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Wireless Standards References – Poster Series


Wireless Standards References – Poster Series

Wireless Standards References - Poster Series

Designing a high performing wireless network is not easy.

Especially, when the end goal is a network that provides high-performance coverage & capacity, and won’t need much troubleshooting and maintenance. This is even harder when you have limited time and budget to finish your Wi-Fi project within!

As an engineer, how many tables, cheat sheets, and references do you spend time looking up and using when designing your network? Ever find yourself looking up 20, 40, 80, 160 MHz channels, 802.11ac data rates, PoE types and power classes or  5 GHz U-NII bands and channels overview?

Do you ever find yourself spending too much time looking up reference information? The truth is, unless you have a phenomenal photographic memory or have mastered some mathematical conversion tricks, the moment will come when you will need to refer to something to check your data. Even the best wireless gurus or grandmasters of the universe, need a little reference now and then.

I'm an engineer

So what have we done about it?

Here at iBwave we’ve heard your pains and are continuously searching for ways to make the wireless network design experience faster and easier. Which is why we’ve been gathering your opinions on what cheat sheets, tables, and references you need for your work. Then, together with our R&D team, we have created a series of wireless reference posters to be used during the wireless network planning and design process (you’ve probably seen a few around!).

Wireless Standards Poster 802.11ac

Which reference posters have we created so far?

We started with a 5 GHz Wireless Standards Reference poster, and after sorting through the requests, released 802.11 Wireless Standards and Power over Ethernet (PoE): Standards & Security.

Wireless Standards Poster 5GHz

Finally, our latest poster is about IEEE 802.11 Wireless Standards.

Check the wireless reference posters out if you haven’t already! All of them come in high-resolution, ready-to-print PDFs.

And please leave your comments to let us know what other reference sheets/posters or infographics will interest you or will be helpful in your job!

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