How To Future-Proof 5G for In-Building Wireless Systems

This is an excerpt from our eBook written by Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis, “5G and In-Building Wireless Convergence.” To read the full version, click here.

As a general rule in wireless design, project stakeholders need to plan ahead, and design “future-proof” infrastructure where possible. Or at least have a good way to model different 5G radio and business-model options as they become clearer. That said, there remain many unknowns, so flexibility will be hugely important.

Deep Fiber Indoors

Today, more demanding active DAS and Wi-Fi needs have meant fiber has been deployed “deeper” through newer buildings, in risers and wiring-closets and equipment rooms, although it is usually still not 100% end-to-end.

This drive will continue – despite all the variables around 5G spectrum and business models, one of the inevitable outcomes is a desire for more, deeper fiber. There are multiple future use-cases for in-building optical, which together are likely to require much deeper, more extensive and holistic deployments:

  • Active DAS systems and cellular small-cells (including support for MIMO and much-higher frequency bands)
  • Gigabit fixed broadband for MDUs
  • Backhaul for Wi-Fi APs
  • Reduced space, energy and maintenance associated with copper wiring
  • Smart-building systems and IoT connectivity
  • Optical LAN
  • Connecting remote radio-heads for Cloud RAN
  • Redundant cabling where future uses may be business/safety-critical

Planning, Insight and Tools

The 5G era – and its rapid evolution of new use-cases and business models – will mean that in-building systems need better upfront planning and design, and continued market-scanning and updates.

Rather than a one-off, static design, it will be necessary to continually update, extend and enhance the infrastructure, especially given the likely future evolutions to 5G radio and use-cases over time. 

Ideally, there will be tight integration and shared blueprints covering the radio domain, fiber/ electrical connections – and perhaps also reflect the changing outdoor macro environment as well. In other words, 5G for in-building wireless systems (and its supporting fiber backbone) will become more of an opex rather than capex cost. Facilities managers and building owners may choose to either recruit specific expertise, or outsource to a new class of service providers.

New spectrum bands, device and application types, regulations and user-expectations will be present in all industries and building types. It is still unclear how future in-building systems will support 5G elements such as mmWave radio, or “end-to-end” network slicing.

Because 5G will be a continual evolutionary process, it is important to start improving capabilities without waiting for a defined end-point in standardisation or adoption. To adopt a software-industry phrase, the in-building network will need to become “agile” and improve its capabilities during operation in an ongoing fashion .

Want to learn more about 5G for in-building wireless systems? Check out our webinar on taking 5G indoors.

Don’t have time to watch the whole webinar? Download your free 5G technology primer white paper and read at your convenience.

Find out how iBwave ushers in the era of in-building 5G in our blog post all about Release 12.

Case Study: How one of the World’s Largest Package Delivery Companies is using iBwave to Manage Thousands of Wi-Fi sites

As one of the largest package delivery and logistics companies in the world, one of our newest iBwave customers came to us wondering how our software could improve their existing process for deploying and managing their many Wi-Fi networks across thousands of their facilities around the world.

Here is the story. 

From the start, it became clear that the biggest challenge this company was facing was the sheer number of sites they had to manage around the globe. With tens of thousands of facilities, all ranging in size, type and location, logistical and process challenges were proving to be costly.

The key challenges they had were:

  1. How to manage their thousands of Wi-Fi networks across many different locations in a more efficient and cost-effective way – in particular how to easily share all data & documentation in a central location
  2. How to collect cellular network data and Wi-Fi network data at the same time to eliminate the dependence on third party companies
  3. How to improve the quality of the network designs to reduce troubleshooting post-install
  4. How to reduce the time it takes to produce the required costing report

To solve these issues, this customer is using the iBwave Design Suite — a powerful combination of iBwave MObile Planner (our mobile app for surveying), iBwave Design (our powerful network design software), and iBwave Unity, our SaaS-based enhanced cloud solution that synchronizes all information and then allows you to monitor, manage and access all of your sites and documentation from one place.

To give you a quick high-level overview of how they all work together, here is a visual of how they interact with one another through the lifecycle of a Wi-Fi network design project from survey to design, deployment and maintenance.

