networks for use in manufacturing environments.

Determining Requirements

The first step in designing a private wireless network for manufacturing is to determine what type of system is required. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, different types of systems may be necessary.

It is essential to understand what types of devices will be connected to ensure that there are no compatibility issues when choosing hardware or software solutions.

You also must make sure that the designed network provides the required KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) regarding signal strength, throughput and latency for all of those devices.

Devices and applications may include:

Proximity & Stop functions for worker safety.

Automation systems to control industrial production machinery.

Process monitoring

Automatic Guided Vehicles

Robotics for assembly and welding

Asset tracking and positioning

Human/Machine Interfaces

Video Surveillance

Site-wide communications networks

Additionally, it is important to understand current regulations regarding frequency, usage, and licensing (signal leakage, EMF) before beginning any network design or installation process.

Site layout

Once these initial steps have been completed, it is time to begin designing the physical layout of the network itself. iBwave’s Network design solutions allow you to upload floor plans or photos of site locations to design your network and automatically calculate coverage.

iBwave’s software allows you to model antenna placement to optimize coverage and performance while minimizing interference from other radio signals or environmental elements such as infrastructure in the building itself.


Power requirements must also be considered when deciding on an antenna placement strategy. Some installations may require additional power sources due to their distance from existing outlets or wiring limitations.


Security is also an important consideration. Comprehensive security protocols must be implemented to protect sensitive proprietary information within the network as well as prevent malicious actors from gaining unauthorized access.

Robust security requires careful selection and configuration of encryption protocols as well as authentication mechanisms based on user roles within each organization’s internal IT structure.

By combining these elements into one cohesive plan, engineers can create robust and secure private cellular networks that meet industry standards while providing maximum performance.

Design Considerations for Private Networks for Manufacturing

When designing a private cellular network for manufacturing, there are several key considerations to consider.


First, engineers and IT professionals must consider the available spectrum, the frequency band that the network will be operating on. A wide range of frequencies are available for use with private networks, for example for 5G in the sub 6GHz (FR1) and mmWave (FR2) band. It’s important to select the ones which are suitable for the particular application.


The second consideration when designing a private cellular network is the frequency of operation.

Depending on the application, different frequencies may be more suitable than others. Frequency selection should consider factors such as signal strength and interference characteristics to provide optimal performance.


Finally, another important design consideration is location.

Radio transmitters must be positioned appropriately to guarantee maximum coverage area while minimizing interference from other networks or signals in the area. Proper placement of antennas can also help reduce noise levels and improve overall signal quality.

iBwave software uses advanced 3D modeling to predict coverage and advanced capacity simulations for radio transmitters to determine the ideal locations in your designs.

Challenges in Designing Private Networks for Manufacturing

When designing a private cellular network for manufacturing, there are challenges that come with creating a reliable connection.

Connectivity, coverage, and security are all key aspects of any wireless network and need to be considered when planning out the system design.


Connectivity is the most important aspect of any wireless network. In industrial settings, poor connectivity leads to data loss, disruption of services, and lost productivity.

Engineers must make sure that networks can provide the required bandwidth and latency to support the desired applications. They should also consider factors such as interference from other networks. Physical obstacles such as buildings, machinery, and the terrain between the small cells or antennas and the end-devices should be modeled in the software for accurate network design and reliable connectivity.


Coverage is another critical factor in providing network reliability. To provide adequate coverage, engineers must consider factors such as transmitter power levels, antenna placement, and frequency selection.

Additionally, they should consider what type of radio waves will be used for transmission. Line-of-sight or non-line-of-sight propagation methods can have a significant impact on overall coverage area.


Finally, security is essential for any private wireless network for manufacturing purposes.

Access control measures (such as authentication protocols) should be in place to protect against unauthorized access to confidential data or resources. Encryption technologies (such as TLS/SSL) should also be employed to prevent eavesdropping on communication links; and firewalls should be implemented at each access point.

Additionally, physical security measures (such as camera surveillance) may be necessary depending on the environment in which the system will operate.

The Design Process

The design process for a private cellular network for manufacturing can be divided into three distinct phases: spectrum selection, frequency planning, and infrastructure deployment.

Spectrum Selection

The first step in designing a private cellular network is to select the right spectrum. The application requirements, signal strength, and interference characteristics of available frequencies should be considered when selecting the spectrum.

