A New Home for the iBwave Marketing Team

As iBwave continues to grow with new team members each month, the Montreal HQ office has been running low on space. With that came the decision to move the marketing team to a new suite. When we first saw the place, a few of us needed a bit more convincing to get excited about the move.

But with a few brainstorming sessions, the mindset began to shift. DIY’ers at heart, we dedicated many hours to researching, designing, choosing colours, shopping, painting, assembling, decorating and creating the ideal work space to foster our creativity and cater to our fast-paced jobs.

With a fresh coat of paint and some new carpet, the place was starting to come together. Now for the decorating.

After three weeks, several trips to Ikea and some compromising, the office is functional, comfortable and showcases the personalities of the people who spend their days in it.

To make the move official, we hosted a cocktail for all of the Montreal iBwavers last Friday. We even had a ribbon cutting ceremony with our President and CEO, Mario Bouchard.

Mood lighting, music, pink lemonade, rosé sangria and some munchies made for a nice ambiance for people to explore our new digs.

And although some iBwavers now refer to the marketing team as “remote”, the equivalent of being in Hong Kong, or as being on “the other side”, we know that those who make the trip across the hall are greeted with colour, sun light, Nespresso and a warm welcome.

What was your first cell phone?

The cell phone is 40 today! To celebrate its birthday, we want to hear about your first cell phone – post a photo and a story on our Facebook page. The iBwave marketing team got the ball rolling and took a moment to ponder their own personal cell phone history. Here’s what came out of the conversation:


Here is my first cell phone… (pretty sure that was it). That was when I was working in Shenzhen, China.


I joined the revolution pretty late. Here’s my first, which I proudly kept for my full three year contract and even a bit more!


These were my dinosaurs:

My first attempts at personal communications: A PAGER!

 My first cellphone (mine was red).

 My second cellphone: BEST EVER! I still have it and my mom still uses it.

 My third cellphone: Like MC!


I had Laurence’s first cell phone too! But dark blue.

In Japan (2003), I used this one below (had a very cool rotating camera in the center with ‘motion eye’ technology). You could even create short 30 second videos and there were movie trailers loaded onto it, a feature which very few phones had at that time.

 Here I am with said phone, calling my folks from the top of Mt.Fuji with perfect reception!

What was your first cellphone? Post the picture and story on our Facebook page!

Juan Felipe:

Here’s what Juan Felipe, our VP Sales remembers about his first cell phone:

My first phone was a Motorola Timeport. It was a first world phone but it was pretty heavy and, when I had it on my belt clip, the antenna always pricked my love handle. Indeed, it was painful and very uncomfortable to carry. Someone stole it when I was in a Paris restaurant; that day, I was a happy camper.

Until next time!

Mobile’s 800 lb. Gorilla

People in the world like to talk about the 800 lb. gorilla in the room. That is, “something that is too big to ignore”.

In the wireless world, the new 800 lb. gorilla is the need for optimal mobile network coverage and capacity inside buildings, especially large and densely populated venues such as the Fira Gran Via, home of the 2013 Mobile World Congress. Today, state of the art software is being used to simulate the effect of carefully placed antennas and this is replacing traditional infrastructure in order to ensure anytime, anywhere connectivity for smartphones and tablets.

To learn more about mobile’s 800 lb. gorilla and the software that has been used successfully at the World Cup, Olympics, Super Bowl and hundreds of other venues worldwide, stop by and visit iBwave at booth number6B94 in hall 6  before the 800 lb. gorilla visits you.

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