Let’s go through each of the key challenges to see specifically how they were resolved. 

Maintaining All of Their Wi-Fi Networks Across Thousands of Sites

Managing multiple sites is a big challenge for many large Enterprise companies and this customer was no exception. With tens of thousands of facilities located across the United States, the biggest challenge was how to manage the design documentation in a single location to simplify the maintenance and troubleshooting of the network for the ‘Corporate Technical Support Group’ technicians located at the facilities across the globe. 

With their previous set of tools,  survey and design documentation and reports were not centralized in a place where the technicians at the different facilities could access them when troubleshooting or validating a network’s performance. There was also the issue of having to ship a device with dongle licensing out to the facilities whenever a troubleshooting issue arose—often a time consuming and expensive cost.

The Solution

To solve these issues, the powerful combination of iBwave Mobile Planner, and iBwave Unity were implemented.

iBwave Unity is our advanced cloud-based site and project management software that gave this customer a single repository to keep all of their documentation — designs, survey data, site documentation — centralized and synchronized. For the technicians on-site this means they can now easily access previous design and survey data, to have a baseline and test against. 

The problem of having to ship a technician a testing tool each time was solved with our mobile app, iBwave Mobile Planner. With no dongle licensing to worry about, various sites can now keep their own mobile app (usable on any Android mobile device) and use it to survey and test each of the facilities when there was an issue.

Quick shot of iBwave Unity, showing example listing of various network sites ?

The Result

By using the integrated solution of iBwave Unity to centralize site survey information collected by iBwave Mobile Planner, technicians on-site can now easily access previous design documentation and baseline survey measurements for any troubleshooting efforts. 

While no exact number can be given because every site and every troubleshooting effort varies, it’s been seen by our customer that this solution saves them an estimated 50 hours for the average site/troubleshooting effort.

Streamlining the Site Survey Process & Enabling a Converged Approach

Convergence—a word we are hearing more and more from our large Enterprise customers when it comes to managing their network and for this particular customer, an important requirement for doing site surveys.

 Why so important?

While the size of their many facilities varies, the largest and most active facilities (storage and shipping warehouses), can often span more than two million square feet and many of their apps rely on the cellular network to perform. For that reason, it was important for this customer to understand not only their Wi-Fi coverage, but also their cellular coverage and the impact of it on the Wi-Fi network.

Prior to iBwave, to collect the data for the cellular network it was a complicated and costly process, with some key challenges:

  • Outsourcing—since they did not have their own tools to survey cellular data, they had to outsource the job to a third party company often leading to very long delays, and weeks long survey process. 
  • Multiple Site Walks—without the ability to collect the cellular data at the same time as the Wi-Fi data, multiple site walks had to be done to get a complete picture of the networks.
  • Centralized Documentation—without a central place to store and share all site survey data and documentation, surveys would often have to be repeated.

 The Solution

These challenges were resolved with the use of our cloud-based site management software iBwave Unity, and our mobile app, iBwave Mobile Planner, to perform the surveys.

With the ability to collect both cellular and Wi-Fi data measurements at the same time using the mobile app, the dependence on a third party to survey the network was eliminated, as was the challenge of having to do multiple site walks to get all data.  And with the integration of the mobile app  to the iBwave Unity cloud solution, all survey data collected is now be stored in a central cloud repository, eliminating any risk of lost data that needs to be recollected. 

The Results

While not able to put an exact number on it, the time and cost savings are significant now that there is no need to outsource the collection of the cellular data and all data that is needed for a complete design is documented in the cloud where it’s easily accessed by the design team. A survey that may have taken weeks before to gather all data can now be done in days.

“The ability to gather both cellular and Wi-Fi network data ourselves at the same time, in one tool without the help of a third party, is invaluable to us in terms of time, cost and documentation.” – Senior WLAN Design & Support Engineer

Finally, let’s look at the last challenge resolved by using iBwave software—design optimization and quality.

Improving Wi-Fi Network Design Quality & Optimizing Costs

When it comes to any type of wireless network design, if the design is not done well from the start, then it can lead to two things: 1) costly troubleshooting and re-design later, and 2) a design that is not optimized and therefore more expensive than it needs to be.