The selected spectrum must provide enough bandwidth for the desired application and should also anticipate future expansion plans. Regulatory requirements also need to be adhered to for the chosen frequency range.

The next step is to consider the antenna type and size required for the chosen spectrum. The antenna size and shape should be in line with the range, performance, and power requirements of the system. Antennas should be optimized to meet the needs of the application and reduce interference.

iBwave software can be used to design and plan the number of antennas and the location of each antenna to ensure proper coverage and signal strength in all areas.

Frequency Planning

Once the spectrum has been selected, engineers must then plan the frequency of operation to maximize signal quality and minimize interference from other networks.

Frequency planning involves selecting an appropriate combination of transmitter power levels, antenna placement, and channel spacing that will provide adequate coverage while minimizing noise levels.

Additionally, measures such as directional antennas or additional repeaters may be necessary to provide reliable coverage over larger areas or through obstructions such as walls or hillsides.

Engineers must also analyze the environment to assess potential sources of interference and develop strategies to reduce or mitigate them. Mitigation might involve limiting the transmission power of nearby base stations, using directional antennas, or adding filters or shielding to reduce interference.

By making sure that the system is properly configured and optimized, engineers can ensure that the network will be reliable and provide quality service to its users.

Infrastructure Deployment

The final phase of designing a private cellular network involves deploying the necessary infrastructure components such as base stations, small cells, access points (AP’s), and transceivers. It is important that these components are properly installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications to provide optimal performance and reliability.

Additionally, proper maintenance should also be carried out regularly to maintain optimal performance over time.

Finally, measures such as access control systems, encryption technologies, firewalls, and physical security devices may also need to be implemented depending on the environment and application requirements.


Designing a private network for manufacturing is a complex and challenging process, but one that can lead to greater efficiency, reliability, and security. Proper spectrum selection and frequency planning is essential to guarantee the desired performance and coverage levels are met. Additionally, infrastructure deployment needs to be carefully planned to maximize signal quality and reduce noise levels.

Overall, RF engineers and IT professionals need to have a comprehensive understanding of the available technologies and their associated challenges to successfully design a private cellular network for manufacturing.

A successful private cellular network for manufacturing requires a thorough and disciplined approach that combines a deep knowledge of RF engineering, IT expertise, and a clear understanding of the system’s requirements.

iBwave’s solutions help to simplify and improve the private network design process. With the right planning and resources, it is possible to create a secure, reliable efficient network that meets the needs of the manufacturing environment.

To learn more about design considerations in private networks for manufacturing, watch our on-demand webinar:

The Internet of Things: An Overview

There are whispers of a powerful force in the wireless industry.

Warehouse machinery, electronic devices, factory equipment – all seemingly lifeless – are talking to each other. They’re organized. They’re connected. They’re powerful. They are…THE INTERNET OF THINGS!

Okay, when it’s put like that, the Internet of Things (IoT) sounds like a monster from a low-budget sci-fi flick. While it may not be the star of a monster movie, IoT lives up to its wacky name and then some.

So let’s put it in perspective: just what is the Internet of Things?

IoT is the extension of wireless connectivity into everyday objects. Embedded with electronics, internet connectivity, and other forms of hardware, these devices can communicate and interact with others over the Internet.

IoT continues to evolve thanks to the convergence of different technologies. Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation, and smart buildings all contribute to enabling the Internet of things.

Simply put: IoT is how devices communicate and interact with each other through wireless technology. It’s becoming increasingly common in modern households: smart lighting, bluetooth speakers, automated locks, and more are all becoming essential parts of the home IoT ecosystem.

There are many different types of IoT technologies used today, each with unique standards, purposes, and benefits. Here’s a quick look at some of the most used:

  • 5G: The up-and comer. One of the newest IoT technologies, 5G brings low latency and can connect up to a million IoT devices per square kilometer. With high sensor density and efficient data throughput, 5G provides benefits to outdoor industrial IoT design that other technologies cannot.
  • BlueTooth: A proprietary technology owned by Ericsson, BlueTooth operates on a master-slave configuration and is commonly found in mobile devices such as smartphones and wireless speakers. While most know it for its application in personal tech, BlueTooth’s low power output also allows it to be used in sensor systems and medical equipment around the world.
  • LoRa: A proprietary technology owned by Semtech, LoRa is a highly secure IoT platform that can send encrypted data at various frequencies and bitrates. It can provide both indoor and outdoor coverage, and its application is found in offshore industries and the burgeoning ‘smart city’ sector .
  • ZigBee: A short range technology that offers benefits such as low power output, less expensive system implementation than other IoT types, and low battery consumption. Typically found in industrial applications and home products, ZigBee operates on the 2.4Ghz band.
  • WiFi: The head honcho. WiFi is the most popular IoT service used around the world, universally adopted for both commercial and personal connectivity purposes. With easy implementation, no spectrum costs, and cross-vendor interoperability, WiFi has become the go-to option for indoor IoT connectivity. Features such as targeted wake time and simultaneous data transfer for up to 18 users make it an appealing option for in-building wireless design.

