Customer Spotlight: Electromag

Here’s a scenario many businesses encounter: profits are booming, the client pool is growing, and now it’s time to expand to new markets. How do you balance that growth with maintaining your company’s reputation for excellence? As they say, with great growth comes great responsibility. To remain known as a dependable company, it requires dependable tools. 

Enter Electromag!

An industry leader in in-building DAS design, iBwave’s customer Electromag Wireless has become synonymous with dependability even as they continue to grow. We sat down with Electromag to find out how iBwave has helped their business expand into an affordable, time-saving solution for clients across the US and Australia.

Before we dive in, let’s learn a bit more about the solutions Electromag provides to their customers.

About Electromag

Electromag is a specialized iBwave certified RF engineering team that provides in-building coverage design service for DAS, small cells and Wi-Fi. They’ve worked on over 200 sites globally, primarily across Australia, the United States and United Kingdom. They partner with System Integrators and OEMs to provide designs for various types of venue such as hospitals, airports and convention centers, employing a range of technology types. The team also has hands on industry experience with iBwave’s advanced RF design tools.

Recently, Electromag has seen a massive increase in demand for in-building Small Cells and Public Safety designs.

With this increase in demand, Electromag has added a wide pool of talent to make light work of difficult project designs. They also adapted their business process to provide an affordable and quick turnaround time for such projects and can complete them in 1-2 working days.

How is Electromag able to provide such quick turnaround time for projects of this scale?

With the help of iBwave software, of course! Since adopting iBwave for in-building design report generation, Electromag has been able to drastically reduce the time needed to complete projects.

The Electromagnetic Frequency, Link Budget, and Antennae reports generated by iBwave are all essential to Electromag’s mandate to provide swift service to their clients.

“Prior to the adoption of iBwave design, our workflow involved the use of AutoCAD to create schematics and antenna layouts. This was a rather cumbersome design process. It’s now a thing of the past, thanks to iBwave.”

Not only does automatic report generation save time, it also increases accuracy.  

How has iBwave increased in-building network design accuracy for Electromag’s clients?

iBwave’s 3D imaging provides unprecedented control when planning network design. The software can automatically generate a three-dimensional model of a building by uploading its measurements. Not only does this relay a remarkable level of detail to Electromag’s clients, it also provides them a powerful tool for visualizing and communicating project-specific information.

iBwave’s cloud connectivity feature lets Electromag communicate seamlessly with project stakeholders. If design revisions are necessary, having access to documentation and project-specific info makes it easy to deliver updates and reduce the need for trial-and-error troubleshooting.

“iBwave has become synonymous with RF Design because of its transformative effect on the way we design and document venues.”

Which iBwave products does Electromag use?

What are the different types of venues and technologies that Electromag designs for?

Electromag works with System Integrators and OEMS to provide designs for many types of buildings such as:

They also design for a wide portfolio of technologies including UMTS, GSM, LTE, CDMA, Public Safety and Wi-Fi.

What are some of Electromag’s biggest accomplishments?

What better way to share Electromag’s greatest accomplishments than testimonials from some of their customers?

I appreciate that you have a group of individuals who can take a project and run it to completion.  Your iBwave designers do well to coordinate with our members on project kick-off, progress reviews, and final submittal.  Additionally, the time change has proven to be extremely beneficial when deadlines area tight because we get 24 hours, around the clock progress.

              – Director of Engineering, System Integrator in Georgia, USA

Electromag brings a team of highly skilled RF Engineers who work as an extension to our in-house design and project team, and we have successfully worked with this model for the last 4 years. The ability to utilize the substantial experience of their team of Engineers has proved to be crucial when taking on complex projects.  Electromag helps RFI attain “round the clock” productivity and surge through the peaks and troughs of the project flow cycle.

–  Head of Services, System Integrator in Australia

Electromag has been very responsive to all of my requests and has consistently met all requested timelines. At this point, I am utilizing Electromag for some of my most complex DAS designs because of the confidence I have in their abilities.

– Director of Design and Implementation, System Integrator in New York, USA

What are Electromag’s three most valuable features of iBwave software?

  • 3D Modelling
  • Report Generation
  • Prediction Accuracy

A final thought from Electromag:

“It’s clear to see why iBwave design has become so widely accepted in the industry. It’s also clear that iBwave is the go-to tool for Small Cell, Wi-Fi and more complex heterogeneous networks. It’s a truly powerful and versatile tool for any RF engineer or project manager.”