These two issues are the main reasons our iBwave software is so focused on enabling design optimization and network performance prediction accuracy. We pride ourselves on making sure our customers have the best wireless network design software to deliver the highest quality of designs to their end-users in the most cost-effective way possible. For this customer, the quality of the designs they were getting from their previous design software, and the level of troubleshooting they had to dedicate their resources post-installation, was proving to be a costly challenge. As was the over-designing of the networks – why add more access points if coverage and capacity can be maximized for less?

The Solution

Both of these challenges are ultimately resolved by the powerful features and prediction capabilities in iBwave Design. With features like 3D modeling, inclined surface modeling, propagation through floors, and prediction calibration, the quality and accuracy of the designs will improve significantly.  And accurate prediction results leads to high-quality optimized designs and ultimately less troubleshooting post-install. 

 Simplifying Reporting

Reports and documentation are part of almost any wireless network design project and it is no different for this large Enterprise customer. Especially accurate costing reports.

Prior to iBwave the process to produce these types of reports was manual, tedious and time consuming, often taking almost an hour to put one together, and often at the risk of human error as there was no way to automatically generate them.

The Solution

With iBwave, the time previously spent on manually creating reports is eliminated and costing reports are generated in a matter of seconds with one click. Additionally, costing reports can now be generated at both the individual project basis, or across several different projects, using iBwave Unity. For example, if they want to track costs across particular building types (warehouses, depots, etc) or for a certain region, that is now simple to do in either a report or dashboard. Here are some costing report examples.

Here’s are a couple examples of generating a Bill of Materials, and a Cost Details Report ?


By using the powerful solution of iBwave Unity + iBwave Mobile Planner and iBwave Design, this large Enterprise customer is now able to manage the thousands of sites across the world from a single location – resulting in higher-quality Wi-Fi networks and less time and money spent troubleshooting them.


IoT and the Wireless Networks that Make Them Tick

The topic of the Internet of Things (IoT) is more prevalent nowadays in online tech discussions and “trends this year” articles than ever before. Beyond the wearables and home automation devices out there, what is IoT in a B2B context and what are the most prevalent wireless networks that connect them?

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things is the ability of physical devices to connect with each other through wireless networks, typically the Internet. Since 2015 the growth of IoT devices has been steadily increasing for applications ranging from consumer devices to healthcare, banking, retail and manufacturing. And the investments will continue to grow in the coming years which raises the question: What impact will the IoT have on a building’s indoor wireless networks and what are the options to support the proliferation of these connected devices?

According to Cisco, only a fraction of devices that can connect to the Internet actually do, and the yearly growth of IoT devices in the next 5 years will average 28.5%(1). With this expected growth rate, the potential for expansion is massive and demands for wireless networks to support that expansion can be expected to significantly increase as well.

IoT as a productivity driver

Many of the IoT consumer devices available today like wearables and home automation devices often use your own smartphone’s LTE connection or your home Wi-Fi network for wireless connection. The wireless performance required is often minimal so if you’re looking to improve response times, chances are moving your Wi-Fi router to a more central location in the house will be a quick fix at zero cost to you. However, when dealing with larger-scale networks, like those often seen in the Enterprise, addressing performance issues is not so simple.

Despite the current abundance of consumer wearables and home automation systems, IoT devices are much more common in manufacturing, healthcare and business applications than they currently are in consumer environments. The Industrial Internet of Things, also known as IIoT, will be the biggest driver of productivity and growth in the next decade. It is estimated that investments in IIoT will reach $85B by 2020(2) with an annual growth rate of 28.5%(1). By the end of 2020, it’s projected that close to 50%(3) of new IoT applications built by Enterprises will leverage an IoT platform that offers outcome-focused functionality based on analytics gathered by their IoT inventory.

What are some of the benefits Enterprises are hoping to see? Consumer expectations are shifting in the online marketplace – they want simplicity, speed and quality, and Enterprises are looking towards IIoT to help them deliver. Many of them are looking to the IoT to improve the accuracy, speed, and scale of their supply chains and to redefine quality management, compliance, traceability and business intelligence.

