Highlights from our In-Building Fall Event Tour

Fall is always a busy season for trade shows, conferences and other industry events. We have back to back events in October – the highlights of which will all be posted here.

Our fall event tour kicks off with the Northeast DAS & Small Cell Forum‘s Fall Conference in Washington DC on October 2. We sent our VP Products & Innovation, Benoit Fleury, our Director of Sales for North America, Dan Zych as well as our Manager of Sales Engineering for the Americas, Alex Jovel to man the iBwave table and participate in a panel.

Benoit Fleury spoke on the panel titled ROI Analysis – Does a DAS or Small Cell Network Deployment Pay? The panel also featured thought leaders from AT&TRF Connect and SOLiD and generated some interesting discussion.

Go To Top NEXT STOP: PCIA’s Wireless Infrastructure Show!

Our next stop is PCIA’s Wireless Infrastructure Show in sunny Hollywood, Florida. We sent the same team as at the Northeast DAS & Small Cell event: VP Products & Innovation, Benoit Fleury; Director of Sales for North America, Dan Zych and Manager of Sales Engineering for the Americas, Alex Jovel.

On the trade show side, we received many booth visits from equipment vendors and system integrators and gave some great demos to those interested in seeing how our software works.

On the conference side, the team enjoyed some interesting keynotes, particularly from AT&TSprintBoingo and FirstNet (U.S. public safety network). HetNets dominated many discussions both during the keynotes and panels, as well as on the floor. Small cells, Wi-Fi Hotspot 2.0, LTE/-A, and macro interaction were hot topics among the many attendees.

iBwave had the opportunity to participate on the Making the HetNet work panel, which generated a lot of interest and many questions. The panelists, thought leaders from Crown CastleTE Connectivity, Blackbox, Goodman, and our own Benoit Fleury, touched on key challenges for planning, deployment, monitoring and ROI for HetNets.

Overall, a great event all around!

Stay tuned for news & updates on Futurecom in Rio de Janeiro – coming soon!

In-Building Seminar in Orange County

What better way to end a great fiscal year than to host over 50 in-building professionals in sunny Southern California? And who better to join the Western U.S. team in order to help receive these 50+ guests than iBwave’s two charming co-founders, Mario Bouchard and Dominique Gauthier?

The theme of the seminar was around deploying, managing, operating & upgrading a fast growing volume of in-building projects and also featured a short demo of iBwave products, an interactive discussion and a rapid fire panel.

After presentations, we felt we had to give away a few prizes. Fernando Torrelio from SOLiD Technologies and Brian Song from KMW Communications went home with free seats for the next iBwave Certification session. And we gave away some iBwave hats to the following lucky winners: Yulia Perez from AT&T, Samuel Rivera from H&S Vision Wireless, Dana Dulabone from Advanced Frequency Engineering, Amr AlBanna from Omega Wireless, Richard Brysacz from tk1sc, Chris Glade from Motive Energy, Ken Higbee from SJM Industrial Radio, Steve Sweeney from Cellular Specialties (CSI), David Johnson from Concise and Kimberly Ellis from Verizon Wireless. Congrats all!

And finally… what better way to end an informative day than with cocktails and networking? Thanks to all who joined us and we hope to see you again soon!

Seminar in Chi-Town

The windy city was better described as the rainy city as it played host to an iBwave in-building seminar on August 22. Luckily, the Drake Hotel, situated in the middle of downtown Chicago kept us warm, comfortable and able to concentrate on a more important topic at hand: in-building!

Dan Zych, our Sales Director for North America and German Guzman, Account Manager for the U.S. were ready to greet our 30 attendees as they arrived around 2pm. Presentations focused on deploying, managing, operating and upgrading a fast-growing volume of in-building projects and addressing in-building project challenges with the iBwave Product Suite; finishing off with a little workshop and Q&A session followed by a networking cocktail.

The cocktail was a nice way to wrap up the group discussion and finish a productive day.

Thanks to all who attended! Hope to see you again soon!

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