Simplifying Public Safety Surveys and Grid Tests

Release 19.1 of iBwave Public Safety is now available. As part of the latest release, we’ve added a new feature to iBwave Mobile Survey for Public Safety: GRID TESTING.
The addition of the GRID TESTING feature further simplifies the process of surveying in-building wireless networks for public safety requirements with the iBwave Mobile Survey solution. It streamlines the approval process for public safety network surveys. And it retains the ease-of-use that comes with the integration of the Mobile Survey solution with the Epiq Solutions PRiSM™ Scanner. All of which makes iBwave Mobile Survey for Public Safety a flexible, lightweight, and affordable option for all public safety network surveys.
Easy, Efficient Grid Tests
An important tool in any public safety field technician’s toolbox is the ability to perform accurate grid tests and generate reports for approval from Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This requires being able to draw grids according to code regulations, capture P25 measurement data, visualize whether a grid will pass or fail, and generate reports to send to AHJs.
Our new grid test feature simplifies the grid testing process for public safety engineers and field technicians. It enables simple drawing of grids, making it easy to stay within code guidelines, while integrated threshold settings flag deviations from AHJ requirements.
Under the new GRID TESTING tab in the app, users have four functionalities: ADD GRID, CRITICAL, SETTINGS, and START TEST.
ADD GRID allows users to add and edit grids as needed, including changing the number of rows and columns, as well as the ability to ignore cells using the “disable cell” button.
CRITIAL allows users to add markers on the floor plan to assign critical areas.
SETTINGS provides four options:
- Set limits for each measurement type
- Choose which measurements to include in grid testing
- Choose between three types of data collection: average, minimum, and maximum
- Set the percentage of general and critical areas that need to pass
Simplified Scanning
P25 measurement data can easily be captured with the handheld Epiq Solutions PRiSM scanner. This lightweight and robust tool is optimized to quickly scan and analyze coverage, interference, and anomalies in P25 networks. The easy-to-use interface simplifies the capture of measurement points. Integration with the iBwave Mobile Survey for Public Safety solution enables real-time, robust, and fast collection of survey data with minimal start-up time and cost.
Streamlined Workflows
Generating reports that will pass AHJ review is also a lot easier with this latest release. With the grid test feature’s ability to automatically generate pass/fail reports, the approval process is simple and more straightforward. Plus, reports can be submitted on the spot to AHJs for approval.
By leveraging these new capabilities, engineers and field technicians can streamline their workflows, saving valuable time while also ensuring they’ve maximized the chance of their report package submittal being approved.
More Surveys Faster
Using the simple and cost-effective combination of iBwave Mobile Survey for Public Safety and the Epiq PRiSM Scanner, more survey engineers can be equipped, and more surveys can be conducted more quickly and easily on any budget.
We’ve also added an Uplink RSSI Output map feature to the Public Safety desktop solution with this release, which provides a more complete picture of network performance and simplifies the network design process.
Faster, Easier, More Accurate Public Safety Network Surveys
The ability to quickly, easily, and affordably survey network coverage is critical to efficient design and deployment of in-building public safety wireless networks.
The latest release of our robust iBwave Mobile Survey for Public Safety solution and its integration with the Epiq Solutions PRiSM Scanner makes iBwave an all-in-one public safety network survey option. Designed, engineered, and optimized to meet the specific survey requirements of public safety P25 and LTE networks, our solution provides a simpler, more affordable way to perform site surveys
Learn more about our Grid Test and Epiq Solutions’ PRiSM scanner in our press release.
To learn more, watch our webinar on Simplifying Public Safety Surveys.
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