6 Ways iBwave Focuses on Prediction Accuracy

Without a way to generate an accurate prediction of a network design, it can’t be trusted to perform as it’s required to – and when that happens, a lot of time and money is at risk. This is why prediction accuracy has been a focus of iBwave’s since it first started over 16 years ago. It is at the core of what we are focused on and as technologies and learnings have evolved over the years so too has our prediction engine.

Here are the key ways we make sure our prediction is accurate.

1. Fast Ray Tracing

iBwave has three prediction models available in the software: VPLE, COST 231, and Fast Ray Tracing. Each of these prediction methods has different levels of accuracy and are best suited for different environments. At iBwave, because our software is relied upon so often for complex venues, our customers often rely on the Fast Ray Tracing prediction method. This prediction algorithm is based on Ray Tracing and was developed over a period of two years by RF technical experts from iBwave in partnership with scholars and experts from the in-building industry when iBwave first became a company over 16 years ago. But we haven’t stopped developing and improving it along the way – we continue to develop and fine-tune it on an on-going basis to ensure it provides the highest level of accuracy for the venues and technologies modeled in our software.

What is Fast Ray Tracing?

To look at Fast Ray Tracing, let’s first look at COST231. COST231 is the typical algorithm commonly used by other planning software on the market which is an empirical model that only considers a direct path between the transmitter and the receiver. Fast Ray Tracing, on the other hand, considers multiple effects of radio propagation to calculate the signal strength and provide more realistic results. It integrates contributions from direct path (obstructed or not), reflected paths (walls, floors, and ceilings), diffraction and wave guiding effect.

To show this, I’ll take from a previous blog I did that focuses strictly on the impact of considering reflection and diffraction in your predictive designs.

In the following images, I used a highly-reflective warehouse environment and focused on one AP – first with no reflection/diffraction considered and then with reflection/diffraction considered. You see without reflection/ diffraction (image on left) the prediction runs more straight down the warehouse rows. Looking at the prediction considering reflection/diffraction (image on right), you see how the signal reflects and diffracts off the metallic shelves as it travels down the row and gives more coverage to the adjacent rows. Without it, you may over-design the network.

Read: What’s the Impact of Reflection and Diffraction on Prediction Accuracy?

2. Prediction Calibration

If you’ve done a design then you know it can be hard to get an accurate attenuation value for the walls within the venue. And while we’ve put a lot of work into making sure materials in our database are as accurate as possible, in reality, it’s not always accurate. As a result, sometimes an AP on a Stick is used to measure wall loss. But this approach can be both time consuming and does not take into account reflection and diffraction loss. Which is why we have the prediction calibration feature.

With prediction calibration customers have the option to use the measurements taken from a survey to fine-tune the propagation model with live data captured on-site. Essentially what the software does is first try to adjust all propagation parameters and penetration and reflection loss for each material in a floor plan. If for some reason it can’t converge on a solution it will look at all calibrated parameters, choose the least significant one, set it to a default value, and then re-run the calibration without that parameter. This repeats until the solver converges. If the solution has a lot of default settings in the end, it may be a sign that the wrong type of wall material was assigned in the floor plan, or that a wall is missing.

Here is an example of a non-calibrated prediction vs. the survey results

Non Calibrated Prediction vs. Survey

And here is a prediction that has been calibrated using the live survey measurements.

Calibrated Prediction Results vs. Survey

The impact of calibration is obvious in this example: the calibrated prediction comes very close to the survey.

3. Inclined Surfaces

When it comes to certain venues, modeling inclined surfaces, or not, can make a very large difference in prediction results. In the most severe cases this is obvious in a stadium where there is a large number of inclined surfaces to be accounted for. But it can also matter for less complex venues but where inclined surfaces that exist in high-importance areas. For example, the staircase of a hospital where doctors often depend on the wireless network as they move from floor to floor, or the staircase of busy transportation hubs where customers often depend on wireless connectivity.

To highlight the impact it can have, here is the modeling and design of an underground train station that shows the staircase modeled as flat and then the staircase modeled with inclined surfaces. You can see that with the flat model it gives a false impression that some signal strength is present – but when modeled with an inclined surface, you see much of that signal disappear when the prediction is run.

4. Body Loss Modeling

In high-density venues, the attenuation caused by many bodies packed together can make a significant difference. Which is why we have body loss modeling in our software.

Here is a simplified example of the difference it can make. In the first prediction, there is no body loss modeling, and in the second body loss has been modeled for the seating area. In this example, as I probed around the design to compare the values it made a difference of anywhere between 5 to 12 dB difference.

