Why is Network Design Prediction Accuracy So Important?

In today’s interconnected world, network infrastructure is the backbone that enables seamless communication and connectivity. Whether it’s wireless networks, telecommunications, or smart buildings, the design and optimization of network systems are critical for delivering reliable and efficient connectivity. Among the various factors that contribute to successful network design, prediction accuracy stands out as a vital aspect. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of network design prediction accuracy and why it is crucial for ensuring optimal network performance.

The Impact of Network Design Prediction Accuracy

Cost-Effective Planning and Deployment:

Accurate prediction of network performance allows for cost-effective planning and deployment. By obtaining precise estimates of factors such as signal strength, coverage areas, capacity requirements, and potential interference, network designers can optimize the placement of equipment and allocate resources efficiently. This helps to avoid costly mistakes during the design and implementation phases, ultimately saving time and money.

Optimal Network Performance:

Network design prediction accuracy is directly linked to achieving optimal network performance. Accurate predictions enable designers to identify and address potential issues or bottlenecks before the network is deployed. By accurately estimating coverage areas, signal propagation, and interference levels, designers can fine-tune the network architecture to ensure seamless connectivity, minimal latency, and high-speed data transfer. This leads to an enhanced user experience and increased productivity.

User Satisfaction and Productivity:

The success of any network design depends on user satisfaction and productivity. Accurate prediction of network performance helps ensure that users have consistent and reliable connectivity. By anticipating potential coverage gaps or areas with poor signal strength, network designers can optimize the network layout, adjust antenna placement, and make informed decisions about infrastructure upgrades.

This results in improved user satisfaction, increased productivity, and reduced frustration due to connectivity issues. The Term “Users” also has an evolving definition, “Users” in the past was often thought of as human device-carrying individuals, but with the onset of IOT and Smart systems, machines are also now bandwidth-hungry “Users”. Accurate prediction and network performance are essential to ensure these hungry devices are fed and perform the smart tasks they were designed to do.

Future-Proofing and Scalability:

Network design prediction accuracy plays a crucial role in future-proofing network infrastructure. By accurately estimating future demands, such as increased user growth, changing usage patterns, or technological advancements, designers can plan for scalability and accommodate future needs. Accurate predictions allow for the implementation of network architectures that can handle evolving requirements without requiring significant redesign or costly upgrades.

This proactive approach ensures that the network remains efficient and adaptable in the face of emerging technologies and increasing demands. Early planning also enables users to consider the interoperability of future systems. Without pre-emptive planning, coordinating the various future IOT and smart systems and ensuring their compatibility with each other and the overall network can become a daunting task.

The Role of iBwave’s Prediction Accuracy

iBwave, a leading provider of software solutions for in-building network design and planning, has a remarkable class-based approach to prediction accuracy. By eliminating the fast fading component and applying a sophisticated “smoothing” algorithm to field data, iBwave ensures highly accurate predictions tailored to specific classes of areas.

iBwave’s Results

The results obtained from iBwave Design prediction accuracy testing demonstrate its impressive performance across various frequencies and venues. From 700 MHz to 28 GHz, the prediction mean error mostly falls within the -4 to 5 dB range, with absolute mean error primarily in the 4 to 6 dB range. The standard deviation is typically within 3 to 6 dB. These values are applicable to iBwave‘s default, non-calibrated FRT (Fast Ray Tracing) prediction.

It is essential to note that calibration can further enhance accuracy by 0.5 to 2 dB. iBwave’s calibrated FRT prediction offers even more precise estimates, meeting the demands of today’s complex network design requirements.

About Fast Ray Tracing

Fast Ray Tracing (FRT) is a powerful prediction modeling technique utilized by iBwave, which accurately traces electromagnetic waves’ paths in complex environments, considering reflections and diffractions. Its efficiency in generating precise predictions enables network designers to optimize plans quickly and deploy cost-effective, high-performing networks. This makes iBwave’s FRT a valuable tool for creating seamless and reliable connectivity experiences.


Network design in a highly reflective warehouse environment using one AP with no reflections and diffractions considered compared to a design considering reflections and diffractions. You can see in the images below how the signal reflects and diffracts of the surfaces resulting in more coverage in adjacent rows. Designing without considering reflections and diffractions (image on the left) may lead to overdesigning your network and, ultimately, higher costs.

Reflections and Diffractions NOT Considered
Reflections and Diffractions Considered

iBwave has several ways of achieving the highest prediction accuracy. Read more in our blog!


In conclusion, network design prediction accuracy is a crucial factor in delivering efficient and reliable network infrastructures. The ability to anticipate network performance, optimize resources, and future-proof the infrastructure ensures cost-effective planning, user satisfaction, and scalability. iBwave’s class-based approach and impressive results showcase its commitment to providing accurate and efficient network design solutions. As the demand for seamless connectivity continues to grow, iBwave’s prediction accuracy remains an essential tool in building the networks of tomorrow.

To learn more about iBwave Design prediction accuracy, read our full white paper written by Vladan Jevremovic and Ali Jemmali!