A big thank you to Electromag for taking the time to chat with us!

To find out more about Electromag, visit

To check out other entries in our Customer Spotlight series, visit

Customer Spotlight! Meet RAN WIRELESS and Their Amazing 3D Models

Warning: This blog contains 3D models that may cause you to whoop and holler.

There are a few capabilities that iBwave is well known for in the market, but certainly, one of the most stand-out capabilities is the 3D modeling that comes with the iBwave wireless network design software. And while we can all agree that the 3D models are awesome to look at, the real value behind why our customers use this feature for their network designs is because of the level of prediction accuracy it allows them to pass onto their customers and the network end users – and as a result,  the time and cost savings that comes along with it. Plus yes, the 3D models certainly are a marketing feature for any of our customers in the bidding process, enabling them with a powerful and visual way display exactly how the network they’ve designed will perform in customer’s venue.

One of these customers is RAN Wireless Pvt – an iBwave customer for many years now, RAN Wireless relies on their 3D modeling expertise and the accurate prediction results it brings to win new customers and build strong relationships with their existing ones.

In the words of RAN Wireless CEO, Faisal Khan, “realistic modeling leads to realistic designs”.

It’s a sentiment we’ve heard many times from our customers, and one of the driving forces behind the implementation of our 3D modeling capabilities many years ago.  

Here’s a short demo reel of some impressive models they have done ?


I sat down and talked with the founder of RAN Wireless, Faisal Khan, a bit ago to learn more about them as a company and to understand more what goes into their modeling, and what the most significant benefits are that they see are as a result of their efforts.

Here’s what he had to say.

What iBwave products do you currently use?

iBwave Design and iBwave Wi-Fi.

What types of projects does RAN Wireless use iBwave for?

We’ve done over 300 designs using iBwave including DAS, Small Cells and Wi-Fi network design projects. We specialize in stadiums, tunnels and metro stations but have done all types of designs including hospitals, hotels, apartments, campuses, convention centers – and many more.

What is your process for modeling? How long does a model typically take you?

We use elevation plans, Sketchup and Google Earth to understand the layers, and visualize the venue, and then proceed with modeling the venue in iBwave itself. We spend the time on this part of the project because an accurate model will lead to accurate results – and for us, the more accurate the prediction results, the less time we spend tweaking or troubleshooting the design post-installation.

How long would one of your stadium designs take to model?

This takes us about two weeks to model – but time spent here saves any time we have to spend post-installation. In fact, it is one of the main reasons our customers choose us – the accuracy with which we can design their networks. If a venue is modelled incorrectly, predictions will be incorrect – we’ve seen it.

Do you model all venues with such detail? Or is it just the larger projects like stadiums?

All of our projects are done to the same level of detail and accuracy.

What is the value of modeling to such detail for you?

As a smaller business, we need to differentiate ourselves and the #1 one we do that is with quality. I always say that for us it is all about quality – it’s something we are never willing to compromise on, and it’s something we are very well known for and the reason our customers stay with us. By modeling the venues we are designing in the most realistic way we can deliver the highest quality of network to our customers. What makes us different to others is iBwave and how we use it.

We often hear that modeling takes so long to do, can you talk about why it’s so important to you and your team to take the time to do it in such a detailed and realistic way?

Every design, in particular for more complex venues like stadiums, tunnels, subways, racetracks, goes through a cycle of approvals and many test walks to check the feasibility of the design. Accurate modeling of the venue and the design itself reduces the time to do these validation walks significantly when it comes to checking the feasibility of component locations.

What about when it comes to prediction accuracy? How much accuracy are you able to achieve with such detailed modeling?

Our prediction accuracy is very high because of the level of effort we put into modeling – this gets reflected in the KPI’s post-installation as we are on average about 95% accurate if we get all the modeling information we need – that 5% margin of error is simply because with 2D drawings it’s very hard to understand some of the more complex structures. For us, this level of prediction accuracy means there is very little troubleshooting to be done once the network is installed, and we don’t have to worry about major issues like moving components, re-routing cables, etc after installation. And in the carrier world, it’s also very difficult to go back to them o get design changes approved once it’s already approved – it can lead to large and costly time delays. So while we do spend more time up front modeling, all in all, it has led to faster overall project cycle timelines.

