Unlocking the Benefits of Private Networks for Mining Operations 

The $2 trillion global mining industry is one of the most challenging, particularly when it comes to profitability, safety, and regulatory compliance. Complex on-site operations require significant expenditures in machinery and well-trained personnel. Mining operations can be dangerous, with personnel operating heavy machinery being exposed to dangers such as hazardous gases, and more. Mines are often required to comply with extensive regulations governing operations, management of waste material, site surveying, and environmental regulations.  

Private wireless networks offer the ability to address these operational challenges, providing significant benefits for mining operations. By leveraging private wireless networks, mining operators can improve profitability and increase efficiency with technologies such as autonomous vehicles. Safety can be improved with remote monitoring via sensors. Improved data capturing capabilities from on-site devices can enable faster and more efficient data gathering to meet regulatory compliance requirements.  

However, there are significant challenges associated with private wireless network deployments in mining environments. Complex operations both above and below ground usually include a variety of obstructions that can lower signal strength and reliability. Private networks must be accurately designed and deployed to deliver complete coverage and successfully leverage the benefits private wireless networks offer. 

Improve Safety with Remote Monitoring 

Private wireless networks can be used to improve on-site safety in any mining environment.  

The deployment of remote devices like IoT and AI sensors can enhance safety by monitoring and relaying vital operational data for machinery and personnel. In the case of fixed sensors, this can include potential hazards such as gas levels or vibrations. Wearable devices can track things like the wearer’s heart rate and provide communication capabilities.  

But the usefulness of advanced sensors is contingent on a continuous connection, which is difficult to maintain in a mining operation. Mines are highly dynamic environments that operate both above and below ground with numerous sources of fixed and moving signal interference.  

A well-designed private wireless network can bypass these obstacles. By providing the necessary level of both insight and control, safety issues can be accurately assessed, and the network can be designed precisely to compensate for impediments or areas of poor connectivity.  

Increase Profitability by Improving Efficiency 

Private wireless networks enable operators to increase profitability by improving the efficiency of processes involved in daily operations.  

For example, with an accurately designed private wireless network, on-site communications can be made more efficient and reliable. Connected resources such as remote sensors, tablets, and computers get continuous access, which makes users more productive.  

The integration of AI and IoT technologies can also be used to automate mundane, repetitive tasks with remote, autonomous equipment. A properly designed wireless network ensures that these machines always operate efficiently in all areas.  reducing the need for additional personnel to operate the equipment.   

High Throughput, Low Latency

These use cases require connections to high-throughput, low-latency networks. A private wireless network delivers the kind of low-latency connectivity that is needed. The network can be tailored to the site’s unique topology and communications requirements to ensure it meets operational needs. With the reliable connectivity provided by a private network, mining operators can be sure that the network will provide the consistent coverage and high performance necessary to take advantage of both present and future technologies.  

But the complexity of layouts and presence of deep pits and long tunnels pose significant coverage challenges for network designers. A poorly designed network will have dead zones and areas of poor connectivity. Dead zones limit on-site communications and prevent continuous access for both user-controlled and autonomous devices. A well-designed network eliminates these pitfalls and enables operators to leverage any communications technology to improve operations. 

Demonstrate Regulatory Compliance with Continuous Connectivity 

To demonstrate regulatory compliance, mining operators must be able to gather and store large amounts of data on a continuous basis before bundling it together into reports. This process can be manual, but often relies on environmental sensors likely to be scattered throughout a site to gather data.  

As described earlier, the very nature of a mining site poses obvious challenges for connectivity. And gaps in the data gathering process will result in gaps in reporting, which can be costly for mining operations.  

Private networks provide the level of granular control necessary to maintain connectivity with devices scattered throughout a mine. Network designers can customize and update networks as needed to ensure remote devices remain operational irrespective of where they are placed or moved. 

Private networks can also provide the high bandwidth and low latency needed for cloud-connected data gathering and computing. This provides data backups, and reporting can be done from anywhere on a site.  

Ensure Accurate Network Design with iBwave Private Networks 

Without a precise, comprehensive design, private wireless networks won’t be able to deliver any of the benefits described above. But making sure that network coverage extends everywhere it’s needed is a difficult task in an environment as challenging as a mining site. A poorly designed network will either be under designed and fail to deliver these benefits or overdesigned adding additional, unnecessary costs.  

iBwave Private Networks delivers the simplest and most reliable solution for planning, designing, and delivering private, high-performance networks for mining operations.  

Large environment modeling enables network designers to capture the full picture of a site. 5G/HetNet densification enables designers to consider both outdoor and indoor coverage with one tool, leveraging existing design asset files without costly file migrations. Advanced and powerful features such as the Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine, Prediction Calibration, Inclined Surface Modeling, and Attenuation by Frequency ensure the network that is designed functions exactly as intended. Plus, cloud connectivity and seamless integration with iBwave Mobile Survey ensures that iBwave can meet all private network needs for any mining operation, present and future.  