The Importance of Private 5G for Enterprises: Unlocking the Future of Connectivity

In the fast-paced digital era, technology continues to shape the way businesses operate and communicate. Among the revolutionary innovations, Private 5G stands out as a game-changer, offering unprecedented opportunities for enterprises. This fifth-generation cellular network has the potential to transform industries, increase productivity, unleash a wave of new applications and services, and do so in a cost-effective manner. In this blog, we will explore the key aspects of why Private 5G is of paramount importance for enterprises.

Why Should Enterprises Deploy Private 5G? 

Faster Speeds and Low Latency for Real-time Applications

At the heart of Private 5G lies its remarkable speed and ultra-low latency. Compared to its predecessor, 4G LTE, Private 5G can deliver data at astounding rates, reaching up to 100 times faster speeds. This instant connectivity allows businesses to transmit and process large volumes of data in real-time. The low latency ensures near-instantaneous response times, crucial for critical applications, such as remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, and real-time industrial automation.

Enhanced Capacity and Efficiency for Improved Productivity

With the growing demand for data and the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, network capacity becomes a vital concern for enterprises. Private 5G offers enhanced network capacity, enabling a massive number of devices to connect simultaneously. This capacity boost translates to better performance and a more reliable network, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and productivity in various industries.

IoT and Industry 4.0 Revolution: Optimizing Operations

The combination of 5G and the IoT has the potential to unlock the full potential of Industry 4.0. Smart factories, connected supply chains, and IoT-driven logistics are just a few examples of how enterprises can leverage 5G’s capabilities. The seamless connectivity and real-time data processing of 5G empower industries to optimize operations, reduce downtime, and achieve unparalleled levels of automation. 

Innovative Use Cases: Delivering Cutting-edge Services

Private 5G opens doors to a plethora of innovative use cases that were previously inconceivable. From augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications to immersive customer experiences, Private 5G enables businesses to deliver cutting-edge services. For example, retailers can offer interactive AR shopping experiences, and healthcare providers can conduct remote medical consultations with superior quality and real-time interactions.

Edge Computing Advancements: Reducing Latency and Improving Security

5G facilitates the widespread adoption of edge computing, bringing data processing closer to the point of generation. By reducing the distance data needs to travel, enterprises can experience even lower latency and improved security. Edge computing also reduces the burden on centralized cloud servers, making data processing more efficient and cost-effective.

Enhanced Security: Safeguarding Sensitive Data

Data security is a top concern for enterprises in today’s digital landscape. Private 5G introduces new security features that help protect sensitive data and safeguard against cyber threats. With the advent of network slicing, businesses can create dedicated virtual networks, each with its security and privacy settings, tailored to the specific needs of different applications or user groups.


While implementing new technologies may seem expensive at first, Private 5G brings long-term cost-effectiveness to enterprises. Its high capacity and efficiency enable businesses to handle more data and applications on the same network infrastructure, reducing the need for costly expansions. Moreover, 5G’s low latency and improved reliability can lead to reduced downtime, minimizing financial losses due to network outages or disruptions.

When to Use Multiple Technologies 

While Private 5G offers an array of benefits, there may be situations where using multiple technologies becomes advantageous. For example, some enterprises may have legacy systems in place that are not compatible with 5G. In such cases, integrating multiple technologies allows for a gradual migration and avoids disruptive transitions. Additionally, certain applications may require specific connectivity options that are better served by other wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or LoRa. A thoughtful approach to network design and integration can ensure seamless coexistence and synergy among different technologies, optimizing overall performance and efficiency.

Why Should Enterprises Design 5G/LTE Private Networks? 

Designing Private 5G and LTE networks is paramount for enterprises seeking enhanced connectivity, real-time applications, and heightened security. A well-planned network architecture ensures optimized performance, avoiding over-designing or under-designing the network, and ultimately leading to time and cost savings.

In this pursuit, iBwave stands out as a game-changing solution. With unparalleled prediction accuracy and a seamless, user-friendly experience, iBwave empowers businesses to effortlessly design private 5G, LTE, and Wi-Fi networks together, offering a complete and reliable solution. Embrace the power of iBwave to unlock the full potential of private 5G and LTE, driving digital transformation with confidence and efficiency while optimizing costs. Read more about our solution for designing private networks here


In conclusion, Private 5G stands as a pivotal enabler of innovation and efficiency for enterprises, revolutionizing how businesses operate and communicate. Its exceptional speed, low latency, and robust security make it a game-changer, supporting a wide array of applications and use-cases that drive digital transformation. However, enterprises should also recognize the value of integrating multiple network technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Private LTE, or even satellite connectivity, to create versatile and resilient hybrid networks. By harnessing the power of Private 5G while judiciously incorporating other wireless solutions where appropriate, enterprises can build a future-proof connectivity infrastructure that unlocks endless possibilities for growth and success in the ever-evolving business landscape. 