What is the most valuable thing about iBwave to you?

The whole software is valuable to us, we love the software – and we also love the support that comes with it.

And we appreciate you RAN Wireless! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us!

Wirelessly yours,


Interested in being featured in our Customer Spotlight blog series? Send me an email at and let’s chat! 

Cheytec Telecommunications Brings Better Indoor Coverage to the Enterprise using iBwave

Given our ever-growing need for data in today’s world of smart cities, smart buildings and the Internet of Things, the need for fast, reliable connectivity indoors has never been greater. Especially when it comes to the Enterprise.

Traditionally, wireless operators have been the main drivers for deploying indoor wireless networks to Enterprise venues and real estate properties. But with tenant and user demand out-pacing the carrier’s ability to -fund systems, building owners and Enterprise customers are now seeing the value of making capital investments in their properties and meet the demands of their network users.

Meet Cheytec Telecommunications, an iBwave customer whodelivers multi-operator turnkey in-buildng LTE solutions. Cheytec is helping to make an economic shift away from the carrier by expanding the addressable market to include building owners and enterprises. Cheytec does this by working with the wireless operators to bring their spectrum into buildings and leverage a highly developed partner network for both technology and service delivery. Capital investments in LTE coverage made by the building owner enables not just great indoor wireless service, but the opportunity for increased cash flows, higher valuations for property portfolios and new revenue sources. For wireless operators, the in-building system helps extend indoor coverage, densify networks,  offer new services to current customers and gain net-new subscribers.

How has iBwave helped?

Designing a multi-carrier indoor wireless networks certainly comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when you are designing for multiple technologies – Small Cells, DAS, and Neutral Host D-RAN(C-RAN), and multiple different venue types.

Previously, Cheytec typically used iBwave to design sports stadiums and transportation hubs – but now they are focusing more on the Enterprise verticals, and with that comes different challenges to overcome.  For example, the image on the right shows a heatmap generated in iBwave Design for a 4 story office building which Cheytec used to help select the right solution for this particular venue, accurately assess coverage and capacity requirements and estimate the cost of the entire system.

When using iBwave Design Enterprise, our multi-technology indoor wireless network planning and design platform, Cheytec’s engineers work more productively and can focus simultaneously on multiple projects. The result? Cheytec has reduced their network design process time by an estimated 30%.

Additionally, iBwave expedites the customer approval process significantly as customers recognize that they only use top quality tools and technologies within their designs – and that they have the ability to offer a wide range of in-building technology solutions with multiple design options. 

These benefits also lead to reduced time spent on project coordination internally. Because of the speed and flexibility of iBwave Design, it allows Cheytec to accomodate design changes without necessarily altering the project timeline.

“By using iBwave we shorten our response time in terms of delivering a proposal enabling our team to close more deals and generate more revenue.”

José Sangiuliano – Chief Technology Officer, Cheytec Telecommunications

Cheytec’s Favorite iBwave Features

When asked what their favorite features are in iBwave Design, here is what Cheytec said (and why):

Automation of Design Enterprise Networks

With the powerful and intelligent design automation that iBwave provides, design errors are reduced and the time to produce and change designs is accelerated – iBwave also provides them with an efficient way to provide alternative design options for comparative purposes.

3D Predictive Modeling

3D predictive modeling has also been very helpful to Cheytecby providing their customers with a powerful way to visually show the benefits of the proposed solutions and the network performance prediction results, similar to the image on the right showing the 3D model for 40+ story hotel DAS project.

Design and Simulation of Most Cost-Efficient Designs

Also, with the capability to design the entire network using the iBwave database of over 25,000 network components for all wireless technologies, Cheytec is always able to generate a full BOM with Cost Details. This means always being sure they are simulating the most cost-efficient designs, and that their customers have the best design possible for their specific building.

Cheytec’s mission is to deploy the right solution into the right building every time. Using iBwavehas helped them to achieve this consistently.


iBwave has been a key partner for Cheytec by providing a powerful, flexible and comprehensive software solution to provide Enterprise customers and property owners with turnkey LTE solutions that drive value. 

Thanks for being such a great customer Cheytec Telecommunications!

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