iBwave’s First “In-Building Novemberfest”

iBwave might be celebrating its 10-year anniversary but it has nevertheless experienced a series of exciting firsts this year.

Earlier in March, it took the wireless market by storm when it introduced (as part of the Mobile World Congress that took place in Barcelona, Spain) iBwave Mobile Planner, the very first in-building app that simplifies the design and planning process for indoor Small Cell and Wi-Fi networks.

A mere few months later, it earned international industry recognition, winning its first “Small Cell Tool Design and Technology Innovation” award jointly with Vodafone (as part of the Small Cells Word Summit that took place in London, U.K).

More recently, it continued the momentum that has been generated across Europe and launched its very first European User Group in Munich, Germany! All this in the space of 9 months! Pretty impressive track record of success, wouldn’t you agree?


When it comes to iBwave’s first European User Group, one might wonder about the importance of the right timing (why now?) and location (why Munich?).

Well, with the deployment of LTE increasing rapidly throughout Europe, we felt that the time was ripe for us to take the next step and play an active role in paving the way for a stronger and more united European wireless community.

We also knew from our daily interactions with our customers that there was a strong appetite from the leading industry players to learn, exchange knowledge, ideas and best practices as well as a real need to have a forum where they could voice their views and, together, help shape the future of the industry.

Speakers from CiscoOrangeKPNTE connectivityAxell Wireless and subnet comparing the different stages of development of the in-building industry in the USA and Europe, and raising the debate between Small Cells and DAS

As for the location, the Bavarian capital made it the perfect location to have our first European User Group (our very own “In-Building Novemberfest”!)

Recognized for its world’s largest beer festival, the city boasts exceptional infrastructure, a high proportion of modern industries and has established itself as Germany’s undisputed technology leader. Geographically speaking, it is also located in Central Europe, making it easily reachable from Brussels, Budapest, London, Milan, Paris, Prague, Vienna and Zurich.

Munich is Europe’s Top Tech Hub

Not surprisingly then, our event attracted a diversified audience, with participants coming from all over Europe.

“It was very beneficial to meet other market participants and it gave me insight into the current trends and strategies. It’s really great that iBwave is so passionate and takes initiative to bring us folks together” Ingo Flömer, Axell Wireless.


In addition to their desire for increased networking and collaboration, our attendees appreciated the opportunity to better understand the relevance and impact of our productsand gain first-hand experience of how they are being utilized in the real world.

Lars Jessen from Eltel Networks did a great job at illustrating the pre- iBwave issues that they experienced when their RF technicians had to rely on paper floor plan transcripts and compasses.

“All data and valuable information is now collected with one tool, faster and with less mistakes”

Our participants also commented on the quality and pertinence of:

To finish things off on a high note, we concluded the day with a truly Bavarian experience at the Augustiner-Keller restaurant where we all got the chance to relax and know each other a bit better over delicious Bavarian delicacies and local brewed beers!

We would like to thank all our participants for making this first event such a big success! We greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet with you face-to-face and hope that you all came away with a wealth of valuable knowledge and ideas.

Vielen Dank and looking forward to many more events like this one in the years to come!

Special congratulations to our winners: Martin Weckerle from Kathrein, Lars Jessen from Eltel Networks, Volken Hinze from Vodafone, Jorg Schwarz from TE connectivity, Oliver Schlesiger from Vodafone, Ingo Flomer from Axell Wireless, Gregg Albrecht from Wireless Telecom Group, Thomas Brautigam from Ericsson, , Rafael Lou Mardones from LS telcom, Thomas Riedl from Kathrein, Martin Scheffel from Vodafone, Pierre-Alexandre Bourguignat from LD Consultants, Lina Deambrogio from Teko Telecom, Vincent Fasquelle from Wireless Telecom Group and Miroslav Plecas from vip.

iBwave User Group in Dallas: New Format but Same Great Content

Innovation and customer centricity have always been at the core of our strategy, and we at iBwave pride ourselves in challenging the status quo. This is reflected in the way we work, in the wide range of products and services that we introduce to the market and it’s also what ultimately led us to make some significant changes to our fourth Annual User Group.

