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10 Things you Need to Know about the Argentinian In-Building Wireless Market


10 Things you Need to Know about the Argentinian In-Building Wireless Market

10 Things you Need to Know about the Argentinian In-Building Wireless Market

In light of our recent in-building seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we thought we’d share some of the market intelligence we gathered in the region. Enjoy!

  1. Argentina is one of the most dynamic mobile markets and the third largest in Latin America, after Brazil and Mexico.
  2. Mobile penetration looks set to reach approximately 147% by the end of 2013, with the number of subscribers increasing by 3% annually.
  3. Many Argentineans own multiple SIM cards, some having different phones for work and personal calls, some having a phone for each mobile company to take advantage of special offers, and some requiring an additional SIM card for mobile broadband.
  4. Argentina’s smartphone penetration is well above the estimated world average; at the end of 2012, about 24% of Argentineans owned a smartphone, compared with an estimated 15% world penetration. In 2013, Argentina’s smartphone market is expected to outperform all other markets in the region.
  5. Three mobile companies compete neck-and-neck, each one controlling about one third of the country’s mobile market: América Móvil’s Claro is the market leader, followed by Telecom Personal (the mobile unit of Telecom Argentina, controlled by Telecom Italia) and Telefónica’s MovistarNextel has but a small 3% market share, and Fecosur, an association of fixed-line telecom cooperatives, offers Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) services branded as Nuestro.
  6. Mexican finance group Fintech recently agreed to acquire a stake in Telecom Argentina SA from Telecom Italia in a $960 million deal to benefit from increasing Web and video use on mobile devices.
  7. LTE is not operative yet but deployments will start in 2014 in order to cope with the huge data demand. No mobile operator wants to be left behind.
  8. There is a strong lack of in-building infrastructure to offload the mobile outdoor network and satisfy current and future data demand.
  9. The iBwave Product Suite is already the standard design tool in the country: all DAS networks at stadiums, shopping malls, and office buildings were designed and optimized by using iBwave products.

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