Three Reasons to Unify Indoor and Outdoor Wireless Network Design

This is a guest blog by David Nathan from the Infovista team. Find out how iBwave and Infovista are teaming up to deliver a unified solution for indoor and outdoor-friendly wireless network design.

If you’re part of a mobile network technical team, get ready for unified indoor and outdoor network design. Ready or not, it’s coming, and it’s going to mean big changes for how operators build and deploy their networks.

Poor in-building performance has been a notorious challenge for cellular networks and one of the biggest hurdles to broad adoption in enterprise architectures. In the early days of cellular data, operators could argue that indoor coverage wasn’t really part of their mandate—it’s “mobile” coverage, after all. So, apart from major venues like stadiums and convention centers, operators focused their network design effort on providing reliable, high-performance connectivity for users on the go.

5G is about to change all that. All of a sudden, seamless indoor/outdoor wireless experiences are no longer a nice-to-have bonus. They’re a core requirement. Why does 5G make it essential to unify indoor and outdoor wireless network design? Here are the top three reasons.

1. Because 5G use cases demand it.

Unlike previous cellular data services, 5G will soon empower operators to segment their networks into different “slices” tuned to specific use cases. Operators and possibly neutral host players will offer packages of network resources for things like massive Internet of Things (IoT) installations, smart factories, and private networks. These slices will guarantee specified capacity, reliability, and latency under a service-level agreement (SLA).

Network slices represent one of the most promising new ways for operators to monetize their 5G networks. But many network slicing use cases function indoors, or in venues with mixed in-building and outdoor coverage requirements. If operators are going to guarantee specially tuned network slices under SLAs—and rely on those higher revenues to fund 5G network upgrades—seamless indoor/outdoor wireless connectivity becomes absolutely essential. That only happens when wireless networks are designed for it from the outset.

2. Because keeping them separate is inefficient.

Today, the few options available for dedicated in-building cellular coverage exist in a separate world from the rest of operator networks. Furthermore, design teams and solutions to plan and deploy in-buildings networks are generally sitting in separated organizations with their own design processes. When indoor coverage was viewed as a limited special case for a handful of venues, that made sense. But, if revenues and customer satisfaction will increasingly depend on use cases that demand seamless indoor/outdoor connectivity, that model just won’t work.

No operator wants to invest in building up a separate organization—with separate network design, separate tools, separate testing and deployment—for in-building services that make up an ever-larger part of their business. That much duplication is just too expensive and inefficient. Even worse: if you’re relying on separate organizations and design processes, you can expect much longer timelines for 5G network rollouts.

Furthermore, adopting a unified approach for the design of wireless networks unleashes new capabilities which were not accessible before, such as an accurate understanding of the indoor coverage subscribers will access from the outdoor network. Streamlining the design methodologies and tools enables significant cost reduction by eliminating expensive in-building site walk (OPEX) and helps to maximize the radio network return of investment. 

3. Because it will be a key competitive differentiator.

Cellular data services might have meant “outdoors and on the go” in the early years. Today, that approach no longer aligns with how people actually use mobile devices. According to ABI Research, more than 80 percent of all data traffic is consumed indoors. And, as 5G spurs new enterprise use cases like massive IoT deployments and smart factories, that number will grow.

It all comes down to Business 101. If an operator can’t deliver high-performing in-building service and seamless connectivity, their customers will look to a competitor who can. This makes in-building coverage one of the most important opportunities for operators to differentiate their 5G services. Those that can unify indoor and outdoor network designs soonest will capture the lions’ share of new enterprise business as well as justify a 5G price premium. They’ll be well-positioned to peel off competitors’ consumer subscribers too.

It’s Time for Unified Network Designs. Infovista and iBwave deliver.

5G brings all manner of new use cases and challenges where in-building and outdoor wireless networks must continually, reliably interact. It just doesn’t make sense to treat indoor and outdoor network designs separately anymore. It’s time for convergence.

That’s why Infovista and iBwave have announced a strategic collaboration to deliver a unified solution to bridge the gap between indoor and outdoor connectivity.  

The unified offering from Infovista and iBwave will allow customers to design and deploy 5G wireless networks to complex indoor and outdoor campus environments faster, without separate survey and planning tools. Expanded design capabilities will also cut costs and reduce the risk of unclear timelines that are often an issue in large venue and campus design.