You can learn more about other IoT technologies with our Wireless Standards Reference Poster.

In the warehouse and factory industries, WiFi IoT design has been a mainstay of the production process for years. At iBwave, we’ve developed software that helps system integrators design wireless networks for these types of venues.

Warehouses present some unique challenges when it comes to IoT design. Tall ceilings, reflective surfaces, and shelves holding inventory can all negatively affect indoor signal strength. Spotty propagation can also occur through material interference from metal machinery.

With that in mind, here are some useful tips when designing and IoT network for warehouse:

  • Design For Worst Case Scenarios: Warehouses have ever-shifting inventory levels, and the density of product within a building can significantly affect signal strength. Site surveys should be conducted when shelves are full to ensure connectivity can be achieved even when there is a lot of potential signal refraction from warehouse stock.
  • Stagger Your Antennas: Warehouse layouts typically consist of a series of tall shelves separated into aisles. To ensure the best possible connection, mount antennas to opposite walls of the warehouse, alternating between each aisle. This allows for connectivity throughout the warehouse without purchasing extra antennas.
  • Ensure You Can Connect Anywhere: Staggered antennas will help ensure connectivity between aisles, but since warehouse stock can be stacked up to 14 meters high, make sure your devices can connect vertically as well as horizontally. Inventory scanners are a crucial tool used in virtually every warehouse, and they need to be functional everywhere in the building.

We’ll cover IoT design tips and challenges for manufacturing plants in a future post.

And there you have it! We hope we’ve demystified the Internet of Things – we promise it isn’t hiding under your bed (or if it is, at least it’s there to connect your devices!).

For a more in-depth discussion on the topic, check out the IoT webinar presented by Dr. Vladan Jevremovic, the Director of Research at iBwave.

Thanks for reading!

IoT and the Wireless Networks that Make Them Tick

The topic of the Internet of Things (IoT) is more prevalent nowadays in online tech discussions and “trends this year” articles than ever before. Beyond the wearables and home automation devices out there, what is IoT in a B2B context and what are the most prevalent wireless networks that connect them?

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things is the ability of physical devices to connect with each other through wireless networks, typically the Internet. Since 2015 the growth of IoT devices has been steadily increasing for applications ranging from consumer devices to healthcare, banking, retail and manufacturing. And the investments will continue to grow in the coming years which raises the question: What impact will the IoT have on a building’s indoor wireless networks and what are the options to support the proliferation of these connected devices?

According to Cisco, only a fraction of devices that can connect to the Internet actually do, and the yearly growth of IoT devices in the next 5 years will average 28.5%(1). With this expected growth rate, the potential for expansion is massive and demands for wireless networks to support that expansion can be expected to significantly increase as well.

IoT as a productivity driver

Many of the IoT consumer devices available today like wearables and home automation devices often use your own smartphone’s LTE connection or your home Wi-Fi network for wireless connection. The wireless performance required is often minimal so if you’re looking to improve response times, chances are moving your Wi-Fi router to a more central location in the house will be a quick fix at zero cost to you. However, when dealing with larger-scale networks, like those often seen in the Enterprise, addressing performance issues is not so simple.

Despite the current abundance of consumer wearables and home automation systems, IoT devices are much more common in manufacturing, healthcare and business applications than they currently are in consumer environments. The Industrial Internet of Things, also known as IIoT, will be the biggest driver of productivity and growth in the next decade. It is estimated that investments in IIoT will reach $85B by 2020(2) with an annual growth rate of 28.5%(1). By the end of 2020, it’s projected that close to 50%(3) of new IoT applications built by Enterprises will leverage an IoT platform that offers outcome-focused functionality based on analytics gathered by their IoT inventory.