5. 3D Measured Antenna Patterns

When iBwave first launched we used interpolated 2D antenna patterns to get a 3D view in the software. As the years went on and feedback from our customers came indicating that measurements did not match what they saw in the field, we made the change to consider more than just the horizontal and vertical cuts of an antenna pattern. Reaching out to OEMs we asked them to provide measurements for all possible angles for the antenna radiation pattern, which has eliminated the need to do the interpolation from 2D.

Here’s an example of a 3D antenna pattern interpolated from 2D cuts (left) vs. 3D (right) measured and modeled antenna pattern available in iBwave.

And here is an example of the same 2D and 3D antennaes with a 10 degree down tilt aimed at a 30 degree inclined surface.

6. Attenuation by Frequency

We all know that wall attenuation can have a large impact on the accuracy of prediction. In iBwave, the software comes with a large database of various materials with pre-set attenuation values – but the key difference, especially for Wi-Fi, is that it has attenuation values set for all the different frequencies 2.4GHz and 5GHz. And while this may not matter for venues with lighter materials, it can very much matter for environments that use heavier materials such as concrete.

Why does it matter?

If you’ve studied propagation then you already know that as frequency increases, path loss increases. With materials it’s a very similar situation – as frequency increases from 2.4GHz to 5GHz, transmission loss also increases. Imagining a large concrete wall sitting between an AP and a client device, consider that as the 2.4GHz signals move through the wall the attenuation is about 23 dB – now imagine a 5GHz signal moving through the same wall at a higher frequency and you will see the attenuation increase as well to about 45 dB.

In this example, I use concrete as an example with the iBwave default attenuation values set as:

  • 2.4GHz : 22.79
  • 5 GHz: 44.77

You can see the heatmap here that shows signal strength of -81.86 dBm for 5GHz and -55.42 dBM for 2.4GHz

Then I duplicated the material and set the 2.4GHz and 5GHz attenuation values to be the same, using an average attenuation value as the value

  • 2.4GHz: 33.78
  • 5GHz: 33.78

You can see the heatmap here that now shows Signal Strength of -70.09 for 5GHz and -65.53 for 2.4GHz

In this case, having different attenuation values makes a fairly significant difference in prediction results.

That’s a Wrap.

While there are many other factors in how accurate a prediction is for any given design (for example the model itself), these are just six of the many ways that iBwave works to achieve the most accurate prediction accuracy.

Hope you enjoyed the blog and see you next time!

Accurately yours,


Analysis of CW Measurements @ 28 GHz Taken by Consultix

Earlier this year, Consultix, a leading vendor of portable CW test equipment, collected CW survey data at 28 GHz in an office environment, and shared the data with iBwave. We have post processed the data and used it as benchmark to compare with our default propagation model at 28 GHz, and also to calibrate the model. This blog entry summarizes our findings.

Equipment used: CW transmitter and receiver

Frequency: 28 GHz

Transmit antenna: SISO, omnidirectional.

The modelling of the office space and its inner walls was done by Consultix. The layout of the office space with 4 antenna locations is shown below:

Post processing was done in two steps.

  • We removed fast fading by averaging the receive data every 0.2 meters, which is 20 wavelengths at 28 GHz.
  • We eliminated the data that was too far away from antenna.

This is the post processed CW survey data:

ANTENNA  1                 



ANTENNA 3             


When we inspected the survey data in more details, we noticed the following:

  1. The predicted Non-Line of Sight signal behind all inner walls that were modelled as drywall was much lower than CW survey data. When comparing similar materials, we noticed that drywall has much higher penetration loss than sheetrock. Drywall penetration loss at 28 GHz was taken from ITU-R recommendation, while sheetrock penetration loss at the same frequency was extrapolated from measurements below 2 GHz. We decided to replace drywall with plaster sheetrock light everywhere in the floorplan, to improve prediction accuracy.

Office floor layout with modeled inner walls is shown below:

The next step was to investigate whether changing propagation constants g1 – g3 would help increase the default prediction accuracy. We found out that the optimum propagation accuracy is achieved by changing g2 and g3 propagation constant from the default value of 2.4 to 2.2. Those two propagation constants are used to calculate reflected and Non-LOS signal.

After we made the changes outlined above, we ran what we call the “default” predictions for each antenna. After that, we used CW survey data to optimize propagation constants and wall material penetration and reflection loss near each antenna, and then used the new values to run the “calibrated” predictions. Then we compared the statistic for uncalibrated and calibrated propagation prediction side by side.  The results are shown below:

ANTENNA 1         

The absolute mean error and the standard deviation have only marginally improved after the calibration. This is because there is no Line of Sight data for Antenna 1. To improve the calibrated model, we need a mix of LOS and NLOS data.


In this case the accuracy has improved a bit when calibrated model was used, compared with the default model. The default prediction itself is more accurate compared with the default prediction for Antenna 1. This is because we have a good mix of LOS and NLOS survey data for Antenna 2.