For those of you who have attended our previous events, you might remember that they were typically held in conjunction with the DAS & Small Cells Congress which takes place in Vegas. This year however, we felt that we needed to step out of our comfort zone and break the mold to be:

  • closer to our customers => we hosted a standalone event in Dallas where we have the largest customer base
  • closer to their real-world issues and interests => the idea here was to focus on bringing tailored-content, “for users, by users” so we adopted a much more user-driven approach by engaging our users early in the planning process. In addition, we also made the decision to spread the event over two days so as to cover a broader spectrum of topics

iBwave’s CTO, Dominique Gauthier talks the talk in his “best Texan, French accent”

Although it is early days, this new format certainly seems to have paid off, and we are very much encouraged by the echoes that we have received to date, from first-timers as from returning participants. Our team too commented on the fact that it had generated fresh, new synergies among stakeholders and that many ideas had emerged from the discussions.

But overall, let’s be fair: the quality of the event was also largely due to the fact that it drew a varied audience that was made up of leading industry experts, power users with an intimate knowledge of our product suite, and champions who are continually collaborating with us to push the technology envelope!

TJ Forner @ AT&T opens up on iBwave’s great innovation story, describes it as the “best standard for standardization within DAS engineering”

Much credit also goes to our newly-created User Group Committee (made up of Thomas Gourley and Doug Kwiatkowski from Verizon Wireless; Vincent Rhone from AT&T; Luigi Tarlazzi from Commscope; John Barcomb from Sprint; Dwayne Baucom from American Tower; Aroosh Elahi from Ericsson and Lee Scott from Goodman Networks) who took on the challenge and who did a phenomenal job!

With their help, we were able to provide a truly open forum where we could share best practices, learn from each other, align priorities and just as importantly, develop a shared vision for our industry which continues to show strong signs of growth!

“It’s all about developing smarter technologies that allow you to get it right, first time while reducing the project life cycle and increasing efficiency” – Amit Verma @ MobileCEM Labs

For our part, the event certainly highlighted the need for further collaboration between industry players so that we can be better prepared to scale and address the indoor challenges associated with different types of environments and business models.

We were also inspired by the rich and constructive dialogue that took place during the panel discussions and round tables, the valuable insights that we collected with regards to our product roadmap, as well as the enthusiastic responses that the live demos generated.

Live demo of the seamless integration with the collection tool from MobileCEM

And talking of enthusiastic responses, how great was it to break the news regarding the latest Mobile 2.0 release in front of our participants and give them all a 3-month Mobile Planner license so that they can play with the new features! Pretty cool way to conclude the event, wouldn’t you say?

Our Mobile version 2.0 boasts advanced usability and propagation features!

So, all in all, we had a fantastically productive time and we learnt a lot from this experience – including the fact, in the US, iced tea is served “black”, ie: unsweetened ( “Sweet tea” is what you should ask for if you want to enjoy a “Canadian iced tea”), and that salted chocolate banana bites, particularly when prepared by the celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck are truly delicious!

Check out the photo gallery that is posted on our Facebook page for a few of our top picks!

We very much look forward to continuing the great discussions that we started about the future of the in-building wireless industry, and thank all those who participated and contributed to the success of our event! Cheers everyone and see you again soon!

All the ingredients united for a perfect CommunicAsia cocktail!

The Asia Pacific market has been very active, and so have we! After the extremely productive Small Cells Asia Summit last April and the equally successful iBwave In-Building Seminar that followed, we decided to once again return to Singapore which, this time, was playing host to CommunicAsia 2014.

The Prelude Rooftop bar with its magnificent 360 view over Marina Bay Sands, the waterfront, the Esplanade Theatre, the Singapore Flyer, the Fullerton Hotel and the CBD skyline set the perfect backdrop for our cocktail evening which offered the right mix of lively interactions and relaxed atmosphere.

With over 100 guests in attendance (from all spheres of the in-building industry), the event turned out to be one of our most successful events in the region, and provided a wonderful opportunity for everyone to enjoy a few drinks and nibbles, network among peers and unwind with friends after a strenuous first day at the show (to read the Day One highlights, please check out their Daily News)

Thank you to everyone who joined us. We certainly enjoyed our “happy hour” and hope that you did too. See you again soon…

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