How mmWave Technology Will Transform Private Networks

Nearly all private 5G cellular network deployments to date have been in low-band frequencies, less than 1 Ghz, or mid-band frequencies, between 1 and 6 Ghz. There have been very few deployments of high-band frequencies above 20 Ghz, which are also known as millimeter wave technology, or mmWave.

That’s despite the fact that, in many ways, mmWave technology is a higher capacity extension of 5G.

MmWave technology offers more advantages for specific use cases where extremely high bandwidth and low latency are critical.

For example, mmWave could be used by autonomous vehicle fleets to transmit real-time updates on their location and status to each other. This could help improve safety and reduce the risk of collisions. Additionally, high-band mmWave frequencies could also be used in industrial settings to enable faster, more reliable communication between robots and sensors. This could help to improve the efficiency of production lines and allows for the creation of smarter factories.

More Private 5G mmWave Technology Deployments

However, there is a shift happening in the market.

More private 5G mmWave deployments are taking place, owing to several factors:

Improvements in technology and expertise are making deployment easier

The extremely high bandwidth and low latency of mmWave is becoming more relevant as more data-intensive and latency-sensitive applications emerge

mmWave Technology Deployment Challenges

However, mmWave poses numerous technical challenges for network deployment, with significant upfront costs, even over standard 5G. As such, design considerations are even more crucial for enterprises looking at private mmWave network deployments.

To help address these challenges, the FCC allocated spectrum in the 24.25-30 GHz range to enable new 5G and mmWave services in the US. This allocation of mid-band spectrum allows for wider coverage areas and lower latency than mmWave spectrum, which is typically limited to short-range, line-of-sight deployments. This spectrum greatly improved the availability and affordability of mmWave services, allowing for a broader range of use cases, including for private networks.

Enterprises must fully address the complexity of a network environment and the technical challenges it may present to a mmWave network to ensure ROI on these investments.

Self-Contained and Highly Intensive Environments Are Best Candidates for mmWave

Data-intensive use cases, particularly in open industrial settings, are some of the best candidates for private 5G mmWave networks.

This is because these use cases have the high-bandwidth and low-latency requirements necessary to justify a mmWave network. Large industrial settings provide the ideal functional environment in which to deploy it.

The industrial setting also provides the necessary physical infrastructure for a private mmWave network. The large area, along with the metal and concrete structures, provide the self-contained environment that is necessary for a successful deployment. The physical environment provides a reliable, robust mmWave signal that can be maintained even in the face of interference from other wireless signals. The large area allows for a highly intensive network that can provide faster speeds and lower latency than other types of wireless networks.

The environment also needs to be self-contained and highly intensive to maximize the benefits of mmWave networking. mmWave requires the environment to be free of external interference sources, such as other radio signals, which can interfere with the mmWave signal.

The environment also needs to be dense enough for the 5G signal to be able to propagate between multiple nodes. This density makes sure that the 5G signal can reach its full potential and provide the best possible experience for users.

As technologies like IoT and AI become more commonplace in these settings, mmWave will become increasingly more relevant because of the key advantages it delivers over 4G/LTE.

Use Cases for mmWave Technology

In general, mmWave technology is a viable option in self-contained environments where:

Line-of-sight and obstructions can be controlled

The principal concern is under design

There is no functional limit on how much bandwidth is needed or how low latency needs to be

In many cases, mmWave deployment is not necessary to enable a given use case. However, mmWave can often better address the specific pain points of particular use cases, making it a better option.

Empowering AI and IoT

For example, mmWave’s greatest strengths are its ability to support an arbitrary number of sensors or devices, and throughput essentially an arbitrary amount of data with minimal latency. This makes it extremely well-suited for AI and IoT use cases that need high throughput and low latency to make maximum use of these technologies.

MMWave’s superior performance also enables more complex applications, such as autonomous vehicles, which rely on a high degree of connectivity and responsiveness. It can also be leveraged to enable dynamic, intelligent networks that can learn and respond to changing situations and environments. MMWave can provide more secure connections, reducing the risk of data breaches and other malicious activities. MMWave is a superior option for many applications, especially those that require high throughput, low latency, and secure connections.

Enabling Real-Time Security Monitoring

However, mmWave presents difficult design considerations. Its signal is low-range and is easily blocked by any kind of obstruction. This is why controllable environments are of such importance in mmWave deployments. In highly dynamic settings, the high throughput of mmWave can become extremely difficult, if not impossible, to maintain consistently.

