What better way to end a great fiscal year than to host over 50 in-building professionals in sunny Southern California? And who better to join the Western U.S. team in order to help receive these 50+ guests than iBwave’s two charming co-founders, Mario Bouchard and Dominique Gauthier? The theme of the seminar was around deploying, managing, operating & […]
Tune in as Seth Buechley, President at SOLiD Technologies and Ted Erb, a consultant for the Bellevue Washington Fire Department discuss the importance and implications of optimal public safety communication networks inside buildings. Joe Dans hosts “Creativity and Technology for Business and Life” and facilitates the conversation.
The windy city was better described as the rainy city as it played host to an iBwave in-building seminar on August 22. Luckily, the Drake Hotel, situated in the middle of downtown Chicago kept us warm, comfortable and able to concentrate on a more important topic at hand: in-building! Dan Zych, our Sales Director for North […]