As was the case with Antenna 2, the calibrated propagation prediction is significantly more accurate than the default prediction. As was the case with Antenna 2, there is plenty of LOS survey data to go with the NLOS data.


As was the case with Antenna 2 and 3, the prediction using the calibrated model is significantly more accurate. As was the case with Antenna 2 and 3, we had a good mix of LOS and NLOS survey data as well.


  • When we were deciding which survey data to keep and which to delete, we made the decision based on how far away the data was from antenna, and whether it was in Non-LOS. For example, for Antenna 4 we had a couple of areas that were in NLOS and far away which we deleted, as shown in the figure below:
  • The mean and absolute mean error values for default prediction are similar for Antenna 3. This is also the case for Antenna 4. Because the mean error is positive and the delta between the mean and absolute mean error is small, we conclude that the survey data is almost always higher than the predicted data. This means that iBwave prediction for antenna 3 and 4 is consistently more pessimistic than the measured data. This is not necessarily the case for default prediction for Antenna 1 and 2, because the delta between mean error and the absolute error is significant.
  • In retrospect, the default prediction absolute error is in the 4.5-5.5 dB range. The default prediction standard deviation is in the 3.5 – 6.2 dB range. This is consistent with prediction accuracy at lower frequencies. While it is true that we had to fine tune the floorplan material modeling (by replacing the high penetration loss material with lower penetration loss material), what we learned from this measurement campaign is that inner walls should be modeled as light plaster sheetrock, not as drywall.
  • Finally, we learned that 28 GHz signal propagates through typical office walls/barriers better than expected. We had to adjust propagation constants y2 and y3 to reflect that.


Consultix is a leading vendor of portable RF test equipment. The company is remarkably known for its comprehensive portfolio of RF analyzers, CW equipment and monitoring solutions serving the Small cells and DAS market worldwide.

Private LTE & CBRS: Overview

In this blog, I give an overview of our eBook Private LTE & CBRS in which Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis depicts the current landscape of private networks which are expected to gain a lot of interest in the next few years.

Originally used for mining sites, oil & gas facilities and military bases, the new enterprise requirements for specialized solutions and the new CBRS spectrum band in the US are accelerating the deployment of this new trend. In the eBook, Dean discusses observing a large group of private LTE/5G supporters of all sorts – from enterprises, integrators, to traditional carriers.

What is a private cellular network?

A private cellular network is a business focus cellular network that allows enterprises or industrial companies to gain full ownership and control over their connectivity needs. It could either be deployed as a standalone network or as a hybrid network when radio or core networks elements are shared with MNOs. The range of scale can vary from 50m (office buildings, shopping mall, hotels) to 500km (rail networks, highways).

What are the motivations for deploying private LTE/5G?

  • Coverage: lack of optimal public 4G/5G (industrial sites, rural factories…)
  • Costs: cheaper alternatives and more flexible workspaces
  • Control: better visibility on the key performance indicators as well as more security and compliance
  • Compensation: enterprise can become a profit center.

According to Dean, key applications of private 4G/5G networks are on-site coverage for public MNO’s subscribers, IT resources (LAN/WAN), static & moving IoT devices, Operational Technology (OT) and voice connectivity over a specific area.

Where CBRS fits in?

Historically for naval radars, the CBRS band is ranging from 3.55 to 3.7 GHz. CBRS is still prioritized for US navy in the coastal areas. The rest of the spectrum is allocated to Protected Access License (up to 70MHz) and to General Authorized Access (up to 150MHz). A database-driven Spectrum Access System manages the resources allocation. The initial commercial deployment took place late 2019 for numerous use cases such as private networks for warehouses or improved indoor coverage for IoT.

What are the roles of mobile carries?

Mobile Carriers have many roles to play in the private networks landscape. We’re expecting to see them evolve a lot in the next few years and vary from large venues with many visitors, offices, industrial sites with IoT connectivity, multi-sites companies and government (super secure networks requirements). When deploying private 4G/5G, MNO’s might adopt hybrid model through interoperability agreement with public networks.

Due to private networks and shared spectrum, the traditional mobile networks value chain is slowly shifting. The delivery models are more heterogeneous and the 5G world is expecting to look like the IT industry where we see complex webs of strategic partnership, OEM and while-label business models.

What are the private networks deployment challenges?

Firstly, as private networks vary a lot in size, architecture and vendor/owner alignment, the challenge is to find the common horizontal for market expansion. There’s also lot of work around spectrum releases, technology standardization and the economics of deployment. Dean is also seeing technical, commercial, and regulatory obstacles such as network identity, cyber security and radiation.

For more details, download our Private LTE & CBRS eBook.

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