Security cameras are another excellent example of where mmWave can shine. As the cameras are static, obstructions are rarely, if ever, a concern. And mmWave can easily stream high-quality video with low enough latency for real-time monitoring and analysis — a crucial factor in security.

MMWave is also ideal for short-range bandwidth applications, such as backhaul for access points, where operators need to send large amounts of data quickly and reliably. MMWave is able to transmit data faster than sub-6 GHz frequencies and can facilitate a more consistent and reliable connection to access points. Furthermore, the small wavelength size of mmWave allows for the use of smaller antennas, which can then be made even more discreet, particularly useful when deploying access points in public places.

iBwave Simplifies Design and Deployment

While it’s important to identify the right use case when considering deployment of a private mmWave network, enterprises also need to ensure their network design lets them take advantage of mmWave’s strengths.

iBwave’s survey and design software is optimized to address the complexity of mmWave network design and presents easy-to-use and easy-to-understand interfaces that simplify the design process. Network designers can easily and efficiently design accurate networks, avoiding the risk of both overdesign and under design.

With iBwave Private Networks, designers can:

Model venues in advanced 3D with AutoCAD import

Design from a database of vendor-modeled network components, including Small Cells, Aps, cables, controllers, routers, and more

Calibrate prediction with survey results

Run key project reports

iBwave Private Networks delivers the simplest and most reliable solution for planning, designing, and delivering private, high-performance, mmWave networks.

Advanced and powerful features such as the Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine, Prediction Calibration, Inclined Surface Modeling, and Attenuation by Frequency ensure the network you design functions exactly as intended.

The Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine allows users to quickly design, simulate and visualize the complete coverage of a mmWave network and provide users with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

With Prediction Calibration, users have the ability to compare the simulation results to survey results, allowing them to ensure their design is accurate and reliable.

The Inclined Surface Modeling feature ensures that the propagation of the signal is accurate for surfaces that are not perfectly flat.

Attenuation by Frequency allows users to simulate the frequency-dependent signal attenuation, ensuring the accuracy of the predictions.

Plus, cloud-connectivity and seamless integration with iBwave Mobile Survey ensures that iBwave can meet all your mmWave network needs, present and future.

Overall, the features of iBwave make it the perfect tool for designing and deploying mmWave networks. The powerful simulation capabilities, seamless integration with iB and cloud-connectivity make it an invaluable asset for all mmWave network designers.

For more information, take a look at the full product breakdown of iBwave Private Networks.

And for more insights into the growing demand for private 5G networks, download our latest e-book: Top Trends in Private Networks for 2023.

5 Trends Driving Demand for Private 5G Networks

Private 5G networks and dedicated cellular networks are not new. But they hit a critical turning point in 2022, with 100s or perhaps even over 1,000 deployments for a variety of applications on in enterprise communications on enterprise campuses, industrial sites, as well as local fixed-wireless use.

All this activity shows that deployments are beginning to move beyond proof-of-concept and trials. They represent full-scale production usage in a range of verticals, from oil and gas to mining, and ports to defense.

The increase in deployments in 2022 was driven by five key underlying trends that will continue to create more demand for private 5G networks and wireless cellular networks in 2023. These trends are further explored in iBwave’s latest e-book, written by Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis: Top Trends in Private Networks for 2023.

With increasing demand, there will be a corresponding need for software tools that enable accurate and cost-effective design of the coverage needed to take advantage of all the benefits a private network offers.

Transition From 4G to 5G

The first underlying trend is an increasing shift by enterprises from 4G to 5G. Until recently, a variety of factors such as fragmentation of 5G bands and limited product and application availability have given 4G a competitive advantage over 5G.

But this is changing for a variety of reasons, including:

  • An increasing availability of 5G bands from regulatory authorities
  • Multiple vendors offering 5G SA cores
  • More offerings of 5G SA networks from MNOs

Switching Is Easier and More Enticing

There are also strategic shifts happening that are making it easier and more enticing for enterprises to make the switch to 5G:

  • Regulatory and spectrum-management teams in most MNOs are becoming more agile at handling localized allocations, which allows them to find unused frequencies that can be put to use in dedicated systems.
  • The device ecosystem is adopting 5G more broadly, increasing the range of offerings, while support is also increasing for 5G SA mode and a greater range of frequency options.
  • The emerging 5G Reduced Capability (RedCap) option, which optimizes 5G for lower cost IoT modules, is increasing the number of enterprises that can successfully adopt 5G.
  • Industry groups such as the CBRS Alliance are starting to certify 5G solutions, opening the market to a broader set of integrators.

Powerful mmWave Capability for Private 5G Networks

A second trend driving demand for private networks is that the potential uses of high-band or mmWave frequencies for private network applications is now being recognized.

There are numerous advantages to using mmWave and, as the private 5G market continues to mature, existing MNOs with mmWave allocations are beginning to look more closely at enterprise use cases. Some national regulators are also allowing direct access for businesses and system integrators.