By unifying network design processes and planning solutions, network operators can maintain a holistic view of their networks, slices, and SLAs. They can reduce operational costs, get the best of their RAN investment and significantly reduce deployment timelines. And, they can capture the attention (and revenues) of a growing number of enterprise and consumer customers, by delivering a seamless indoor/outdoor experience that competitors can’t match.  

For details on how Infovista helps network operators design and test 5G networks from planning and optimization to testing, see the Planet Planning Portfolio and Tems™ Mobile Network Testing.

To learn more about 5G design for a variety of use-cases, read about Beamforming, an innovative process for advanced network design.

LOL OMG BBQ?! – Understanding Wireless Industry Acronyms

Any time you start a new career, there’s a dictionary sized list of words you need to learn before you start to feel knowledgeable about the industry you work in. To make things even more intimidating, your coworkers are probably so used to wireless industry jargon that they use acronyms to keep things concise.

The problem? If you don’t know the acronym, how are you supposed to know what the heck they’re talking about? The wireless design industry has a whole slew of baffling acronyms that can look like gibberish to an outsider. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of the most common wireless acronyms heard around the globe as well as a brief explanation on what they refer to. Next time your boss asks you which BTS and APs can be found on the BOM, you can reply with confidence!

Wireless Industry Acronyms:

AP: Access Points. Networking hardware that allows a Wi-Fi compliant device to connect to a wired network.

BTS: Base Transceiver Station. The network entity which communicates with the mobile station.

BOM: Bill of materials. A document outlining all the equipment necessary to install and deploy a wireless network.

DAS: Distributed Antenna System. A network of spatially separated antenna nodes connected to a common source that provides wireless service within a geographic area or structure. You can learn more about DAS here.

KPI: Key Performance Indicators. A performance indicator is a type of performance measurement. In the context of the wireless industry, it refers to metrics intended to measure the accuracy and capacity of wireless networks.

LTE: Long-Term Evolution. A standard for high-speed wireless communication for mobile phones and data terminals.

MAPL: Maximum acceptable path loss.

MIMO: Multiple-input and multiple-output. A method for multiplying the capacity of a radio link using multiple transmission and receiving antennas to exploit multi path propagation.

RF: Radio Frequency.

SINR: Signal to interference plus noise ratio. A quantity used to give theoretical upper bounds on channel capacity (or the rate of information transfer) in wireless communication systems.

WLAN: Wireless local area network.

Want more helpful wireless network design resources? Check out our wireless reference posters.

Have you seen or heard a wireless industry acronym that we didn’t list here? Ask us about it in the comments and we’ll explain it to you!

Happy International Women’s Day! A Tribute to Hedy Lamarr

To the women in wireless, and to all women around the world, Happy International Women’s Day!

To celebrate, I’ve put together a short tribute to Hedy Lamarr, the co-inventor of frequency hopping and a pioneer in the field of wireless communications

Who was Hedy Lamarr?

Hedy (short for Hedwig) was an actress from Austria who also co-invented frequency hopping during World War II.

How did that come about?

In 1937 Hedy was compelled to help the U.S military after divorcing her husband who had plans to jam U.S aircraft and weapons. In 1939, working with composer George Antheil, Hedy figured out that by transmitting signals along rapidly changing (“hopping”) frequencies, U.S radio-guided torpedoes would be far more resilient to jamming.

Fun Fact! Did you know frequency hopping spread spectrum is based on a music concept? The frequencies are ‘carried’ in waves through space like melodies. Neat, right? I think so. 

Anyways, with their frequency hopping technology ready to go, Hedy and George presented it to the U.S Navy. What did they say? In a nutshell, they said ‘no thank you, it is too hard to implement’.

Not giving up, Hedy and George went on to patent the technology anyways, receiving U.S Patent 2292387 in 1942.

Jump ahead 20 years to 1962 and the U.S Navy reconsidered their previous ‘no thank you’ and used Hedy and George’s technology during the Cuban missile crisis


Jump ahead another 35 years to 1992 and Hedy got the recognition she deserved, receiving the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award and the Invention Convention Bulbie Gnass Spirit of Achievement Bronze award to recognizing her significant contributions to society.

In 2014, both Hedy Lamarr and Antheil were posthumously inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

From all of iBwave, thank you Hedy Lamarr, and all women in wireless, for your contribution to the wireless world!


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