Why 3D Network Design Is More Than Cool

One of the features that always catches people’s eye when they see our software is the incredible 3D modeling that comes with it.

Not sure what I mean? Here is the view from the inside of a 3D subway station model done in iBwave Design

subway model

As you can see, the iBwave 3D-ness is pretty impressive. 

We often get comments ‘that’s very cool’ or ‘it looks the video game Doom’ – and agreed it definitely is, and it definitely can be. But 3D design is more than cool.

Here are 3 ways designing in 3D can result in a better network design.

#1 Propagation through Floors

It’s important to take into consideration how signals propagates through floors in the network design. Signals from the floor above, and signals from the floor below contribute to the amount of coverage your network will provide. By modeling the venue in 3D, it allows our propagation engines to take into consideration the signals from above and below.

Here’s an example of 3D prediction in iBwave Wi-Fi that is doing just that

#2 3D Radiation Patterns of Antennas

Antennas have 3D radiation patterns so to accurately determine signal strength coming out of an antenna, 3D radiation patterns should be taken into consideration when doing the design and running performance  heat maps.

Here are some views of a 3D antenna patterns within iBwave Wi-Fi

#3 Expedites Bids & Approvals

Fact is, when our customers show their customers what the network will look like in 3D the customer is both ‘wowed’ and more likely to understand what they are looking at and approve the design. Why? Because they can see floor by floor, exactly where access points will be, cabling will be run, and where network equipment like switches, routers, controllers, cabinets, will all be installed within their venue. You can essentially ‘walk’ your customer right through what the network will look like once installed in their venue, how it will perform with 3D heatmaps, and essentially show them it will be worth the cost of going through with the project.This gets even easier because with iBwave, there is a free 3D Viewer for your customers to open designs and look at the network themselves in 3D. By using 3D as a marketing and bid tool, our customers have told us they have seen quicker bid acceptances and quicker design approvals than without it.

Here is what a customer viewing a design in iBwave Viewer sees:

So there you have it 3 reasons why designing wireless networks in 3D is better than not. 

Now just for fun, here are some impressive 3D designs done by our customers, and by us

A Subway’s Wireless  Network

Hotels, Race Track, Cruise Ship and more…

Wirelessly yours, in 3D,


It’s Been a Year, Glad We’re Here

I was just thinking the other day how it’s been a year now since we launched iBwave Wi-Fi, and what a fun and exceptional journey it has been. From our very first Wi-Fi event (for me that was CWNP conference in San Franciso), to getting to know those in the Wi-Fi community, to the exciting product releases we’ve had since, to where we are now.

Here are 3 things we have learned since embarking on this journey.

#1 The Wi-Fi Community is Awesome

While we’ve always had Wi-Fi technology included in our software, our engagement with the dedicated Wi-Fi community had been admittedly minimal in the past.

That all changed once we started to ramp up to the official launch of iBwave Wi-Fi Mobile, and iBwave Wi-Fi. We started to attend more and more Wi-Fi shows, we started to hang out more on Twitter, we started to talk more to those in the community and we started to realize just how great the Wi-Fi community.

I remember thinking at the first shows I attended – both CWNP in San Francisco, and WLPC in Berlin – how much the community likes to come together to learn from each other, and help each other. And while we were coming in as the unknown new kids on the Wi-Fi block, there was a genuine curiosity in getting to know us, both as a company but also as people.

We are still on this journey of getting to know everyone in this community – there are many – but to those we have met along the way so far and shown us support with conversation, feedback and the occasional drink together, thank you!!

#2 Competition is a Good Thing

“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it”

Famous words spoken by the father of Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney himself.

And Walt, I couldn’t agree more. To me, competition is one of the key factors in what drives innovation, what motivates companies to do better.

Coming into the Wi-Fi market we were aware that we were going ‘up against’ well established software vendors that were doing the same kind of stuff as our software – Wi-Fi network design.  But for us, this competition factor has been nothing but a good thing. It keeps pushing us to do better, and to be better. Because of our competition we are constantly trying to improve and so for that, thank you to our competitors for playing nice with us, and hopefully as we go on we all continue to push each other.

#3 We are Happy To Be Here and Look Forward To the Future

For us here at iBwave, the launch of our iBwave Wi-Fi product and our journey into this market space has been an invaluable year of learning, growing and improving both as a software and as a company. And we’re excited about what is coming in the new year for iBwave Wi-Fi. With our new user interface, a recently launched iBwave Wi-Fi certification program, exciting new features coming out in the near future, and planned attendance at the industry’s best Wi-Fi conferences, we look forward to seeing what the next year brings, and meeting more of you along the way.

Thanks everyone!

Wirelessly yours,


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