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iBwave Cocktail at MWC! (Day 3)


iBwave Cocktail at MWC! (Day 3)

iBwave Cocktail at MWC! (Day 3)

The Day 3 blog post is focusing on last night’s iBwave cocktail, the highlight of the week! Well, for us, at least. We began by distributing iBwave hats to all of the catering staff who wore them the whole night as they tended the bar and passed out hors d’oeuvres. Thanks to our super catering company, Prats Fatjo for the friendly and professional service.

iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC

At 4pm people started rolling in and soon enough, the stand was packed! 120 people came by, making it MWC‘s biggest in-building social event. Check out the video below to get a feel for the atmosphere:

Thanks to all who attended! Here are a few photos from the event:

iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC
iBwave Cocktail at MWC

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