Wi-Fi Design Strategies in a Converged World Webinar Questions Part 4: Industry Related Questions

It took us some time but here is the final installment of our follow-up posts on this webinar. This one is all about industry-related questions posted during the webinar.

And in case you missed this webinar with Ronald van Kleunen or simply need a refresher, here is a link to the recording: Wi-Fi Design Strategies Webinar.

Dont forget to register for our Dec 12th webinar, with Vladan: How Small Moedling Errors Can Lead to Big Costs in Wireless Network Design.

You can also view all our past webniars on iBwave’s You Tube Channel.

A big thank you to our experts Ronald van Kleunen, Vladan Jevremoivc and Ali Jemmali for taking the time to answer these questions. We hope you find these response informative, please let us know your thoughts.

  • Business models applicable for small ISP’s who resell internet bandwidth over a shared platform?

    [Ronald] We are not covering this topic in the presentation. Typically, many parties are involved: Building owner, Tenant, IT and equipment provider, Vendor, Business owner / Marketing strategist / Branding advertisements / Analytics, the Telco/ISP (Internet Service Provider) itself. All kind of aspects need to be taken into account, for example bandwidth monitoring over the shared infrastructure/platform, performance management at the Wi-Fi side, Billing/charging mechanisms and security as well. 
  • We would like to understand if there is any relationship b/w iBwave and eco-link? IoT?

    [Ronald] Not sure if iBwave is focusing on home automation (probably different frequencies, like ZigBee, NFC). Ecolink.
  • How do small cells affect the economics of in-bldg?

    [Ronald] I am not sure if I understand the question correctly, I think it is design related, in-building design and the economics relates to the affected costs.
    Unfortunately, I do not have financial calculators to calculate the RF coverage/RF density/number of active devices on the mobile/cellular network vs the Wi-Fi network. Also with the new LTE or more likely 5G networks (“700 MHz”) small cells ROI calculations need to be done if it is more cost effective and if it is meeting the bandwidth capacity requirements for the end users. 
  • Are the dense Wi-Fi implementations at Stadiums growing, or just flat after the densification of LTE Networks from mobile operators?

    [Ronald] Good question, I do not have insight in this if the mobile operators are involved in the off-loading to Wi-Fi and/or the Stadium wants to keep the clients on the Wi-Fi network (for business purposes, like wireless ticketing, remote ordering food from the bar, doing marketing analytics what customers are doing during a match e.g. watching on the internet if its a boring game).

Wi-Fi Design Strategies in a Converged World Webinar Questions Part 3: iBwave Products

With iBwave Release 9 successfully launched we thought this is a great time to share the third installment of this post webinar blog series since this one is all about iBwave products.

And in case you missed this webinar or simply need a refresher, here is a link to the recording: Wi-Fi Design Strategies Webinar.

We are also holding some Product Demos in case you want to check out the great new features in iBwave Design 9 and iBwave Wi-Fi 9: Register for Demos

A big thank you to our experts Ronald van Kleunen, Vladan Jevremoivc and Ali Jemmali for taking the time to answer these questions. We hope you find these response informative, please let us know your thoughts.

  • 1- Does iBwave contain digital product libraries for main Wi-Fi and passive products?

    [Vladan / Ali] iBwave has a digital library database that contains over 25,000 active and passive components that can be customized by the user to design any cellular or Wi-Fi inbuilding network.
  • 2- When doing the active/passive surveys, is there a recommended external adapter/antenna to be used w/ the software?

    [Ronald] There is no recommended external/antenna to be used with the software but with the newer technology 802.11n / 802.11ac / 802.11ac MU-MIMO, etc. and the sensitive levels of the dongles/adapters (and calibration of the dongles) these need to be recommended. Also note when doing site surveys with mobile devices there is a lot of difference in Radios and Antenna’s and you need to find a way to standardize for the RF measurements

    [Ali] I agree and I understand the issue. Also, I think we should have our own dongle/adapter to be able to make some calibration of measurements. Unfortunately, for now we don’t offer our own dongle/adapter at this point of time.
  • 3- How to design a system to triangulate location on 1500 moving tags.
    Systems like Ekahau Wi-Fi tracking

    [Ronald] To design a location based system (LBS) or in this case an RTLS (Real-time Location System) to detect the battery-operated Wi-Fi tags. These tags send out so called “chirp” messages to the WLAN infrastructure (thus not the complete Wi-Fi protocol to associate to an AP, the reasons for that are battery consumption and the time to authenticate/associate). The WLAN infrastructure need to be able to understand these “chirp” messages and it need to be enabled (e.g. Cisco, HPE/Aruba, ExtremeNetworks/WiNG do support it and check with your WLAN Vendor if they can understand these chirp messages).