Underused mmWave Spectrum Is Open for Allocation

The key advantages provided by mmWave for private network applications include:

  • More available spectrum than in mid-range bands, allowing for higher throughputs with peak speeds in the multi-Gbps range
  • Lower existing allocations in the mmWave range make allocations there less politically contentious, particularly for countries with several competing MNOs
  • True ultra-low latency deployments are easier, as there’s no need for the technical restrictions used in the mid-band to allow for more users
  • Frequencies can be allocated without impacting macro networks
  • Private network capabilities can easily be added to neutral-host indoor mmWave infrastructure, enabling one network of small cells to support multiple public networks
  • Increased interest from network and semiconductor vendors to find alternative markets given 5G’s short range
  • The maturing market is making it easier to engineer enhanced mmWave coverage

More Full-Scale Deployment

The third key trend driving demand for private networks is a transition from proof-of-concept deployments to large-scale deployments.

The move from small-scale, low-risk trials of a new and promising technology to commercial adoption has, historically, been a difficult hurdle for enterprises. Technology challenges tend to slow adoption rates. But, as those challenges are addressed, stakeholders and decision-makers tend to still be cautious about taking on potentially risky network deployments.

Maturing Ecosystem Increasing Confidence in Private 5G Networks for Enterprise Communications

However, decision-makers have more to work with today than they did before when considering full-scale deployments of private 5G networks:

  • Features are maturing, providing enterprises greater confidence in key network characteristics, such as quality, low-latency, and positioning accuracy.
  • More case studies, ROI models, and documentation have created greater confidence that the risks and value can be better known in advance.
  • A wider pool of talent is available to deploy and manage private 5G networks than ever before.
  • More deployment template models reduce the need for bespoke solutions, which can be comparatively complex and unpredictable.
  • New models for financing and commercialization like pay-as-you-grow cloud models reduce risk and enhance scalability.
  • A growing awareness and trust of private 4G and 5G is encouraging more enterprises to build on experimental deployments.

Growth of Private 5G Networks for Public Venues

There is mounting evidence that private wireless can add value in public venues. As a result, private cellular is beginning to gain more ground for these types of deployments.

This fourth trend is being driven by the:

  • Identification of specific niches and use cases where private networks can add value, such as in revenue-generating or safety-critical applications that need to be ring-fenced to avoid congestion from public Wi-Fi
  • Reduction of cost and complexity involved in deploying private cellular 4G and 5G networks
  • Growing awareness and trust of private 4G/5G among enterprise end users
  • Expansion of the ecosystem, which is enabling additional vertical applications, more support from service providers, and greater access to planning and design tools
  • Growing adoption of private cellular wireless by public venues in outdoor settings where Wi-Fi struggles
  • Increasing adoption of DAS-type systems that allow private networks to be deployed as secondary or add-ons to neutral-host platforms

Combining Wi-Fi and 5G in Private Networks

The final trend driving demand for private networks is related to the ongoing conversation about network convergence.

There is an increasing interest in integrating or converging private 4G/5G with Wi-Fi, given that many enterprise sites need both technologies. The greatest advantage of convergence appears to be partitioning, which allows for deployments that:

  • Isolate traffic and ring-fence domains, allowing each technology to handle the task it is most suited or most needed for
  • Backhaul from Wi-Fi to a private cellular wireless 4G/5G network, which can be a very useful asset, particularly where running fiber is unfeasible
  • Dedicate cellular networks for fixed-wireless access and use Wi-Fi for final device connectivity in education, healthcare, and for local government agencies
  • Enable connectivity handovers between networks using private 5G as a bridge for Wi-Fi-connected devices, creating seamless connectivity in campus-type settings

Additionally, the maturing ecosystem is making the integration of both networking technologies easier with:

  • More IoT devices capable of handling 4G, 5G, and/or Wi-Fi, and that can load-balance between multiple radios
  • The ability to offload public 5G onto private wireless cellular networks and Wi-Fi, particularly inside buildings, for devices from different MNOs or different classes of device
  • Tools that combine planning, design, operations, and security capabilities and cover multiple network types

Private 5G Networks Going From Cutting-Edge to Commonplace

When it comes to the realities of deploying a private 5G network, survey and design are critical considerations. Ensuring these networks deliver on their intended value ultimately comes down to the survey and design process. A seamless deployment of an inaccurate network is, in the end, an efficient way to implement an inefficient network.

iBwave offers a variety of flexible, modular tools for survey and design to ensure your enterprise has everything it needs to efficiently build accurate and effective private networks.

For more details on how changing trends and technology are driving the growth of private wireless worldwide, check out iBwave’s latest e-book, written by Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis: Top Trends in Private Networks for 2023.

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