They also see IIoT delivering potential benefits such as increased efficiency through data captured about their processes and products with the use of sensors. In some cases IIoT also allows automation of some processes that can improve time-to-market, measure performance and rapidly respond to customer needs. Risk Management and Safety Compliance can also be impacted with a larger IoT inventory by identifying areas that require attention, flagging irregularities, and issues much more quickly than humans can. Another key driver is the increasing use of automated mobile equipment in manufacturing facilities. Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) can now deliver components to production cells in manufacturing plants where forklift drivers used to accomplish this task.

IoT and Wireless

Reliable indoor wireless coverage is essential to any IoT application in an Enterprise environment. Mobile operators do have a part to play in supporting the wireless infrastructure used by some IoT devices however it’s expected their focus will be on devices which are close to or completely outdoors, often in a setting where the tracking of a mobile vehicle is required. The cellular signal may not be able to penetrate deeper in the building so when talking about manufacturing or industrial production most of the indoor wireless networks will be the responsibility of the Enterprise and/or the building owner. Properly planning and deploying these networks can be costly to their bottom line if not done properly right from the start. Using the right tools and components is key to ensure adequate performance and future-proofing to avoid costly upgrades later on.

So how do all these devices connect together and which network types are best for a particular application? First thing to look at is the type of IoT device that will be used and the mobility of said device, as this will be key in determining which network protocol is most suitable.

Here is an outline of the more common options available:

Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1)

  • Bands: 2.4 GHz
  • Range: Short – 10 meters
  • Ideal for small devices
  • Used in medical devices and industrial sensors
  • Low power requirements, ideal for wearables


  • Bands: Below 1 GHz
  • Range: High – 25+ km (depending on line-of-sight)
  • Indoor/outdoor coverage
  • Secure, can transmit encrypted data at different frequencies and bit rates
  • Specifically built for IoT
  • Low power
  • Industrial usage and Smart Cities


  • Bands: Below 1GHz / 4G-LTE
  • Range: Very high – Global
  • Ideal for tracking moving objects over long distances
  • Indoor / outdoor coverage
  • High security provided through SIM chip
  • Can use legacy 2G-3G networks if LTE is unavailable
  • Location services provided through cell tower positioning, cheaper than GPS
  • Works during power failures

NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT)

  • Bands: 180-200kHz
  • Range: High – 35 km
  • Focused on indoor coverage
  • Uses subset of LTE
  • Low cost and low power, high battery life
  • Deeper penetration in-building but more complex to implement


  • Bands: 868 MHz (Europe), 902 MHz (US)
  • Range: High – 3-10 km in urban settings, 30-50 km in rural areas, up to 1,000 km in line-of-site
  • Ultra narrow band with minimal interference
  • Low power, high battery life
  • Requires a mobile operator to carry the generated traffic
  • Star network topology (using base stations)


  • Bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz
  • Range: Medium – 100 meters
  • Widely available in public places
  • Easy to implement, easy to use short-range wireless connectivity with cross-vendor interoperability
  • Zero spectrum cost

Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4)

  • Bands: 2.4 GHz
  • Range: 100 meters
  • Industrial applications and some home products
  • Low power requirements
  • Secure with 128-bit encryption


  • Bands: Below 1 GHz
  • Range: 30 meters
  • Popular with consumer IoT devices
  • Applications in home automation (used by Amazon Echo)
  • Most open development environment for smart products (using ITU-T G.9959 global radio standard)

In summary, we are still in the early stage of the massive investment in IoT devices that is to come in the next few years. Whichever application IoT devices and sensors will be used in it will undoubtedly put a strain on the underlying wireless networks if they have not been designed to handle the explosion of connected devices. Furthermore, selecting the most suitable wireless network requires a thorough understanding of each IoT devices’ requirements in order to ensure the network will not only perform adequately when first deployed but will be able to handle any projected growth in following years.

Feel free to download the infographic below for a quick reference guide on the most used wireless networks for IoT devices. 

Sources used as a reference in this blog:

(1) 8 Statistics That Prove IoT will become Massive from 2018

(2) Choosing the Right Platform for the Industrial IoT

(3) A roundup of 2018 enterprise Internet of Things forecasts and market estimates

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