    From an RF coverage perspective, these devices can send the messages at low data rates (low speeds) so that they can be far away of the APs. The lowest data rate is 1 Mbps (IEEE 802.11 which is the original Wi-Fi standard in 2.4 GHz), later standards IEEE 802.11b/g/n are backwards compatible with the 1 Mbps data rate (they basically shift back to IEEE 802.11 “DSSS” = Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Modulation).

    In a Wi-Fi design tool, the RF coverage need to be done in such case that all the APs cover the area to support 1 Mbps, but also that in this case the Ekahau Wi-Fi tags can communicate back to the APs (there need to be a balance between the radios). Both devices look at the so called “RSSI levels – Received Signal Strength Levels” to determine at which speed they can communicate (e.g. for 1 Mbps the RSSI is -97 dBm). Unfortunately, the RSSI is not standardized (you need to check the vendor’s datasheets to see the mapping of RSSI with the dBm values). In addition, you also need to look into SNR (Signal to Noise) levels and Capacity requirements (e.g. how many Wi-Fi Tags are in that particular area as maybe more APs are needed).
  • 4- How does iBwave different from other tools such as EDX ?

    [Vladan / Ali] iBwave propagation module relies on modified ray tracing, which takes into account direct, reflected and diffracted paths. This method is inherently more accurate than COST231 or other direct path only algorithms.  iBwave supports both cellular and Wi-Fi technologies, while most other planning tools can support only one, but not both. IBwave also has a capacity module, which helps network planners determine the needed number of small cells or APs in the network, under presumed traffic load. Lastly, iBwave digital library has a database with over 25,000 active and passive components.
  • 5- Can iBwave design suite be used for enterprise Wi-Fi?

    [Vladan / Ali] To design for enterprise Wi-Fi, IBwave suite has access to digital database that has over 25,000 active and passive DAS and Wi-Fi parts
  • 6- When will Radiant Cable be available in the Wi-Fi software, as it is already available in the Enterprise version?

    [Ronald] In the version 64-bit edition (used in the webinar) the Radiating cable is already included. The reference is to DAS (Distributed Antenna System) and Leaky Cabling. Those will not be used for Wi-Fi network designs, because of the Hidden Node issues.

    The Radiant Cable can be found once a floorplan has been opened and select

    Parts > Cable > Radiating Cable
  • 8- Please let us know if we can use iBwave for outdoor Wi-Fi designs?

    [Vladan / Ali] iBwave Wi-Fi is mainly intended for indoor environments. However, as you are familiar with capabilities of iBwave, coverage area of each AP could be determined using Fast ray propagation model, Cost231 propagation model and variable path loss exponent model.

    Since we don’t support the import of outdoor environments in iBwave, such as trees and buildings, I would suggest using antenna contours. In the upcoming release 9, we will be supporting smart antenna contours, that will utilize the 3D antenna patterns and also if any walls defined.
  • 9- What if you have to design and outdoor Wi-Fi Network, can I use iBwave for this?

    See the answer above by [Vladan / Ali]
  • 10- Why iBwave vs other Wi-Fi planners?

    [Ronald] To design wireless networks in Buildings it is not only Wi-Fi that need to be designed (as mentioned more services exist in the ceiling, like video cameras, Wi-Fi APs, sensors, etc.). Also, other wireless networks cellular/mobile, DAS typically need to be installed. iBwave supports these types of integrated tools. When focusing only on Wi-Fi networks, then the leading vendors are similar in functionality doing the RF planning / RF Site Survey (Passive / Active), but some differentiators iBwave has is the Project Management approach (different stages), a very detailed capacity dimensioning tool (I have not seen any other vendor doing it in such detail), 3D visualizations (antenna’s and buildings), import of AutoCAD drawing (other tools also support it, but some do not visualize it properly) and integration with the Cloud and mobile devices as well supporting the site survey information to the cloud (now you can have people doing remote site surveys).

Stay tuned for the last installment of your questions next week.

Convergence & Evolution in Indoor Wireless Networks

Guest Post by Dean Bubley, Disruptive Analysis

It is not a new assertion that indoor wireless networks are important. The frustrations of poor indoor cellular coverage are universal, while businesses of all types need to provide employees and guests with high-quality Wi-Fi.

Various solutions abound for providing good signal indoors – distributed antenna systems (DAS), small cells, or even just deployment of lower-frequency bands in outdoor networks, with better penetration through walls. Yet costs remain considerable, especially as usage increases near-exponentially. Upgrading or retro-fitting existing installations often requires hard economic decisions, given that most such investments are not directly “monetized”. Suitable expertise, foresight, planning tools and ongoing monitoring/reporting are important.