To learn more about 5G and the key use cases, read our eBook on Integrating & Operating 5G Use Cases And Managing Multiple Network Technologies

Unlocking the Benefits of Private Networks for Mining Operations 

The $2 trillion global mining industry is one of the most challenging, particularly when it comes to profitability, safety, and regulatory compliance. Complex on-site operations require significant expenditures in machinery and well-trained personnel. Mining operations can be dangerous, with personnel operating heavy machinery being exposed to dangers such as hazardous gases, and more. Mines are often required to comply with extensive regulations governing operations, management of waste material, site surveying, and environmental regulations.  

Private wireless networks offer the ability to address these operational challenges, providing significant benefits for mining operations. By leveraging private wireless networks, mining operators can improve profitability and increase efficiency with technologies such as autonomous vehicles. Safety can be improved with remote monitoring via sensors. Improved data capturing capabilities from on-site devices can enable faster and more efficient data gathering to meet regulatory compliance requirements.  

However, there are significant challenges associated with private wireless network deployments in mining environments. Complex operations both above and below ground usually include a variety of obstructions that can lower signal strength and reliability. Private networks must be accurately designed and deployed to deliver complete coverage and successfully leverage the benefits private wireless networks offer. 

Improve Safety with Remote Monitoring 

Private wireless networks can be used to improve on-site safety in any mining environment.  

The deployment of remote devices like IoT and AI sensors can enhance safety by monitoring and relaying vital operational data for machinery and personnel. In the case of fixed sensors, this can include potential hazards such as gas levels or vibrations. Wearable devices can track things like the wearer’s heart rate and provide communication capabilities.  

But the usefulness of advanced sensors is contingent on a continuous connection, which is difficult to maintain in a mining operation. Mines are highly dynamic environments that operate both above and below ground with numerous sources of fixed and moving signal interference.  

A well-designed private wireless network can bypass these obstacles. By providing the necessary level of both insight and control, safety issues can be accurately assessed, and the network can be designed precisely to compensate for impediments or areas of poor connectivity.  

Increase Profitability by Improving Efficiency 

Private wireless networks enable operators to increase profitability by improving the efficiency of processes involved in daily operations.  

For example, with an accurately designed private wireless network, on-site communications can be made more efficient and reliable. Connected resources such as remote sensors, tablets, and computers get continuous access, which makes users more productive.  

The integration of AI and IoT technologies can also be used to automate mundane, repetitive tasks with remote, autonomous equipment. A properly designed wireless network ensures that these machines always operate efficiently in all areas.  reducing the need for additional personnel to operate the equipment.   

High Throughput, Low Latency

These use cases require connections to high-throughput, low-latency networks. A private wireless network delivers the kind of low-latency connectivity that is needed. The network can be tailored to the site’s unique topology and communications requirements to ensure it meets operational needs. With the reliable connectivity provided by a private network, mining operators can be sure that the network will provide the consistent coverage and high performance necessary to take advantage of both present and future technologies.  

But the complexity of layouts and presence of deep pits and long tunnels pose significant coverage challenges for network designers. A poorly designed network will have dead zones and areas of poor connectivity. Dead zones limit on-site communications and prevent continuous access for both user-controlled and autonomous devices. A well-designed network eliminates these pitfalls and enables operators to leverage any communications technology to improve operations. 

Demonstrate Regulatory Compliance with Continuous Connectivity 

To demonstrate regulatory compliance, mining operators must be able to gather and store large amounts of data on a continuous basis before bundling it together into reports. This process can be manual, but often relies on environmental sensors likely to be scattered throughout a site to gather data.  

As described earlier, the very nature of a mining site poses obvious challenges for connectivity. And gaps in the data gathering process will result in gaps in reporting, which can be costly for mining operations.  

Private networks provide the level of granular control necessary to maintain connectivity with devices scattered throughout a mine. Network designers can customize and update networks as needed to ensure remote devices remain operational irrespective of where they are placed or moved. 

Private networks can also provide the high bandwidth and low latency needed for cloud-connected data gathering and computing. This provides data backups, and reporting can be done from anywhere on a site.  

Ensure Accurate Network Design with iBwave Private Networks 

Without a precise, comprehensive design, private wireless networks won’t be able to deliver any of the benefits described above. But making sure that network coverage extends everywhere it’s needed is a difficult task in an environment as challenging as a mining site. A poorly designed network will either be under designed and fail to deliver these benefits or overdesigned adding additional, unnecessary costs.  

iBwave Private Networks delivers the simplest and most reliable solution for planning, designing, and delivering private, high-performance networks for mining operations.  

Large environment modeling enables network designers to capture the full picture of a site. 5G/HetNet densification enables designers to consider both outdoor and indoor coverage with one tool, leveraging existing design asset files without costly file migrations. Advanced and powerful features such as the Fast Ray Tracing Prediction Engine, Prediction Calibration, Inclined Surface Modeling, and Attenuation by Frequency ensure the network that is designed functions exactly as intended. Plus, cloud connectivity and seamless integration with iBwave Mobile Survey ensures that iBwave can meet all private network needs for any mining operation, present and future.  

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