What are some of the benefits Enterprises are hoping to see? Consumer expectations are shifting in the online marketplace – they want simplicity, speed and quality, and Enterprises are looking towards IIoT to help them deliver. Many of them are looking to the IoT to improve the accuracy, speed, and scale of their supply chains and to redefine quality management, compliance, traceability and business intelligence.

They also see IIoT delivering potential benefits such as increased efficiency through data captured about their processes and products with the use of sensors. In some cases IIoT also allows automation of some processes that can improve time-to-market, measure performance and rapidly respond to customer needs. Risk Management and Safety Compliance can also be impacted with a larger IoT inventory by identifying areas that require attention, flagging irregularities, and issues much more quickly than humans can. Another key driver is the increasing use of automated mobile equipment in manufacturing facilities. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) can now deliver components to production cells in manufacturing plants where forklift drivers used to accomplish this task.

IoT and Wireless

Reliable indoor wireless coverage is essential to any IoT application in an Enterprise environment. Mobile operators do have a part to play in supporting the wireless infrastructure used by some IoT devices however it’s expected their focus will be on devices which are close to or completely outdoors, often in a setting where the tracking of a mobile vehicle is required. The cellular signal may not be able to penetrate deeper in the building so when talking about manufacturing or industrial production most of the indoor wireless networks will be the responsibility of the Enterprise and/or the building owner. Properly planning and deploying these networks can be costly to their bottom line if not done properly right from the start. Using the right tools and components is key to ensure adequate performance and future-proofing to avoid costly upgrades later on.

So how do all these devices connect together and which network types are best for a particular application? First thing to look at is the type of IoT device that will be used and the mobility of said device, as this will be key in determining which network protocol is most suitable.

Here is an outline of the more common options available:

Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1)

  • Bands: 2.4 GHz
  • Range: Short – 10 meters
  • Ideal for small devices
  • Used in medical devices and industrial sensors
  • Low power requirements, ideal for wearables


  • Bands: Below 1 GHz
  • Range: High – 25+ km (depending on line-of-sight)
  • Indoor/outdoor coverage
  • Secure, can transmit encrypted data at different frequencies and bit rates
  • Specifically built for IoT
  • Low power
  • Industrial usage and Smart Cities


  • Bands: Below 1GHz / 4G-LTE
  • Range: Very high – Global
  • Ideal for tracking moving objects over long distances
  • Indoor / outdoor coverage
  • High security provided through SIM chip
  • Can use legacy 2G-3G networks if LTE is unavailable
  • Location services provided through cell tower positioning, cheaper than GPS
  • Works during power failures

NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT)

  • Bands: 180-200kHz
  • Range: High – 35 km
  • Focused on indoor coverage
  • Uses subset of LTE
  • Low cost and low power, high battery life
  • Deeper penetration in-building but more complex to implement


  • Bands: 868 MHz (Europe), 902 MHz (US)
  • Range: High – 3-10 km in urban settings, 30-50 km in rural areas, up to 1,000 km in line-of-site
  • Ultra narrow band with minimal interference
  • Low power, high battery life
  • Requires a mobile operator to carry the generated traffic
  • Star network topology (using base stations)


  • Bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
  • Range: Medium – 100 meters
  • Widely available in public places
  • Easy to implement, easy to use short-range wireless connectivity with cross-vendor interoperability
  • Zero spectrum cost

Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4)

  • Bands: 2.4 GHz
  • Range: 100 meters
  • Industrial applications and some home products
  • Low power requirements
  • Secure with 128-bit encryption


  • Bands: Below 1 GHz
  • Range: 30 meters
  • Popular with consumer IoT devices
  • Applications in home automation (used by Amazon Echo)
  • Most open development environment for smart products (using ITU-T G.9959 global radio standard)

In summary, we are still in the early stage of the massive investment in IoT devices that is to come in the next few years. Whichever application IoT devices and sensors will be used in it will undoubtedly put a strain on the underlying wireless networks if they have not been designed to handle the explosion of connected devices. Furthermore, selecting the most suitable wireless network requires a thorough understanding of each IoT devices’ requirements in order to ensure the network will not only perform adequately when first deployed but will be able to handle any projected growth in following years.

Feel free to download the infographic below for a quick reference guide on the most used wireless networks for IoT devices. 

Sources used as a reference in this blog:

(1) 8 Statistics That Prove IoT will become Massive from 2018

(2) Choosing the Right Platform for the Industrial IoT

(3) A roundup of 2018 enterprise Internet of Things forecasts and market estimates

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