The future, however, will accelerate the role of in-building/on-site wireless connectivity – in both predictable and unpredictable fashion. If we consider what a building might look like in the year 2030, say – and how it may be used and occupied – we can start to see the challenges and opportunities.

As well as today’s well-known and well-described uses of wireless (smartphones and laptops on Wi-Fi and cellular networks), we can expect to see a huge number of new uses emerge. This means that today’s implementations will require future-proofing, to support the unknowns of tomorrow. For example, consider the implications of:

  • IoT deployments for smart buildings, such as a proliferation of sensors for heating, security, or the operation of elevators. These may require better coverage in unusual places – in ceiling voids, lift-shafts, basements and so on. Bandwidth and latency requirements will vary hugely, from life-critical but low-data fire/carbon monoxide sensors, to networked video cameras, or once-an-hour reporting from water tanks.
  • Moving devices such as robots or automated trolleys, delivering products around the building. While some will be fully-autonomous, others will need constant wireless connectivity and control.
  • 5G networks will be deployed from around 2020, with further evolutions in following years. These may be extremely demanding on in-building coverage solutions, especially as some networks are likely to use frequencies above 6GHz – perhaps even as high as 80GHz.
  • Likely huge growth in narrowband wireless, connecting low-powered (but maybe very dense) networks of sensors or other endpoints. These may use 3GPP technologies such as NB-IoT, or other options such as LoRa and SigFox.

All of these trends imply very different traffic patterns. It is not realistic just to extrapolate from current usage – robots may go places in the buildings where humans do not. Mobility requirements may evolve – and so will regulations.

It is not just new classes of device and application which will need to be supported by well-designed infrastructure, but also new classes of service provider that need to access them.

The advent of new unlicensed or shared-spectrum models of frequency allocation (eg CBRS in the US, or MuLTEfire) may mean the arrival of new operator types – dedicated IoT solutions providers that “bring their own wireless”; enterprises acting as their own local on-site MNOs; various models of “neutral host” and so on.

Private enterprise cellular networks are starting to become more widespread. Some governments are allocating spectrum for industries like utilities or smart-cities, while equipment vendors are offering optimised enterprise-grade cellular infrastructure.

Potential future regulations for emergency-services wireless connections. Police and fire authorities are increasingly using broadband mobile, both for humans and remote-sensing devices.

Distributed-mesh service providers, that operate as decentralised networks with micropayments, or as community initiatives. Some may use blockchain-type arrangements for shared-ownership or membership fees.

One of the unknowns is about the convergence (or divergence) of different network types. On one hand, cellular networks are embracing Wi-Fi for offload, or for multi-network aggregation, especially as they worry that returning flat-rate data plans may stress their networks. On the other, some networks are looking at running 4G/5G in unlicensed spectrum instead of (or in addition to) Wi-Fi. Yet more service providers are adopting a “Wi-Fi first” approach, reverting to MVNO models for cellular where needed. Future permutations will likely be more complex still.

For property developers and owners, the quality of indoor networks is increasingly key in determining valuations and rental occupancy. Already seen in hotels, and office new builds, it will be important for today’s new constructions and refurbishments to support adequate flexibility and headroom for the next decade or more.

This takes on further emphasis if you consider the trend towards “buildings-as-a-service”, exemplified by organisations such as WeWork. These new classes of facility often incorporate wireless connectivity both as a billable service element, but also to enable their owners to manage the properties effectively, in terms of energy-efficiency and security. Other forms of monetisation and data-analytics around wireless location-sensing/tracking are also becoming more important.

Lastly, in-building challenges will be driven by the specific location and industry, which themselves may change in nature over the next decade. New building materials, construction practices and regulations will impact wireless in unpredictable ways – more metallic insulation perhaps, but also perhaps robot or pre-fabricated construction allowing wireless systems to be installed more easily. Individual industry verticals will have their own shifts – what will retail stores look like, and how will customers behave, in the era of home deliveries by drone, but more on-premise “experiences”, perhaps with AR/VR systems? What workplaces of the future look like, in an era of self-driving vehicles? Industrial facilities will become increasingly automated, with the largest uses of wireless connections being machines rather than humans. Hotels and airports will see shifts in data connectivity needs from employees and visitors, as application usage shifts.

There are no easy answers here – even if you construct good scenarios for the future, undoubtedly we will be surprised by events. But some form of upfront discipline in designing and building indoor wireless solutions is ever more critical, given the unknowns. The more future-proofing is possible, the lower the potential risk of being caught out.

Dean Bubley (@disruptivedean ) is Director of Disruptive Analysis. On October 5th, at 10am EDT, he will be discussing some of these topics in more depth on a webinar with us here at iBwave. 

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